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Technology Stocks : Apple Inc. -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: NAG1 who wrote (210663)7/27/2021 7:25:07 PM
From: Force Majeure  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 213119
I was hoping for a pop over 150 so I can sell some more shares and balance the portfolio...

NAG1, thanks for turning me on to PED 3.0. Did you see the comment from Jerry Doyle on the PED Forest Gump Article?

"Over the years I long have emphasized why owning and “holding” even a few shares of Apple puts you way ahead. And why owning and buying right now is still a very, very smart move."

Never sell... never surrender! :D

To: NAG1 who wrote (210663)7/27/2021 9:11:25 PM
From: clean861 Recommendation

Recommended By
Stock Puppy

  Read Replies (3) | Respond to of 213119
Had to do some portfolio rebalancing myself over the last couple of days.

3 out of the 4 stocks hit the prices I set no issue.

The 4th which I had to sell today or face margin charges kept getting super close to my number then falling back.

Sat up all night watching level 2 numbers and kept lowering my number so the sale happened.

Went to sleep and the market rallied into the close hitting what I had originally set the price for.

Guess the only way to guarantee the stock goes up is for us to sell it.

Think what tanked the stock today was the news about the iPhone chip shortages.