To: Doug R who wrote (4657 ) 8/13/2023 12:32:12 PM From: Doug R 1 RecommendationRecommended By 3bar
Read Replies (3) | Respond to of 6135 Update on the race to SHTF. Social/economic collapse is running in a pack, rounding the far turn with grid down, food security and solar event. AMOC and volcanoes have combined efforts to jointly take a substantial lead. Perhaps entering the home stretch. Together with an AMOC shutdown, a Dansgaard Oeschger event may begin. . The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hap'ai eruption took control of the atmosphere by injecting an astronomical amount of water vapor into both the stratosphere and troposphere (maybe even the mesosphere). Water vapor IS a potent greenhouse gas. With some lag time, it's now showing up in the data. One characteristic of a Dansgaard Oeschger event is a surge of icebergs entering the North Atlantic as Greenland begins to calve them in large quantities. A sharp spike in warming accomplishes this. A large undersea volcanic eruption brings the warming spike. . That calving along with cold fresh water (that doesn't sink into the salt water of the ocean) flowing off Greenland into the AMOC shuts it completely down. It's in a weakened state already.Without the oceanic currents bringing warm water north, Europe and North America experience a sudden and catastrophic temperature drop. . With 10s of thousands more volcanoes under the oceans, where the crust is thinner, than on land, and cosmic ray flux elevated due to the cyclical magnetic pole shift weakening the magnetosphere, it just may be that each time Earth comes to this point in the cycle, an undersea eruption begins the culminating events. "Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation" Tonga's affects coupled with a newly emerging, forecasted to be strong El Nino are likely to take this data significantly higher.