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Technology Stocks : FORE Inc. -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: shk who wrote (10579)2/27/1999 12:15:00 AM
From: Jeff Lins  Read Replies (2) | Respond to of 12559
Back end loaded, eh? As long as they deliver, no problem. 50% in final month of quarter is not too unusual...just hope it isn't their little way of softening us up...

As for Fore the Aquirer...I would prefer Fore the Target...still, I don't see anything wrong with this latest announcement. Good technology, engineers, clients...shouldn't be very expensive, and as much as I hate to admit it, will be good, down the road. Like many of you, however, I would like to see something good TODAY...still, couldn't help it, and picked up some more at an average of $14.75...

To: shk who wrote (10579)2/27/1999 2:18:00 AM
From: jach  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 12559
No brainer for FORE at these prices. FORE at real bargain basement 1.7B$ mkt cap with close to 700m in revenue.
Again, it's a surprise to see naive investors and MMs still paying attention to these no-clue analysts. The only thing they know very well is that if the qtr relaese is good then do upgrade, if bad then do downgrade. Even a kid that is half asleep can do this in their dreams.
Loaded the truck with tons of FORE. Last time loaded at around 12$ and emptied at 20+. IMO, to get another 80% appreciation and more within six months is very possible.
Just wait and see, the same no-clue analysts will be saying upgrade when FORE announces some more contracts (more big ones coming) and that they meet the qtr. No wonder most of these analysts could not even match the performance of the simple S&P 500 index. Why waste money and bother paying attention to them and using their services. Just using deep discount Internet broker and buying S&P 500 (SPY) will beat most of these no-clue analysts managed accounts. all imo.