To: explorationguy who wrote (10618 ) 2/23/2020 5:53:26 PM From: louel 1 RecommendationRecommended By explorationguy
Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 10654 I held AMK when it was involved in the big court case a few years back. Got out and forgot it the claims Tudor is involved in certainly seem to have potential. I look on Venture stocks for the most part as trading stocks. When they look like they are topping out I'm gone . If the drill results are consistently good over decent intervals , Or the area is under explored or upstream from great historical free gold discoveries I keep around 90% of any profits in shares pending further exploration . Then dump it if it doesn't pan out. A couple I will mention worth a look I would suggest is Skeena Resources (SKE) working with the former Murry Pezzim property if I remember right. Look at their drill assays. Lots of territory to explore yet. I think I mentioned SKE a year back. It's done well so far. And if they continue to produce like past results still upside left. Presently I hold only shares from profits but will make another trade if it pulls back to the 90 cent support and produces a reversal signal. The object will be to add a few more profit shares to the holding. Another one I hold from 19 cents is Klondike Gold. (KG) They hold a large area of upstream valleys out of Dawson where gold rush miners made fortunes with gold pans. The source of the transient gold was never discovered. KG has searched near surface for a number of years Then they decided to drill. and came up with pretty high grade in a deep hole. Nearer the surface lower grades but over long intervals . This coming year they say drilling deeper will be the program to see if they can confirm a deeper resource. Below is what the CEO says. What the CEO says "When we first got into the Klondike, really there had been no known sources of gold identified and historically it had been thought of as always high grade and the Klondike is known for gold nuggets so where are they all?" said CEO Peter Tallman. "So we kind of went nobody's been able to find those, let’s look for something else and got onto this low- grade, disseminated gold over broad widths model." But then, the boss said, looking geologically around the district for comparisons, the firm identified the Pogo mine, which is along strike and over the border into Alaska, which also has disseminated gold 200m or so below surface, and below that another 200m lies the high grade quartz Pogo vein. Tallman said topographically, Pogo was comparable to Klondike's Lone Star zone, which has low-grade gold sitting at surface but 200m below are high grade quartz veins. "So we went back, reviewed the data, particularly from last year, and found that we'd actually intersected a bunch of high grade quartz veins." "The company's latest interpretation, suggests the main ‘Lone Star' mineralized horizon has been fault offset slightly south and was untested in 2019. "Mineralization in drill holes reported here extends the known envelope of Lone Star Zone mineralization along the Bonanza Fault for up to 400 meters to the east and provides information for high priority targets. "The program was successful in intersecting broad zones of gold mineralization containing local intervals of high-grade gold. Now the firm is going back to drill this, in 2020. And third you might want to read up on Bench Metals (BNCH) The property is approx 40km north west of Kemess mines About 70 or so by road. We did a lot of work in those parts in the 80's and 90's. Bench property encompass the former Cheni Gold Mines (Lawyer Mine) My brother trucked fuel and supplies from Prince George into Cheni and Kemess He loved the country. it is very natural and beautiful. Before he passed away he asked if his final resting place could be somewhere there. So his sons and us made the 500 km journey NW from Mackenzie BC . Climbed the highest accessible mountain and placed the URN with his ashes under a ledge over looking thousands of sq kms. of mountains and valleys including the Cheni mine. I'm sure he would be happy to see the mine reopen again. Cheni profitably produced a lot of gold. at much lower price than it is today. Probably one of the most remote places in BC accessible by logging road. Here is the link to Bench Metals. Latest news was about 10 days ago.