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Politics : World Affairs Discussion -- Ignore unavailable to you. Want to Upgrade?

To: Raymond Duray who wrote (1950)9/17/2002 10:45:56 AM
From: pie-faced-mutt  Respond to of 3959
Buchanan knows who is pulling the strings...and why.

To: Raymond Duray who wrote (1950)9/17/2002 1:06:18 PM
From: Thomas M.  Read Replies (3) | Respond to of 3959
Good articles, especially the second.

Why, then, is the United States, having lost 3,000 people in a terrorist atrocity by an al-Qaida network that is alive and anxious to kill thousands more, about to launch a new war on a country that even its neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia – believe to be contained?


As for his chemical and biological weapons, Saddam's arsenal was largely destroyed by 1998, though a five-year absence of U.N. inspectors has given him time to rebuild his stockpile.

Time to rebuild? Yes. Means to rebuild? Doubtful. Remember, in the 1980s, he had the US, Britain, etc. actively trying to help him build and use these weapons. In the 1990s, he has been under total economic and military sanctions, as well as constant surveillance.
