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To: Peter Ecclesine who wrote (31018)8/17/2009 2:05:01 PM
From: axial  Respond to of 46820
Bananas, anyone? Thanks Peter, I guess we're there... and not only in the US.


BILL MOYERS: Yeah. Are you saying that Timothy Geithner, the Secretary of the Treasury, and others in the administration, with the banks, are engaged in a cover up to keep us from knowing what went wrong?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: Absolutely.


BILL MOYERS: Yeah, and this week in New York, at this conference, you described this as more than a financial crisis. You called it a moral crisis.



WILLIAM K. BLACK: Because it is a fundamental lack of integrity. But also because, if you look back at crises, an economist who is also a presidential appointee, as a regulator in the Savings and Loan industry, right here in New York, Larry White, wrote a book about the Savings and Loan crisis. And he said, you know, one of the most interesting questions is why so few people engaged in fraud? Because objectively, you could have gotten away with it. But only about ten percent of the CEOs, engaged in fraud. So, 90 percent of them were restrained by ethics and integrity. So, far more than law or by F.B.I. agents, it's our integrity that often prevents the greatest abuses. And what we had in this crisis, instead of the Savings and Loan, is the most elite institutions in America engaging or facilitating fraud.


To: Peter Ecclesine who wrote (31018)8/24/2009 11:53:42 AM
From: Frank A. Coluccio  Respond to of 46820
[SmartGrid] Opinion: Why an Electromagnetic Threat Shouldn’t Be a Smart Grid Issue
By Katie Fehrenbacher | earth2tech | August 24th, 2009

[FAC: Opinions welcome concerning the author's assertions and her use of the term 'digital' in this writing, i.e., where the term is used, what it connotes, etc. Maybe this is just a nit, but the surveillance and data acquisition overlay networks that monitor and increasingly control various functions on the electricity bearing grid... do not constitute "the" grid, per se, although these resources certainly make up a growing part of the grid's larger presence (as nebulous as even that is becoming, given the growing presence of distributed renewable sources, and the nature and methods by which interconnects are now evolving. Also note the article references the "Smart Grid Security Blog at maybe worth checking out ... ]
