The Lies are mainly from Gary Dobry's web site at On The Canvas
from a section called Permeating The Cyber Membrane Into The New World Order
Material has also been collected from the Raging Bull and Silicon Investors message boards, and other e-mails and private messages between individuals.
The main sources of The Lies are four people:
DOBRY The fantastic lies, libel and slanderous fantasies of Dobry MARVIN .The attacks, lies. and harassment tactics of Marvin in support of Dobry DEANER The Dot Connector, Deaner and her egregious errors, including attempted blackmail. KUHNS The eager apprentice, Kuhns repeats lies dictated to him by his master Dobry. He also makes threats of physical violence and racial slurs against people he hates, including death threats. KUHNS - THREATS A CURRENT DOBRY LIE
This appeared on Dobry's web site in the morning of 21 Jun 2001. The content is astonishingly paranoid in nature, and contains the LIE that Dobry asked WLS 890AM radio in Chicago to remove their hyperlink to his page. Jeff Mitchell and Janice Shell, among others, had written to WLS management requesting that they remove the link to Dobry's site. Dobry lies and tries to make it look like it was his idea.
By: scion Reply To: 120464 by janice456 $$$$ Thursday, 21 Jun 2001 at 1:39 PM EDT Post # of 120497
Newest Additions: 6/20/01: Jeffrey S Mitchell, aka William Lee Secrest, sends me unsolicited email. ALL my email is CC:'d to the federal agents I am in contact with. Mitchell added a new name, other than Mendelson who defended him when he, Janice Evans aka Janice Shell, & William Ulrich were sued for fraud by Business Wire (new name in red). I certainly hope none of the email exchanges between Mitchell and this new name that he added to my CC: list are ever deleted or destroyed. I requested that they not be.:
From: (Jeff Mitchell) To:,,,, CC:,
"...Also, for the record, I've never ever to my knowledge had any dealings with "Deak-Perera Capital Mkts, Amerivet aka AccessTradeOne Commodities."
- Jeff Mitchell
I also requested that WLS 890AM, in Chicago, remove the link for my web-site from their homepage that allowed WLS listeners to veiw Jay Marvin's fantastic works of art and read his prose because Jeffrey S Mitchell's, Robert Zumbrunnen's and Janice Evans', aka Janice Shell's, acts of terrorism now include terrorist acts against a member of the press, WLS talk-host, Jay Marvin.
In this exchange of messages, KUHNS (alias antibash), receives instructions from DOBRY (alias Spider Valdez) about what to post on the AZNT message board.
To: Spider Valdez From: antibash Friday, Oct 16 1998 11:41PM ET
Spider, sorry I posted on AZNT, but I simply posted a..LOLOLOL and the #### hit the fan. Last post to keep them looking stupid.lolol I respect you because of your connection to AZNT and you, like I, stick with our investment decision. anti
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Saturday, Oct 17 1998 12:20AM ET
ok, but company is working on libel case against bashers of aznt! qualey ask we just let them post and stay away!! so lets try. i talk to qualey first thing monday! sylver tell me tonight cert for 4mm shares are to be delivered thursday. the court will not make any extensions!!! thursday is it! spider
To: Spider Valdez (who wrote...) From: antibash Saturday, Oct 17 1998 1:17AM ET
I understand, my info is not to accurate on time relating accounts either. I will not let the bashers have their way with AZNT. If necessary, I can the hype the #### out of any stock to back off the followers of bashers. I will hold off until next Friday, since Sylver is as close as it gets, I trust your word. I basically control 190,000 free trading shares. My people trust me and rely on my decision to sell or hold. I am not a pro at short squeezes, but I won't go down with the ship either. I thank you for all the info you supply me, keeps me at peace. I don't mean this to come off as harsh if that is what you read of it. Keep me posted, I do appreciate it, good luck. anti
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Saturday, Oct 17 1998 1:24AM ET
there is a new lawyer added to aznt's legal team. the judge himself had to change the date from tues to thurs because of scheduling conflict. the cert for the 4mm shares will be delivered ON THURSDAY!! this is a CERTAINTY! i was to speak to quayle tonight. sylver called me to expect his call. i got message saying we will talk monday instead. once the cert is received the squeeze will start. 2.5mm shares will be called into name! short is 3.7 against the cert being delivered to court thurs! that is immediate margin call, the short will now be naked! shell, mitchell & ulrich KNOW NOTHING or are simply LYING! all there posts go direct to qualey for libel suit and violation of Rico statutes. do not fall for their games. you can see by their meaness now they may know the end is near! spider
In this exchange of messages between DOBRY (alias Spider Valdez) and KUHNS (alias antibash) the question seems to be, "Is 'Marcasse' short or not?:
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Tuesday, Nov 10 1998 9:18PM ET
this is question i try to find answer to, first you forget marcasse is short naked and cary chimino is short 200K. question is raised is 4 million shares S8 or 144? I get 2 different stories. if it is 144, the float is only 720K !! spider
To: Spider Valdez (who wrote...) From: antibash Tuesday, Nov 10 1998 9:31PM ET
Ask Mike for new tabulation performed by the Auditing Department. They don't show Marcasse or Chimino short at all, unless certs are in a different name.??? anti
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Tuesday, Nov 10 1998 9:41PM ET
Marcasse short is naked!! he shorted out of canada even yesterday spider
To: Spider Valdez (who wrote...) From: antibash Tuesday, Nov 10 1998 9:45PM ET
I know that, you know that, but the tabulation doesn't say this! anti
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Tuesday, Nov 10 1998 11:48PM ET
i talk to mike tonite. he has dtc sheet. marcasse is short 3 mm naked through p.i.. float is 720,000 shares. line A tells much stock traded. line B shows co. how much inventory changed hands. the difference is the short position.
To: Spider Valdez (who wrote...) From: antibash Wednesday, Nov 11 1998 12:25PM ET
Sorry, I did not explain my findings very well. The figure of 3,280,000 is the float before the shorts. I hear that the 10k might happen tomorrow and the 10q right on its heels. anti
To: antibash (who wrote...) From: Spider Valdez Wednesday, Nov 11 1998 12:39PM ET
yes, you are right then. financials are VERY CLOSE, intellectual property issue is defered to next 10K. yes, float is 720,000K. marcasse is short naked himself 3 million + shares. vanderkelen is shareholder/owner of sweet factory . contract is with retn which will distribute to sweet factory. aznt started shipping product yesterday. i give 2 sec investigators 500+ pages about bashers. these 2 investigators btw buy ton @ d.c. retail outlet and like it very much! lololol! all looks good! spider |