To: John Soileau who wrote (19) | 2/10/1997 8:48:00 PM | From: Laser | | |
You may already be aware of this but it looks like Spokane has a new pr firm:
Spokane Resources Ltd - News Release
PR firm hired
Spokane Resources Ltd SKN Shares issued 17567720 1997-02-03 close $0.65 Tuesday Feb 4 1997 News Release
Mr G. Arnold Armstrong reports The company has retained Shavington Consultants of Vancouver to provide corporate relations services for the company. Shavington Consultants will receive a monthly fee of $4,000 together with expenses approved by the directors. Shavington Consultants will be responsible for ensuring that investment dealers, brokers and shareholders are kept fully informed of the company's progress on its Mac Molybdenum property and Voisey's Bay mineral properties. (c) Copyright 1997 Canjex Publishing Ltd.
regards, Leonard |
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To: Laser who wrote (21) | 2/10/1997 10:12:00 PM | From: John Soileau | | |
Thanks Leonard, I didn't know about this--although Doug McFaul (of Tandem Capital)did say that their contract with Spokane is up at the end of February. The company remains fairly unknown, so maybe this is a positive development.
I'm just waiting for the resource estimate to come out, it will give a pretty good indication whether a mine is shaping up here. My gut feeling (and it is a strong one) is that the deposit will turn out to be economic. I've bought a fair amount of stock, down low, and don't mind holding this one for the longer term.
Any observations, or speculation about the resource calculation? |
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To: John Soileau who wrote (22) | 2/11/1997 11:55:00 PM | From: Laser | | |
I'm still waiting for the new resource calculation. I sold my position late last fall, but am again interested in Spokane after seeing the new pr contract. I'm not familiar with this firm but I believe some "new blood" will bring fresh ideas to the pr side of this stock. Stock price has firm support at these levels and as the spring drill season approaches, an announcement of the new program should bring renewed interest in SKN. If you've been patiently accumulating these past months, you should be rewarded quite nicely. Guess this is what they mean by " smart money " . :-) Continued good luck, Leonard |
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To: Laser who wrote (23) | 2/26/1997 8:43:00 PM | From: Ken Hillcoff | | |
Here's text of PR dated Feb. 26/97:
A Geostatistical Resource Estimate for the Mac Property has been completed by G.H. Giroux, P. Eng. MaSc. of Giroux Consultants Ltd. The report confirms that at a cut off grade of 0.06 MoS2, the Indicated Resource in the volcanics is 52,420,000 tonnes at an MoS2 equivalent of 0.14 MoS2 and the Inferred Resource is 47,520,000 tonnes at an MoS2 equivalent of 0.12 MoS2 for a total of approximately 100 million tonnes Indicated and Inferred. Gross value of the resource at current market prices exceeds one billion dollars Canadian.
On February 19, 1997, the Company commenced a new phase of diamond drilling of the Mac Molybdenum/Copper deposit near Granisle, B.C. The planned 2,500 metre drill program will focus on extending the higher grade intercepts of Molybdenum and Copper in the South East volcanics of the Camp Zone.
The private placement announced December 23, 1996, has now been completed. A total of 365,000 Flow-Through Units were sold to six placees at a price of $0.75 per Unit, for total proceeds of $273,750. The proceeds of the private placement are being utilized in the Drilling project currently underway.
Anybody know what these numbers mean?
Ken |
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To: Ken Hillcoff who wrote (24) | 3/1/1997 7:28:00 PM | From: Laser | | |
This is one lonely thread,huh? The resource estimate looks like a confirmation of what was already stated in the Dec. 16/96 release. There is no increase in the estimate of 100m tonnes which the prior release stated they had the potential to expand upon. Keep in mind that this is an "indicated and infered" estimate which is based on widely spaced drilling. Hopefully the current drill program on the Camp Zone will add to the indicated estimate. Best of luck,
Leonard |
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To: Laser who wrote (25) | 3/3/1997 9:09:00 PM | From: John Soileau | | |
Wish they had more and faster drill activity, but that's the way it is. They need more long .20 Mg and .20 Cu holes in the Camp Zone, the last holes were a bit short of that. They have an interesting deposit and a very sleepy stock...for now. |
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To: John Soileau who wrote (27) | 4/7/1997 12:29:00 PM | From: Doug McFaul | | |
Hi John,
I know what you mean. All we know is that they are drilling and as they usually did they do not say much and will probably wait to all the holes are done and the results are in.
We will wait and see. We like the property and believe it can develop into something good, but we have to just wait for the results.
Doug |
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