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To: gamesmistress who wrote (72659)9/22/2004 6:24:20 PM
From: SiouxPal  Respond to of 789955
George did great at the convention, but the night before....

To: gamesmistress who wrote (72659)9/22/2004 7:09:28 PM
From: Alan Smithee  Respond to of 789955

Soup Al is here because things have gotten boring on the John F. Kerry for President thread.

He's just looking to stir the pot and create trouble.

The SI ignore feature works well on him.

To: gamesmistress who wrote (72659)9/22/2004 7:26:26 PM
From: SiouxPal  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 789955
I hope not also. Did you see Joe Biden on Hardball a few minutes ago? What do you think of his opinions?


To: gamesmistress who wrote (72659)9/22/2004 9:35:04 PM
From: NickSE  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 789955
Just pulled up the draft bill (HR163) and confirmed all sponsors of the bill are Democrats. Yet Kerry accuses Bush of attempting to reinstate the draft. Unbelievable.

Most if not all of whom are Democrats, loudly complaining that Bush will reinstitute the draft! Isn't that special?

Title: To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes.

Rep Rangel, Charles B. [Democrat - New York]

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [Democrat - Hawaii]
Rep Brown, Corrine [Democrat - Florida]
Rep Christensen, Donna M. [Democrat - Virgin Islands]
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [Democrat - Missouri]
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [Democrat - Michigan]
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [Democrat - Maryland]
Rep Hastings, Alcee L. [Democrat - Florida]
Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [Democrat - Illinois]
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [Democrat - Texas]
Rep Lewis, John [Democrat - Georgia]
Rep McDermott, Jim [Democrat - Washington]
Rep Moran, James P. [Democrat - Virginia]
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [Democrat - California]
Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [Democrat - New York]