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   PastimesMy favourite movie scenes

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/12/2022 9:17:09 AM
   of 170

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/12/2022 9:50:43 AM
2 Recommendations   of 170

LOL These are the cars from the days of my youth ..

Was thinking of looking for a little Maverick Boss 302.. Holy Cow! They are pricey !!!

This is friggin' nutz on a hard tail

Imagine if these guys had the tech of the Fast and the Furious

OR if the Fast ans the Furious had REAL Cars :)

Here's Poppa

Two Lane Blacktop

James Taylor and Brain Wilson :) and the imitable Warren Oats

and finally from American Graphitti

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/12/2022 10:16:52 AM
   of 170
The Sheriff is a .... LOL

Movie of my youth .. we really did change stuff.. not enough .. but we really tried :)

The best part of this irony is that Blacks played a far far bigger role in the west in all facets than the Duke movies would have you believe ... Woodie Stroud in The Man who shot Liberty Valance must have had to suck up a lot...

This is such a CLASSIC flic !!

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/16/2022 8:13:45 AM
1 Recommendation   of 170
A true classic movie and incredible cast of nascent stars.. leading men and character actors

One of the most powerful movie scenes I have ever seen..

amazing how good movies can be with 'special effects' Sorry Top Gun was a yawner comparatively

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/20/2022 10:24:49 AM
1 Recommendation   of 170
Wonderful interview with Jonathon Harris

Original Lost in Space ... :)

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From: Waitress6/21/2022 12:12:06 AM
1 Recommendation   of 170

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To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (116)6/24/2022 4:14:39 AM
From: Cogito Ergo Sum
   of 170
I want to thank you for your reco.. I appreciate types a lot.. ones for political sparring not..

but things that bring us humans closer together are always better

Closer Together.. Quebecois band sing in English

Kinda normal here.. bi-lingual.. despite gove bullshit

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To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (118)6/24/2022 12:10:40 PM
From: Zen Dollar Round
1 Recommendation   of 170
Sure thing. I was going to write about the Jonathan Harris interview last night but was too tired.

Thank you for posting it, it was great seeing how much Conan laughed at Harris and his sayings. Harris had a wonderfully imperious humor without being off-putting or seeming arrogant.

You always got the sense he knew the impact his speech patterns and accent had on people, and played it to maximum effect.

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From: Cogito Ergo Sum6/24/2022 6:03:13 PM
   of 170
Buddy and I hitched to Hemmingford QC from Montreal to pick apples for extra dough.. Hitched there... two guys that picked us up on the way back were just like

Right there will be fine LOL

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To: Zen Dollar Round who wrote (119)6/24/2022 6:40:59 PM
From: Cogito Ergo Sum
   of 170
I loved that show growing up.. the campiness was priceless..

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