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   Gold/Mining/EnergySSRIF Silver Standard Resources

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To: baystock who wrote (387)12/20/1999 12:15:00 AM
From: Claude Cormier
   of 403
<<Don't you think BAY has peaked ?>>

It is always possible if all goes wrong. I mean, if silver move decisively below $5, if the recovery rates at Alamo Dorado are only at 60% and if they do not add to current reserves...then yes..BAY will have problems to make a new high past $3.04.

But the probabilities are that silver will continue to trade around $5, that the recovery rates will approach the rates in the preliminary tests and be between 65 and 70% and that more reserves will be added.

IOW, I think that those who recently took a private placement at $3 are right. BAY is likely to move much higher.

The NAV with silver at $525 and very conservative recovery rates of 60% is near $5... With 70% recovery rates, the NAV is above $7, so a target of $4 appears to be extremely conservative on an acquisition basis.

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To: Claude Cormier who wrote (388)12/21/1999 2:51:00 AM
From: baystock
   of 403
<IOW, I think that those who recently took a private placement at $3 are right. >

I doubt very much that those who bought at $3 will make any money...unless they get lucky. But luck does not favor those who buy high and sell low.

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To: baystock who wrote (389)12/21/1999 9:53:00 AM
From: Claude Cormier
   of 403
<<I doubt very much that those who bought at $3 will make any money...unless they get lucky>>


Let me ask you two questions.. so I can see if you have study this thing before you make the above comment:

1) Alamo Dorado has a high grade starter pit that will be mined in the first few years... Do you know size and grade ?

2) This high grade pit is highly oxidized... do you know the average recovery rates obtained in mini-column and bottle roll tests on this high grade material. ?

<<But luck does not favor those who buy high and sell low>>

Why do you say BAY is high priced.. Its market cap is several times lower than a stock like CDE.. and 3 times lower than your favorite SSC.

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To: Claude Cormier who wrote (390)1/12/2000 10:58:00 PM
From: Archie Meeties
   of 403

Silver Standard Intersects Bonanza Grades At Argentina Project
TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2000 6:42 PM
- Canadian Corporate News

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Canadian Corp News, January 11, 2000)--Silver Standard Resources Inc. is pleased to report the intersection of bonanza and high-grade assays from drilling completed in December 1999 at the 225 km (square) Manantial Espejo silventina. Seventeen diamond drill holes totalling 1,416 metres were completed on six veins. Most holes successfully tested new targets and results, together with further drilling, are expected to add to the previously reported resource of 89.3 mil lion ounces of silver-equivalent.

The best results included T-124 which intersected over 1.2 kilograms per tonne of silver-equivalent over 5.9 metres (or 36.0 ounces per ton over 19.4 feet), including 12.7 kilograms per tonne over 0.5 metres (or 372 ounces per ton over 1.7 feet); T-13 1 which intersected over 2.9 kilograms of silver-equivalent per tonne over a width of 4.1 metres (or 86.4 ounces per ton over 13.5 feet); and T-132 which intersected over 1.5 kilograms of silver-equivalent per tonne over a width of 1.2 metres (or 45.2 ouncesper ton over 3.9 feet).

Veta Karina is the only vein system that was previously drilled. In the most recent program, extensions and a zone parallel to Veta Karina were tested by six drill holes. Intersections included several high-grade continuations of known mineralizatio n and discovery of a new parallel vein, the 9K Vein, with enriched oxide mineralization. Holes T-123 and T-124 confirmed the continuity of Veta Karina mineralization at depth. T-123 intersected 902 grams of silver and 8.6 grams of gold over 2.0 metre s (40.2 ounces of silver-equivalent per ton). T-124 intersected 557 grams of silver and 8.2 grams of gold over 3.3 metres (29.4 ounces of silver-equivalent per ton). The western extension of Veta Karina was tested by T-125 and T-126. Although both h

oles intersected low-grade mineralization at shallow depths, they confirm that mineralization extends westward and analysis of host rocks and mineralization indicates strong potential for high-grade mineralization at depth.T-124 also intersected a p reviously unrecognized parallel zone, the 9K Vein, which averaged 913 grams of silver and 5.83 grams gold per tonne over 5.9 metres (36.0 ounces of silver-equivalent over 19.4 feet). This included a 0.5 metre interval grading 9,350 grams of silver and 61.3 grams of gold per tonne (371.6 ounces of silver equivalent per ton over 1.7 feet). Step-out holes drilled 30 metres on either side of T-124 cored leached vein material. T-138, the western step-out, intersected 0.7 metres ofremnant mineralizatio

n grading 315 grams of silver and 2.1 grams of gold per tonne (12.6 ounces of silver-equivalent per ton over 2.3 feet). The 9K Vein remains open at depth.The 1999 drilling program also targeted five other new veins. Veta Sol is located 200 metres n orth of Veta Karina and has the same apparent structural control. Three holes tested this new target of which T-127 and T-129 returned moderate to high-grade mineralization over narrow widths. Silver grades appear to improve with depth and interpreta tion suggests good potential for improvement in vein thickness and grades below these intersections. Maria Este was tested with a single hole which intersected a1.6-metre vein with moderate grades. Additional field work will be required to assess the

significance of this hole.Veta Marta, located two kilometres northeast of Maria Este, is a new vein which was tested with a single drill hole. T-131 intersected several high-grade zones, including a 4.1 metre intersection averaging 1,160 grams of s ilver and 32.7 grams of gold per tonne (86.4 ounces of silver-equivalent over 13.5 feet). Within this intersection was a 1.3 metre sample which graded 2,566 grams of silver and 73.1 grams of gold per tonne (192 ounces of silver-equivalent over 4.3 fee

t). Veta Martha has been mapped on surface for several hundred metres. Veinlet and quartz-filled breccia along strike of the vein indicate potential for an additional one kilometre of mineralization.The Candelaria Extension is another newly discove red zone on the western side of the large property. Two holes tested high-grade mineralization found on surface. T-132 intersected a 1.2 metre-wide vein grading 1,537 grams of silver per tonne (45.2 ounces of silver-equivalent per ton over 3.9 feet).

