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   Technology StocksUSSB

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To: Mister5By5 who wrote (30)5/8/1997 1:54:00 PM
From: Joe Schmoe
   of 62
Down 1/2. Any reason? If the breakeven is 1.6, were in good shape. I think when the company moves into the black we are going to get a good pop. Probably not this Q (though they should be close to 1.6 million) maybe 3rd Q and probably fouth Q. Then a lot of people who like the DBS idea, but as a rule don't invest until they're in the black will come in.
Check out

Direct TV continues to grow faster than anyone. If the Echostar deal w/ Murdoch falls through which is probable, I don't think they have the cash to survive in the long run, and Primestar is still behind and run by cable operators who have mixed feelings about DBS.

USSB is still the best pure play in the hottest tech product to come along for some time. I'm taking the opp of the drop today to increase my position.

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To: Joe Schmoe who wrote (32)5/10/1997 3:19:00 PM
From: Mister5By5
   of 62

I agree with you. The USSB drop is entirely in sympathy with DISH, which could be in bad shape now that Murdoch has burned them. USSB should eventually benefit.


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To: Joe Schmoe who wrote (32)5/11/1997 8:59:00 PM
   of 62
>USSB is still the best pure play in the hottest tech product to come along for some time.

What About ONSI?

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To: Joe Schmoe who wrote (32)5/28/1997 9:21:00 PM
From: Mister5By5
   of 62
Big than average volume 2 days in a row. Up to 9 5/8 today. Is this pup finally going to make a move?


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To: Mister5By5 who wrote (35)6/23/1997 11:43:00 PM
From: Mister5By5
   of 62
Volume has been up but stock still languishes. Check out this generally positive article about USSB:


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To: Mister5By5 who wrote (36)9/13/1997 12:51:00 PM
From: greenspirit
   of 62
Michael, are you still following this company? I've been thinking of making a play in the Sattelite T.V. area and funamentally this company looks the most attractive.

Any thoughts appreciated about USSB or the industry in general.


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To: greenspirit who wrote (37)9/15/1997 12:18:00 AM
From: Buck
   of 62
I have 1625 shares of this stock and needless to say it has been dissappointing, but!! I sell satellite systems and all of a sudden they are booming again. When I talk to DTV and USSB they reflect the boom also. In short, there next numbers are going to look a lot more encourging and I expect this trend to last through the Christmas season. This stock is definitely a take-over or a merger candidate also. There has been no news what-so-ever but it is slowly, steadily growing. Cable crept up on everybody until one day companies were buying out everybody for 2000 dollars a subscriber. USSB has somewhere over a million subscribers now and are adding 60 thousand and up a month. I'm holding on to this for the long run.

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To: Buck who wrote (38)9/15/1997 12:41:00 AM
From: greenspirit
   of 62
Buck, thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your asessment also. It seems to me the question is not IF but WHEN. I believe in the case of USSB it will be at about the same time they actually turn a profit. If they can grow their revenues to 125-140 million in the next 6 months they might actually turn a profit. Then I believe these Satellite stocks will turn the corner rapidly.

Something I'm a little confused about. What is the relationship between USSB and Direct T.V.? I understand that when you sign up with direct T.V. you can elect, with an additional charge to pay for USSB movie programming. My question is why can't USSB provide this service to other Satellite broadcasters? Or can they?
And who actually owns the Satellites?

I called the phone reps but got duhhh replies.


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To: Buck who wrote (38)9/28/1997 4:08:00 PM
From: PeterR1700
   of 62
Buck - my first time on this thread. I'm interested in Sat stocks, specifically TSATA. In doing research, I came across USSB. Eventually, a Sat stock play should be profitable but the word "eventually" clearly is the issue.

Given you sell the stuff, do you have any thoughts on TSATA vs USSB?
Also, is Direct TV a direct play or do you have to buy Hughes?

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


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To: greenspirit who wrote (37)9/28/1997 4:09:00 PM
From: PeterR1700
   of 62
Michael - like you, I'm interested in a Sat play. Have you learned anything that you'd care to share?

'Preciate it. Peter

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