To: Doug from CT who wrote (44) | 12/18/1996 10:35:00 PM | From: Hernan UMANA | | |
Ijust heard about this company. I'll be calling the company tomorrow and doing whatever due diligence i can. here's what SGA has to say:
STRATFORD ACQUISITIONS : (SFDA) $.58 cents Up $.10 cents and traded on the OTC Bulletin Board..... Here's a penny stock to keep your eye on or even purchase if you want to speculate and go with the money flow. The company manufactures cement and has a patented process which eliminates corrosion caused to cement by salt. Rumor is that a high profile person is becoming the new president of the company. The company's telephone number is (905) 319-6411.
Sincerely. Hernan |
| SFDA....Stratford | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: Hernan UMANA who wrote (45) | 12/19/1996 8:15:00 PM | From: Hernan UMANA | | |
STRATFORD ACQUISITION CORP. : (SFDA) $.59 Cents and traded on the OTC Bulletin Board..... Here's more on Stratford Acquisition Corp. As SGA reported yesterday, the company is in the concrete business. The company's product, NovaCRETE, is suppose to be better than standard concrete. The best polymer reinforced mortar is rated at about 7000 pounds per square inch (PSI). NovaCRETE will endure 9740 PSI. When old concrete is patched, an exceptional bond is needed, because the new material and the old material expand and shrink at different rates leading to delamination at separation of the two materials. Polymer reinforced mortar is rated at 400 to 800 PSI and requires elaborate cleaning, careful priming and additional bonding agents. NovaCRETE bonds nearly three times as well with a rating of 2170 PSI. Exposure to salt combined with freezing and thawing is a bad mix for concrete. The salt penetration results in corroded reinforcement bars. NovaCRETE completely blocks penetration, eliminating this problem. When NovaCRETE was subjected to 300 cycles of freezing and thawing in water (the equivalent of more than 50 years in the most difficult conditions experienced in underground applications), its durability factor measured 100 percent.
NovaCRETE was invented by Dr. D.A. Battista, President/CEO of the American Institute of Chemicals. When it was first invented and found to be so strong, it was used to make containers for nuclear, toxic and hazardous biological waste. Now, this additive is available for more traditional industrial, commercial and household applications. In nearly all respects, NovaCRETE surpasses the strength and durability of the most expensive cementicious materials made by adding polymers, yet it can be produced at a fraction of the cost of lesser quality materials. For interested business people, this quality/cost breakthrough represents a significant business opportunity, and Stratford Acquisition Corp. is making a limited number of production licenses available to companies who can take full advantage of this opportunity. Dr. Battista's invention has already been used successfully by such companies as Consolidated Edison, Atomic Energy of Canada, the New Jersey Public Works Department, Bechtel, Ingram & Green and the Pennsylvania Department of Transport. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The NovaCRETE additive is the essential formulation for a wide range of NovaCRETE products. By combining the additive with various materials, products can be modified for numerous industrial, commercial and household applications.
Stratford Acquisition Corp. recognized this potential for wider markets and purchased the worldwide rights to the product. The company's first step was to determine just how well NovaCRETE performed as a concrete patching and repair compound. The company contacted Ortech, one of North America's most reputable laboratories in order to subject the compound to a battery of tests. The results were phenomenal. In addition to the investment opportunity of owning the stock, interested business people may contact the company to inquire about exclusive licenses, as the company has a limited number of the following licenses available..... 1.) Master License - potential to sublease other national/regional companies - potential to manufacture NovaCRETE additive; 2.) National License; 3.) Regional License - As a licensee, you receive everything you need to start up. SGA knows nothing of the current share structure of the company. However, this one is a penny stock and should only be purchased by those who have a very high risk tolerance! Interested investors can obtain that information from the company. The company's telephone number is (905) 319-6411. |
| SFDA....Stratford | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: stock4U who wrote (50) | 4/6/1997 12:13:00 PM | From: Cabrina Dieters | | |
I would like to know that too. Last information on the Edgar database Stratford was still trying to find an accountant willing to sign off on the financials. They've also changed their server to No recent press releases there or on the CA newswire. Excellent product from an engineering standpoint. What about the Eurotech Chernobyl connection? |
| SFDA....Stratford | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: Cabrina Dieters who wrote (51) | 4/8/1997 8:19:00 PM | From: mark s | | |
Cabrina, I began researching Stratford after reading an article in the November issue of Equities magazine. I found the technology intriguing, and see enormous potential in an extremely large market. I also liked the large profit margin potential. I was also very impressed with the web page that had been developed. However, I was concerned with the large stock price fluctuations that had taken place, so I made contact with Stratford and found out the whole story regarding the history of the company. I was very impressed with Roy McMillian, the new CEO. He brings 30 years of managment experience to the table. Roy accepted the position after the stockholders ousted the prior management. He seems to have the confidence, vision, and experience needed to turn Stratford around. It is too bad that he has to clean up such a mess left behind by the last management. During our discussion, I inquired as to the contents of the web page and the Equities article and their contents. Roy spoke honestly with me, stating that the product claims were true, (he believes that Novacrete is the best product on the market) but there was some embellishment, and some of the information was taken out of context regarding projections and contracts. I believe that this misinformation drove the price skyward, and ultimately caused the downward plunge. After taking over, Roy removed the information from the web page due to the inaccuracies, but plans to start adding information to it once the the new auditor report is complete. I believe he said the new auditing firm was Feldman/Radon. Feldman/Radon specializes in companies that have had problems in the past. From what I gathered from him, the audit was nearing completion. Although he expects the results to be very different that those reported in the past, a truthful audit should be good news for stockholders and the SEC. They've been holding off releasing information until the audit is complete. So the info should start flowing once the audit is released. Roy also mentioned that they should be in production of their product by April. Roy also stated that they just received test results from an additional product that will significantly increase their revenue stream.
I'm not suprised that the stock price has gone from .25 to the .60 -.70 range on much larger than normal volume. The word is getting out that this company, now with a great product and competent management is on the right track. I think the upside to this stock is enormous. Good luck to all.
Mark S. |
| SFDA....Stratford | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: mark s who wrote (52) | 4/8/1997 8:46:00 PM | From: Thomas Kundrat | | |
I am hearing that the plant would be open in 60 days & that production would begin shortly after that. Did Mr McMillian state that production would begin this month? If so are there any contracts in place for the product? Seems like a huge potential if the patented polymer is as good as claimed. Any idea when the audit would be complete? Any plans for a plant in the U.S.? |
| SFDA....Stratford | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
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