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Gold/Mining/Energy : Zentek Ltd - ZEN -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: Cinema Show who wrote (14562)7/19/2022 6:58:43 PM
From: George693 Recommendations

Recommended By
Mister D

  Respond to of 21018
The ridiculous post by Steakhouse was deleted and I agree with this. I don't believe Benton can do this so at a higher level.
....Steak and I have been on these boards for quite awhile and we have at times tried to be friends- sort of -even though we are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
...Not going into our political views on American stuff, which are opposite, butt seems also Steak is treading into conspiracy theories about vaccines and hesitant to accept science or else why would he post this nonsense?
...Zentek is about science and we are about to rock!