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Technology Stocks : EBIZ Does anyone know anything about this company? -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: scamedfred who wrote (22)3/27/1998 11:42:00 AM
From: justaninvestor  Respond to of 40
Well Scam - <.this company has nothing just like all the others.>

What exactly do you mean by this, that they don't have the 4096 Bit encryption software that they claim they have? That they don't have the report from SNC Lavalin (one of the world's largest engineering firms) that says that the software is virtually unbeatable? That they will not be offering $5M to whoever can crack their code?

Why don't you phone Chris McNeill at 1-888-543-5511 to get some of these answers. Just because you've had some bad experiences with Dave D in the past, please don't paint Jaws with the same brush. I became involved with Jaws long before Dave D had ever heard of it. Is it speculative? Sure, but it's no scam.



To: scamedfred who wrote (22)3/27/1998 12:10:00 PM
From: Moonglow  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 40
Your negativity is as bad as those who falsely hype a stock.

Why? Because neither side presents facts and/or pointers about the stock....they just talk about what they think the stock will do.

I've spoken with Dave D. before. I like him. Sometimes he has given me stock tips, most of which I've had to ignore because didn't have the free cash.

And yes, he mentioned JAWS (might as well call it that) to me. And do you know what? I didn't take his word for it.....I don't ever take anybody's word about a stock until I check it out first for myself.

And when I checked out the JAWS website, I liked what I saw. I accidentally ran across it because Dave had told me about the EBIZ website. They are two different sites.....two different companies.

Why don't we all quit pointing fingers and saying things about the messenger, and instead concentrate on the stock? Make sense?

Now then....I like the JAWS website. I like it very much. And if they can do even 1/2 of what they say they can do, then this stock JAWS is going to become very successful.

Think about it. Internet security has been all over the news recently. Internet security is vital to many corporations and also to many countries, including our own. Any company who can help protect vital secrets from being cracked open by hackers is a company who is very much needed indeed.

I'm afraid I don't have much time right now to go in depth about the JAWS website, but they are offering a lot of information. Has anyone else looked at it? If so, what do you think about what they are saying?

The JAWS website can be found at

Thanks! Juanita