To: WWS who wrote (18) | 9/19/1997 11:15:00 PM | From: Norm Franklin | | |
Bill et al, What's causing the DRTK increase? I know the Aug 14 quarterly earnings were nice, but there seems to be some other force causing an upward movement over the last few days. I haven't seen any recent news. Are they ahead of schedule on the furnace restoration? Anyone know? Norm |
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To: Norm Franklin who wrote (19) | 9/20/1997 12:01:00 AM | From: WWS | | |
Norm, it appears that recent price increase is due in part to positive analyst comments and recommendations. These were described in two articles by Christopher C. Williams that appeared on DJNS on August 29 and Sept. 9. The Sept. 9th article contained 2 "strong buy" recs from Gruntal & Co. and Deutsch Morgan Grenfell. Analyst comments focused on DRTK's 1) diversification, 2) compact with British Nuclear Fuels, 3) acquisition of Scientific Ecology Division of Westinghouse and 4) the continued involvement of the Carlyle Group as DRTK's major shareholder. Prospects look excellent everywhere you look, even with the overhanging concern of when Savannah River vit. plant will go back on line (supposed to be 4th qtr of this year). Zacks ranks DRTK as 3 of 98 in the ecology/environmental sector, a sector which generally has not done very well recently. Looks like those who bought at 4 7/8 on April 1 were NOT April Fools! Best regards to you and the many (or is it few) other DRTK shareholders who monitor this thread. Bill. |
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To: WWS who wrote (20) | 9/20/1997 12:16:00 AM | From: Norm Franklin | | |
Bill, Thanks for the information! Very informative, indeed. I'm a fan of the vitrification process. It's great that they have other revenue producing work to keep them afloat while the furnace is repaired and placed back on line. I'm under the impression that the vitrification capability, if successful, will outshadow all of the other sources of revenue. What's your take? Norm |
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To: Norm Franklin who wrote (21) | 9/20/1997 12:48:00 AM | From: WWS | | |
Floyd---Savannah River, Fernald, Oak Ridge and Hanford (listed in order of size of clean-up needed) will be worth billions to DRTK over the next 40 - 50 years, assuming that they can just get vitrification to work reliably. Meanwhile, they'll grow purely on the strength of nuclear plant shut downs (14 are scheduled to be "taken down" nationwide), incineration of commercial wastes (via Scientific Ecology division), and its thermal desorption operation in Texas. Management is to be commended for realizing the importance of cash flow while waiting for the big vitrification contracts from DOE, which are so susceptible to lengthy delays due to involvement of government beaurocracies. Bill |
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To: WWS who wrote (22) | 9/23/1997 1:51:00 PM | From: jeffrey rainey | | |
Does anyone know why this stock is on the rise?Is a buy in at 15 a good investment? I should have purchased at 8.75 but waited like a fool!!! Thanks Jeff |
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To: WWS who wrote (24) | 10/23/1997 9:46:00 AM | From: Norm Franklin | | |
Recent insider selling, dates and shares sold. Any insights?
LEVISKI, DIANE L. 09/22/97 2800 SHAWVER, ROBERT F. 10/02/97 12500 PRINCE, ROBERT E. 09/19/97 12000 BARTLETT, CRAIG T. 09/23/97 14000 |
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To: Norm Franklin who wrote (25) | 11/6/1997 5:55:00 PM | From: JAL | | |
Third Qtr was up vs. estimate. 7c actual vs. 6c Zack's
GTS Duratek 3Q Net 7c A Share Vs Breakeven
GTS Duratek Inc. - Columbia, Md. 3rd Quar Sept. 30: 1997 1996 Revenues $36,355,384 $11,482,350 Net income 1,431,853 426,056 Avg shrs 14,686,894 14,817,779 Shr earns Net income .07 ....
GTS Duratek Inc. - Columbia, Md. 9 Months Sept. 30: 1997 1996 Revenues $86,316,446 $33,463,690 Net income (2,234,439) 1,442,896 Avg shrs 13,751,387 13,683,337 Shr earns Net income (.24) .02 |
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To: JAL who wrote (26) | 11/19/1997 6:22:00 AM | From: Norm Franklin | | |
Anyone have any updates on how the furnace operation is going? I heard that it's back in operation and in the process of slowly building up to operating temperature. Any insights would be appreciated.
Also, saw in the local paper a news item talking about DOE being sued by various states over DOE's failure to begin picking up spent material by Jan.1st. Apparently DOE has no where to put the stuff, and the storage facilities ar various reactor sites is up to full capacity. Any insights out there on what the linkage might be to DRTK activity?
Norm |
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To: Norm Franklin who wrote (27) | 11/25/1997 8:40:00 AM | From: JAL | | |
Weekly items (1-5, 1=best) Symbol Close Change Volume Zacks Rank Zacks Rank Change
DRTK 11.9375 -0.1875 19500 1 +
sorry for the crushed look, bottomline is that Zacks is liking this stock |
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