Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
Interesting IPCC study on, among other things, a scenario in which several major natural disasters occur across the world due to,,,ahem..."cliemate change". One author...appears to have interesting relatives: Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer
 Emeritus Research Scholar Equity and Justice Res. Group
Population and Just Societies Program
+43(0) 2236 807 308
PDF of the full report:
Ms. Bayer's contribution:
[...] "Neither disaster risk reduction nor climate change adaptation is as well integrated as they could be into current development policies and practices. Both climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction might benefit from sharing of knowledge and experience in a mutually supportive and synergistic way. Climate change adaptation could be factored into all disaster risk management, and weather-related disasters are becoming an essential component of the adaptation agenda."
And we all know how well governments handle things. The following seems to assume an international governmental body - ie one-world govt.
"The public policy literature describes situations in which government intervention is justified to address market deficiencies and inefficiencies, a rationale that can also be applied to international interventions." |