To: Lazarus_Long who wrote (70936 ) 10/27/2003 4:39:31 AM From: zonder Read Replies (-1) | Respond to of 70976 If this is such an abberation, why is it that so many other other ME nations seem to want to turn into Islamic theocracies? Yes, honor killings are rare and happen almost exclusively in the uneducated, over-conservative, ultra-religious corners. Your question as to why countries with Muslim majorities fight movements that intend to turn them to Islamic theocracies is unrelated to honor killings. But it is an interesting one. I don't claim to know the ultimate answer to this, but it seems to me that religion gives the guy at the top of it a great power - there are absolute do's and don'ts and he gets to decide which is which. He can command absolute control of an ignorant population who follow him because they are religious. This dynamic is very tempting for those seeking power, and is very often abused. I saw that trend in several places - politicians vying for power trying to tap into the religious core. One of the dangers with Iraq is that if the US pulls out, an "Islamic democracy" is exactly what we will get Just how you think US will ever prevent it, if that's what Iraqis want? What if they vote for a religious fundamentalist in the elections? What is the US going to do? Invade them again? Promote a coup d'etat a la Chilean? It will be interesting to see how events unfold from here. I would be very disappointed if US lets an Islamist rule take hold of Iraq, but I don't know what they can do to prevent it, quite honestly. Gee, there sure seem to be a lot of countries there that want to turn into repressive, female-abusing theocracies I don't understand your point, if any. In spite of all the **** you throw at the US I don't throw any four-stars at the US. I don't agree with the current US administration's way of four-starring the world. If that's alright with you, I will continue to express my opinion on that. Thank you. I'll take a wife, not a slave. Good for you. Completely irrelevant, of course.