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   Gold/Mining/EnergySpokane (SKN.V) Discovers Second Zone!!

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To: Laser who wrote (2)10/29/1996 6:45:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 36
Several sets of assays should be out in the coming weeks. We'll
understand the deposit(s) better then. What's the "NDP" and why is that a potential problem?
Also, any idea which majors might eventually be candidates for a JV
or purchase if this resource proves out?
Thanks John

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To: John Soileau who wrote (3)10/29/1996 10:20:00 PM
From: Laser
   of 36
The "ndp" refers to the New Democratic Party which governs
the province of B.C. They have been at odds with the mining
community ever since the expropriation of the huge Windy-Craggy
poly-metalic discovery once owned by Geddes Res, later by Royal
Oak Mines. We have some of the most stringent regulations in North
America when it comes to new mine developement. As a ball park
figure you're looking at anywhere up to 2 years worth of various
impact studies to obtain a mine developement certificate. I'm not
saying this is a bad idea but it sure is something a mining company
or an investor has to take into account.
As for major players, I think Placer Dome would be a likely
contender due to the close proximity of the Mac property to Placer's
Endako mine 100 km to the south. Who knows, if all goes well for
Spokane, Rio Algom might want back in.
Sorry for the long-winded response but I already trimmed about
2 pages worth off my original reply ;-).
Good Luck, Leonard

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To: Doug McFaul who wrote ()10/31/1996 7:43:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 36
Why the big drop on news? Do mining analysts know something we don't?
I'd have thought the stock would have held ground, at least, on the assay results. Any comments about this reaction?
Doug, what do you think...

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To: John Soileau who wrote (5)11/3/1996 1:06:00 PM
From: Laser
   of 36
Pardon the intrusion, but I think the lack of responses to your
question is an indication of why the share price has plummeted
over the last month or so. There just isn't a great deal of interest
in the investing community in Spokane. I think the main reason for
this is the lack of other base and precious metals in the Mac
property deposit. If we had something more besides a strict moly/
copper play to offer the investing public; the share price would
reflect this. I'm still confident in the potential of the Mac play,
but is it enough to bring in some serious buying? On the bright side,
it probably isn't attracting too much attention from Shorty!
Good luck,
Leonard (still hanging in there)

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To: Laser who wrote (6)11/3/1996 10:52:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 36
No intrusion at all, glad to hear from you.
I think you are right, the stock is drifting due to lack of investor interest. That doesn't concern me at all-- I'm most interested in the
emerging indications that a viable economic mine will be possible.
If the results don't bear that up, we're in trouble.

My last post was motivated by concern that the market was reacting negatively to the assays released, but it really appears instead that the market just wasn't reacting at all.

They will be drilling up a storm over the next few months, releasing
results along the way. That will give much more definition to the resource, and incidentally get a bit more attention for the stock.
While it's true they don't have sexy gold or platinum, many a fortune has been made mining boring old base metals, and if this resource proves up the market will necessarily come around. I'll be buying more
when it's under a buck.

Regards and good luck, John

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To: John Soileau who wrote (5)11/4/1996 11:37:00 AM
From: Doug McFaul
   of 36
The news that was announced were good numbers. Yes the market dropped, but it was on about 40,000 shares traded and the price has rebounded some since. Obviously this was from people who were trading the stock regardless of what happened with the price. I am sure they were hoping for an increase. This is fine as this was the first 6 of 50 holes. The company is not concerned at all as they know it takes a bit of time to develop a property. At Tandem we feel that any weakness in the market is a buying opportunity and Spokane's Mac property still looks very promising.

The results on the Peak Zone and the East contact of the Camp Zone should be out before the end of the year and then another 25 holes will be drilled in early 1997. Hope this helps a bit.

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To: Doug McFaul who wrote (8)11/21/1996 7:24:00 AM
From: John Soileau
   of 36
Doug, are any of the East contact holes done yet? Results at the lab?
An idea of the timing of a release about this?
Thanks, John

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To: John Soileau who wrote (9)11/22/1996 10:29:00 AM
From: Doug McFaul
   of 36
Hi John: Spokane is currently drilling their eigth hole in the east contact of the Camp Zone. I believe the company is starting to get back some of the results from this area and we should see some numbers within the next few weeks. How soon we see results from the east contact depends on how many holes the company will release at one time. In the past, the east contact has produced the highest of the high grade numbers.

The analysis of the 3 holes drilled in the Peak Zone should be available any day. As soon as we have something, we will send it out. In addition, a write up on Spokane was mailed out in the Market Trend News this week. I understand they have 12,000 to 15,000 subscribers.


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To: Doug McFaul who wrote (10)12/3/1996 9:59:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 36
Hey, where are the results from the peak zone? Shouldn't they be out by now?

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To: John Soileau who wrote (11)12/4/1996 10:26:00 AM
From: Doug McFaul
   of 36
Hi John. The company did not put out the exact numbers from the 3 holes in the Peak when the put out the news release Nov. 25. They said in it that the holes were mineralized throughout with moly and copper. We have not seen the numbers either. Gordon keevil told us that they were low grade numbers and the company wanted to stress the fact that they were mineralized throughout, the area is huge and more work is required. I would suggest you call the company at 604-683-5411 and ask Gordon Keevil or Arnold Armstrong what the numbers were. Everything we know, you know. Keep in touch.


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