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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749)9/1/2002 12:49:58 PM
From: goldsnow  Respond to of 3959
You didn't complete this sentence. Jordan relinquished the rights of Palestine to the Palestinians.>>

With one small detail...They forgot to secure Israel's national interests..Sort of like Kurds State but never mind Turkey

Or Albanian State in Macedonia

To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749)9/1/2002 12:53:02 PM
From: goldsnow  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 3959
Germans have the right to claim lost territories (Chech Republic, Poland)..Just because they were driven-out in 1944?

At the close of World War II, Poland lost territory in the East to the Soviet Union, while gaining territory at its western edge at the expense of defeated Germany--thus acquiring a larger German minority. Unfortunately, it was soon after this that the Polish government decided to aim for ethnic homogeneity, beginning an unofficial campaign to oust or assimilate all minorities. From 1945 to 1949, about 3.2 million Germans left Poland (Sword 240). By about 1950, there were still Germans in Poland, but they had become an "invisible minority"--the government simply refused to acknowledge their existence. Indeed, some were actually still in labor camps. The German population suffered severe restrictions on their rights, and until 1950, did not even have official identity documents.
In 1950, Poland signed the Zgorzelec or Görlitz Agreement with

To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749)9/1/2002 12:59:40 PM
From: goldsnow  Respond to of 3959
Aside from Pomerianians and ethnic cleansing of Baltic Germans and
Prussians in Poland, there was also Ethinc cleansing in then Czechoslovakia
(Now Czech Republic) and other areas of Eastern Europe. ( I imagine the
german popualtion of East Prussia that became part of what is now Russian
Federation territory also experienced Ethnic Cleansing. However as the
German populations of Eastern Europe were open and active sympathizers with
the NAZI regime it is not suprising there was not alot of sympathy for
their plight at the time

To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749)9/1/2002 1:09:06 PM
From: goldsnow  Read Replies (1) | Respond to of 3959
If Palestinians would recognise Israel's national interests (like Jordanians have) I suppose that would be the end of the conflict...If Palestinians are going to insist on All or Nothing deal..or dictate the terms of the deal than War is reasonable solution at some point and not really avoidable...Not sure why borders would need to be exactly the same as before 1967....Surely if Arabs were to win, they would not voluntarily return to 1967 borders, would they?