To: Trumptown who wrote (599) | 2/1/2021 4:13:15 PM | From: GROUND ZERO™ | | | You're right... and he hasn't gone anywhere...
He's a big counter puncher and he hasn't yet launched his counter punch...
Stand by for the greatest show on earth... no one should count him out... not at all...
Watch what he does with the 2022 mid term elections... it's already in the planning stage, he's on it right now...
It's going to shock the living shit out of his political enemies...
GZ |
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To: J_F_Shepard who wrote (603) | 2/1/2021 4:30:47 PM | From: calgarylady | | | That's what they tell the people in third world countries... Obviously the US is proving themselves to be no better... Right now they have lost the respect of people around the world. Why do you think so many around the world have no problem jumping on board with WSB and tanking what's left. |
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To: calgarylady who wrote (590) | 2/1/2021 4:46:58 PM | From: J_F_Shepard | | | My guess most followed Biden for the same reason I did... to see the stupid things he posted.
Do you think people follow Trumps tweets and his rally's for knowledge...?....he's a clown, an entertainer.....can't finish a complete sentence....they identify with his crude and rude behavior......he has no class.... |
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To: northam who wrote (591) | 2/1/2021 4:49:21 PM | From: J_F_Shepard | | | It's the left that uses the race card. They live off of it.Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Maxine Waters, BLM, NAACP ...... Really, why did you write the sentences above..... Racists always start with Sharpton and Jackson, etc.... You're obvious...don't reply, I don't debate race with racists.. |
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To: GROUND ZERO™ who wrote (601) | 2/1/2021 4:56:05 PM | From: J_F_Shepard | | | Oh, for Pete sake, I gave you the link... now you want me to tell you the name of the photographer???
No tell me where that picture was taken and when, it was not taken at Trumps Inauguration.....if so prove it..... Why are they not matching scenes...
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