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Biotech / Medical
Geron Corp.
An SI Board Since November 1996
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
3570 157 0 GERN
Emcee:  XenaLives Type:  Moderated
Welcome to all of the Yahoo refugees....

Some of you are missing the Rec's feature of Yahoo, it's here. I haven't figured out all of the moderator functions here yet, but I can "ban" a poster, so I'll state that the only reason I can think of for banning someone is consistent abuse of other posters and lack of content - you know who I mean - and it won't be permitted.


On the subject of political posts -
I'm going to quote SI Admin on their board policy:

To: PaulaGem (who wrote) 7/31/2006 5:12:30 PM
From: SI Admin (Dave)

I don't know anything about GERN. Geopolitical discussion that is relevant to GERN is of course okay. Partisan (ideological) politics are not, because they will wind up drowning out the subject that is supposed to be discussed.

In other words, no Bush bashing or cheering, no Israel bashing or cheering, no pontificating on the war... off-topic stuff that has nothing to do with GERN. SI does accommodate that dialog, but not on investment forum boards. In other words, not like Yahoo. :-)

I would not have even mentioned it except that I saw you specifically address it in the board's description and it contradicts our operating policies regarding off-topic posting on investment forum boards.


Folks tend to get passionate about Geron - Many of us think of this one as the "next Microsoft". Geronian has an excellent summary of the company's developments here:

Geron - there from the beginning ( also contributed by Geronian)

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 6, 1998; Page A01

..."The new work [first isolation of human embryonic stem cells] was reported yesterday by two teams of scientists working independently. James A. Thomson, an embryologist at the University of Wisconsin, and his colleagues describe their success in today's issue of the journal Science. John D. Gearhart of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore led the other effort, results of which will appear in the Nov. 10 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Both teams, along with a group at the University of California at San Francisco, had been racing for years to isolate the cells, viewed as a likely biotechnology gold mine. All three teams have licensed commercial rights to Geron Corp., a biotechnology company in Menlo Park, Calif..."


Geron's Programs, Patents and Cash
by: chrisclub 06/15/06 01:08 pm
Msg: 331019 of 331022

Cancer drug (GRN163L), Cancer vaccine (TVAX/GRNVAC1), cancer killing virus, Embryonic Stem Cells, Geron/Roche cancer detection, Geron/Proctor&Gamble drug testing cells, Animal cloning, AIDs Treatment, and much more.

Geron's Cancer Programs:

- GRN163L Leukemia clinical trial at 4 hospitals (3NY+1OH). At least 1 patient received first shot as of Sept 26, 2005.

- Second GRN163L clinical trial for solid tumor "all comers" started March, 2006 in Chicago.

- TVAX: Results from Duke Phae I-II clinical trial - PSA doubling time increased from 2.9 months to over 100 months, Cancer cells cleared from the blood. TVAX manufacturing process transfered to Geron. TVAX LAMP/ONTAK optimization trials underway at Duke in preperation for new Phase II clinical trials. Data already from 80 patients in TVAX trials.

-Onco Virus CG5757 licensed to Cell Genesys.
Tested against bladder and lung cancer in mice. "By 4 weeks after the first treatment, tumors in control animals had increased 9.4-fold in size, whereas tumors in animals
treated with CG5757 regressed to 72% of the original baseline size. 50% of the treated animals had complete regression of the 253J B-V tumor xenografts..."

Geron's Stem Cell Programs:

- ESC nerve cells allow paralized rats to walk again. IND for Clinical trial to repair spinal cord injuries expected in 2006.

- ESC islets treat diabetes; 80% of animals alive on day 50, while all controls had died.

- ESC heart cells fully repair damaged hearts in 1 month.
"They engraft and integrate into normal rat hearts, and in the
Stanford study where we gave these cells to the mice that had a
massive infarct and then came back four weeks later, we show that
animals receiving human cardiomyocytes in the presence of antioxidants have their cardiac output restored almost to the normal value."

- ESC derived liver cells, modified to turn green to make detection of active compounds easier in Drug discovery.

- ESCs: "We have scalable GMP manufacturing with a patented,
chemically defined serum and feeder free methodology".

