To: Scot who wrote (2313 ) 12/5/2000 7:21:27 PM From: Scot Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 2319 Scott Miller Q&A JCal @ 12:04 PM Your Time After the announcement today of Take Two Interactive and Gathering of Developers's acquiring the rights to publish Duke Nukem Forever, Stomped contacted 3D Realms president Scott Miller to find out from him why Infogrames will no longer be publishing the first person shooter: Stomped: First, why the change in publishers? Did Infogrames want to get rid of the Duke Nukem franchise or did Take Two simply offer them a deal they couldn't refuse? Miller: When Infogrames bought GT Interactive, they did seem to lean a little more toward family oriented games, and though that was a small concern for us it wasn’t the impetus for this deal. It was really just a case of both companies, through discussions that began near six months ago, realizing we were no longer the best fit for each other and that the best thing to do was find a new publisher. Take-Two was an obvious choice for us because of our existing relationship with them, including our other big production, Max Payne. Stomped: How does this change in publishers affect the actual development of Duke Nukem Forever? Miller: Other than an internal meeting that lasted about 10 minutes, there really is no delay or other effect related to this deal. Stomped: The press release we received stated that DNF will be published in "the second half of 2001". Can you confirm that the game will be released in that time frame? Miller: That’s as good a guesstimate as any other I’ve heard. Stomped: Can you give us a brief status report on DNF, Max Payne, and also Duke Nukem: Endangered Species? Miller: All three of these games are proceeding along at a good pace, and all three look like they’ll live up to or exceed fans’ expectations. Stomped: Will the Duke Nukem franchise appear on any next generation consoles? If so, which ones and in what kinds of games? Miller: Currently developer n-Space is working on an original PS2 title. That’s it.