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Non-Tech : SVXA - Sovereign Exploration Associates International, Inc -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: rrm_bcnu who wrote (58)1/16/2006 11:07:14 PM
From: stockster5  Respond to of 64
An R/S is NEVER good for the common shareholder with under 10 million held. Then again, if you had 10 mill, you may not be a common shareholder. For us lowly 200k, 300k traders, R/S is instant death. It doesn't matter if the new stock sells for 2.00. With your new holding of 133 shares, you won't make back the commission.
I'm just surprised svxp didn't do a 1 for 25,000. Seen that before.
But, a sub-penny almost always stays a sub-penny. It's just the company officers that make the stock money. Thats how the game is played.
When Sprouse got involved and brought in his buddy cavar, (they're both from boston pharmaceutical company) that should have been my cue to cash in. Shame on me.

To: rrm_bcnu who wrote (58)1/17/2006 4:17:30 PM
From: jmhollen  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 64
o/t: SPRU-SPRL, a 13:1. $0.0022 became 0.03, rose from there, never revisited under 0.05 again....

John :-)
