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Gold/Mining/Energy : Copper Fox -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: Theotokos who wrote (10632)3/31/2020 6:00:49 PM
From: louel  Respond to of 10654
There are estimated 30 mines going to deplete their resourses abd close by 2040. Very little Copper in Warehouse storage. Perhaps a month when the economy ramps up again Just to stay even with current demand. It means they will have to open 14 new mines per year and of course we have all heard demand is projected to outstrip supply. Simply on population growth alone.
We know it takes five years construction time so the time fame hardly allows The majors to build. Depending on their situation. The most likely approach will be acquisitions of good resources both turnkey and the highest grade easy access juniors.
I see Nevada Copper Pumpkin Hollow, as a Target safe mining friendly State &country lower taxes easy access pretty well shovel ready.
My personal preference is Copper Mountain. 31 year mine life yet at Princeton BC And working on another much the same in Australia. Right next door to Teck Highland Valley Paid down a lot of debt over the last few years. And is under valued down from $7.50 now low 30 Cent range Still operating in the higher grade pits any rise in copper prices they can adjust to to lower grades and still be profitable. I believe it is on some majors list already Daily Trade volumes 350 000 to a million.
I am as of late inclined to go with those generating capital rather than those still trying to put it together.

I do hold KG and a coulple of others for the summer Drill program results rally and will sell then. That's my risk. Of course I still have SEK their still halted, Why ? don't reply to any inquiries I've sent Mabye it's a good thing at present.

To: Theotokos who wrote (10632)4/22/2020 11:22:04 AM
From: louel  Respond to of 10654
From My perspective putting money in Junior exploration stocksis NOT investing but rather speculative gambling. basically giving money to someone you really do not know so they can chase an idea. Which is based on guess work. No firm grounds or guarantee it is even a good one and historical evidence reveals 90% of people who promoted similar programs in the past 100 years failed to produce a mine-able resource. Not good odds. Like giving your money to a stranger who is going to Las Vegas. tell them just pump it into a the slot of your choice. and we'll split the profits. if you do not win. you will still take your travel expenses and a wagge for going. And I agree if you loose it all I will be the one who takes the biggest portion if not all of the loss. with no recource or legal means of ever getting my money back . If you over spend or loose it all due to foolish mistakes or mis judgment in decisions made without my permission you will not be liable and continue to be paid. Should you run out of money just out notice via a fund raising Placement order you need more and I will front further funds for you to play with. All you are legally responsible for is to tell me nice stories of the best your journey and more about potential winning. if you fail to report regularly I will grumble but exept and understand you are busy and as I went into this agreement with eyes wide open as an adult you should not have to baby sit me. I also agree, If I loose all of the money I gave you it is not your fault as I could have left the partnership earlier and salvaged at least a bit. But I chose not to because you told such beautiful convincing hypothetical stories and I blindly believed them.

ON the other hand investing in my books is backed by factual successes Tack record, already known valuable hard assets regular debt and operational cost reports showing a sufficient ongoing revenue stream to cover the expenses and still have some left over to pay down outstanding debt plus pay me interest on the money I have placed in your hands in the form of a dividend. just appears to be less risk my prefferred investing style

Yes tell me what the EBITDA <Return on the investment(ROI), Earnings growth, return on equity so I can calculate how my portion is doing include market swing effects in order for me to verify for myself if you are really up to date or simply spinning a yarn trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

Junior venture stocks trading venues not in my opinion investment creteria yet stocks which meet fundamental investment qualification may still be traded. and I might add with far more predictability and safety. What you think? Caqndidates ?