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   Biotech / MedicalNNVC Keeping it real board for pro and con discussions

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To: Rawnoc who wrote (267)12/30/2015 6:56:25 AM
From: NewMoney_812
   of 326
teeth kicked in on NNVC

LMAO! He's only been saying it's a bad investment for over a year as it's plunged and destroyed everyone who's invested in it.

Pretending you're doing well with this garbage won't change that giant red number in your portfolio.
It's clear who's teeth need work. Every poor soul who fell for this scam, at least you're not alone.

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To: NewMoney_812 who wrote (268)12/30/2015 7:03:37 AM
From: drkaz
1 Recommendation   of 326
You would be humorous if you only were actually funny,.....

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To: drkaz who wrote (269)1/2/2016 3:04:57 PM
From: NewMoney_812
   of 326
I'm not trying to be funny. That may be why you're confused. There is nothing funny about these bioscams bleeding money out of honest investors with their "any day now" bullshit and their squad of compensated bullshit artists on the internet calming peoples fears so they can be bled dry.

Nothing funny at all.

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To: NewMoney_812 who wrote (270)1/3/2016 4:35:06 PM
From: drkaz
1 Recommendation   of 326
It's quite funny that you actually think it is me that is confused.

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To: Rawnoc who wrote (267)1/11/2016 12:19:49 PM
From: invest07
   of 326
Getting my teeth kicked in,haha. I've been out for some time and will get back in with more favorable news-- unlike you and your con scamming friends who have never been in,( according to you but who would believe you?) and bash every day. I believe the Yahoo postings because they expose you and friends for what you are and you can't delete as you do on other boards after setting yourself up as a mod,hahaha. All other board members are running 9-1 against you--would be same on IHub if you couldn't delete---- so what does that tell me?

How about telling us about all your scam stocks that you DO own that are losing money,ROFL?

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To: NewMoney_812 who wrote (268)1/11/2016 12:26:02 PM
From: invest07
   of 326
Your teeth seem to have lots of pyrolysis material stuck between them. Better go to a dentist,ROFL.

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To: invest07 who wrote (272)1/11/2016 1:01:47 PM
From: Rawnoc
   of 326
Better question -- what does it tell YOU about YOU that you count the "popularity votes" of a Yahoo message board voted by a bunch of scammers on a scam stock down 80%?

I don't even read the Yahoo board anymore let alone post. Last time I was there it was 2 or 3 of the same crooks spamming it all day.

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To: invest07 who wrote (273)1/19/2016 8:51:20 PM
From: NewMoney_812
1 Recommendation   of 326
You seem to be a bit confused as well. Don't look now but a paid stock tout has you wrapped around his finger.


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To: NewMoney_812 who wrote (275)1/19/2016 10:30:44 PM
From: drkaz
1 Recommendation   of 326
Ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,...


Ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,... ha,.... ha,...


Ha,... ha,.... ha,... ha,.... ha,...

Oh,.... you were trying to be serious,.... weren't you?

There's only one cadre of "paid stock tout" hanging about NNVC,.... and I don't think it is whom you are implying that it is,....

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To: drkaz who wrote (276)1/20/2016 6:56:08 AM
From: NewMoney_812
1 Recommendation   of 326
You know exactly who it is. And how much money has been milked out of sucker investors that have been led astray all the way down from $7 to penny land with this crap.


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