- ESCs: "We have two lines fully qualified for human use and we have multiple new lines that have been derived without any mouse feeders in the derivation process"

Geron's AIDs and organ/cell rejuvination programs:

- HIV treatment in a new 50% Geron/50% China owned company to test Geron compounds that activate telomerase to rejuvinate the immune system of HIV patients. Currently in a liver repair study, to start stroke and heart repair studies.

Animal Cloning:

Geron and Exeter Life Sciences formed stART, to License animal cloning technologies. This portfolio includes Geron's "Dolly" cloning patents as well as Exeter's patents for producing protiens in milk and Exeter's patents for chromatin transfer.

Geron/Roche Cancer Detection equipment:

-Geron/Roche cancer detection equipment to be sold in Europe in 2006.

(as of June 14, 2006 (Needham slide 29).

Stem Cell Patents:
US = 21
Foreign = 30
Pending = 231

Telomerase Patents:
US = 103
Foreign = 152
Pending = 165

Cloning Patents:
US = 5
Foreign = 39
Pending = 52

Total US = 129
Total Foreign = 221
Total Pending = 448
Total US, Foreign and Pending = 798

Cash and cash equivalents (3/31/06) = $189 million

Current cash burn rate = $33.5 million/year (2005)
5.4 years of cash at current burn rate

Debt = $0
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
3570My EOY Review of GERN INTRO Here's my semi-annual exercise to see if I remetktrimbath-12/31/2024
3569Geron’s stock has surged over 58% year-to-date following the success of its grouSavant-12/30/2024
3568Needham & Company LLC reiterated their buy rating on shares of Geron ( NASDASavant112/23/2024
3567I'm surprised that the stock hasn't done better since FDA approval. Do tktrimbath-12/23/2024
3566My mid-year review of GERN INTRO Here's my semi-annual exercise to see if Itktrimbath16/28/2024
3565From my oldest blog, which tends to be about personal finance (but no one is paytktrimbath-6/7/2024
3564Geron gets approval. From BusinessWire; "Geron Announces FDA Approval of Rtktrimbath16/7/2024
3563Sold my house. Bought a more affordable one. Bought a bit of: $GERN (The longertktrimbath-5/21/2024
3562Yes sir….Im on it, not sure how I’m going to play it….IF she does a quick spike,cycleupcycledown14/15/2024
3561Warning: I rarely get biotech nomenclature right, except by chance but, An Advistktrimbath23/16/2024
3560Article today said Imetelstat reached primary endpoint in phase 3 imerge trial. cycleupcycledown-3/15/2024
3559I think one or two voted against based on safety concerns. I think that was reletktrimbath-3/15/2024
3558wonder why 2 of the panelists voted against....conflict of interest?? Savant-3/15/2024
3557Outside chance becomes a meme stock, efficacy on many fronts…..cracked the telomcycleupcycledown-3/15/2024
3556Yay. Whew. Good news. "The panel, by a wide 12-to-2 margin, voted in favortktrimbath13/14/2024
3555We/Geron/GERN almost had good news? statnews.comtktrimbath-3/13/2024
3554my semi-annual exercise of GERN INTRO Here's my semi-annual exercise to seetktrimbath112/29/2023
3553Bleeding? Yeah, but I'm emotionally bled dry. Somehow hope remains. Applyintktrimbath-6/30/2023
3552T, more like bleeding wallet for long term holders.... have a small position froSavant-6/30/2023
3551INTRO Here's my semi-annual exercise to see if I remember why I own the stoctktrimbath-6/30/2023
3550The Motley Fool had a favorable mention for GERN. I don't trust them as muctktrimbath-2/14/2023
3549GERN up 64% premar, backed off some now seekingalpha.comSavant-1/4/2023
3548INTRO Here's my semi-annual exercise to see if I remember why I own the stoctktrimbath-12/30/2022
3547Major stock option grants to new hires GERN -1.9396% [graphic] Thu, October Savant-10/24/2022
3546I'm hoping for some sort of deal or good news before Jan results. In sum at cycleupcycledown110/8/2022
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