Okay, let me see if I get this right...
You're telling me that the KKK was "formed by a small bunch of former Confererate (sic) soldiers largely as a social club" and yet those same former Confederate soldiers in that so called social club hung black people up on tree limbs in the 1940's and 1950's 90 years after the war ended???
They had to have been 110 to 120 years old when they hung those innocent people while visiting each other in their "social" club...
Wow... please tell me you're joking...
And how come all the more recent KKK members were ALL dimwitcrats??? NOT ONE was ever a republican...
Oh, I remember now, you told me earlier that Abraham Lincoln, who was actually the first republican, was also a racist... okay, I remember now...
WTF??? LOL!!!
Seriously, try taking a few history lessons, it would save you a ton of embarrassment...
Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound among educated people who actually know their American history???
GZ |