Additional work will follow up this intersection.The Candelaria Zone was tested with four drill holes. Most of these holes intersected narrow bands of moderate to high-grade mineralization, indicating that the zone pinches below surface. A struc

tural analysis is planned to determine if there is potential for the vein to flatten and widen with depth. Samples were prepared by Bondar-Clegg & Co. Ltd. in Mendoza, Argentina and sent for assay at its lab in Santiago, Chile.This program clearly d emonstrated the property's significant potential to host additional veins with high-grade mineralization. It also showed that some veins contain small tonnages of bonanza-grade supergene mineralization. Future work programs will focus on delineating these zones as well as identifying additional targets.

Silver Standard has an option to acquire 50% of Black Hawk Mining Inc.'s share in the Manantial Espejo project located in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. It is currently held by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Black Hawk Mining Inc. (80%) and Barrick Go ld Corporation (20%). On completion of a feasibility study, Barrick must elect to either sell its 20% interest to Black Hawk's subsidiary or increase its interest to 40%, based on predetermined prices. Silver Standard is operator until completion of the feasibility study.

Silver Standard Resources Inc. is a silver resource company with projects in Australia, Argentina, Bolivia, the United States, Mexico and Peru. Silver Standard's advanced projects, owned and under option, have a combined total exceeding 300 million o unces of silver and silver-equivalent resources.

A map showing the location of recent drill holes, is available by fax on request to (604) 689-3846, local 212. See accompanying page for a tabular summary of drill results.To receive Silver Standard's news releases by e-mail, contact Investor Rela

tions at, or sign up at the company's web site at statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements involving known and unknown risks and uncertainties which could cause actu al results to vary considerably from these statements. The risks and uncertainties include those described in Silver Standard's SEC Form 20F as amended.

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To: Claude Cormier who wrote (390)1/12/2000 10:59:00 PM
From: Archie Meeties
   of 403
Drill From To True Gold Silver Silver True Silver
Hole (m) (m) Width Equiv- Width Equiv-
(m) (g/t) (g/t) lent (feet) lent
(55:1) (55:1)
(g/t) (oz/ton)
Veta Karina
T-123 98.2 101.1 2.9 2.2 113 234 9.5 6.8
107.3 109.3 2.0 8.6 902 1,375 6.7 40.2
T-124 31.1 37.0 5.9 5.8 913 1,232 19.4 36.0
incl. 33.5 34.0 0.5 61.3 9,350 12,722 1.7 371.5
134.1 137.4 3.3 8.2 557 1,008 10.8 29.4
140.4 144.3 3.9 4.0 286 506 13.3 14.8
T-125 64.4 66.6 2.2 1.6 180 268 7.2 7.8
T-126 71.8 76.9 5.1 1.0 91 146 16.7 4.3
90.9 92.9 2.0 1.7 164 258 6.6 7.5
T-138 25.6 26.3 0.7 2.1 315 431 2.3 12.6
Veta Sol
T-127 74.1 76.2 2.1 5.2 120 406 6.9 11.9
T-129 15.8 17.4 1.6 2.4 236 368 5.3 10.7
51.1 52.8 1.7 4.0 577 799 5.6 23.3
Maria Este
T-130 28.8 30.4 1.6 0.7 222 261 5.3 7.6
Veta Marta
T-131 56.5 60.6 4.1 32.7 1,160 2,959 13.5 86.4
incl. 57.8 59.1 1.3 73.1 2,566 6,586 4.3 192.3
Candelaria Extension
T-132 15.6 16.8 1.2 0.2 1,537 1,548 3.9 45.2
Candelaria Zone
T-134 26.4 27.8 1.4 7.4 518 925 4.6 27.0
T-135 29.9 38.5 8.6 0.2 111 122 28.2 3.6
All other holes intersected anomalous precious metal values.



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To: Archie Meeties who wrote (392)2/27/2000 8:40:00 AM
From: Richard Mazzarella
   of 403
To All, I noticed that this thread doesn't have much of an introduction and the stock ticker is wrong. Only those that start threads can have their original post changed. It may be presumptuous of me to do so, but I have created a new Silver Standard thread: Subject 33645 . I'm not asking anyone to post to it, but it feel free if you choose. I will reference this thread from the new one. I think that the clearer title helps people find this stock when they search SI by ticker.

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To: Richard Mazzarella who wrote (393)2/27/2000 9:40:00 AM
From: Stephen O
   of 403
Richard you're wrong. You can email SI Admin and change titles, especially putting in correct tickers. I've even changed words. Look at Global Thermoelectric. I requested a change to the original title to add SOFC fuel cells. I suggest that you do that and ask them to remove the new one you started.

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To: Stephen O who wrote (394)2/27/2000 9:48:00 AM
From: Richard Mazzarella
   of 403
Stephen, That was the policy that SI gave me when trying to simply correct a ticker on another thread. Maybe they changed their policy? In any event, I'm not about to change anyone else's post. Let's see if the originator of this thread will change the title, or agree to a change?

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To: Charles Grafton who wrote ()2/27/2000 9:50:00 AM
From: Richard Mazzarella
   of 403
Charles, are you still around? Would you please update the header for this thread? Thanks.

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To: Richard Mazzarella who wrote (396)3/27/2000 9:12:00 AM
From: Richard Mazzarella
   of 403
Some SSRI musings: Message 13286986

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