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   Strategies & Market TrendsSPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016

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To: rimshot who wrote (1019)9/29/2022 12:00:08 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Wednesday September 28, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,4253,4313,376
New highs121522
New lows294893372
Adv. volume*941,773,788485,245,957109,274,723
Decl. volume*80,499,025493,051,220767,756,440
Total volume*1,030,534,275995,582,852885,092,644
Closing Arms (TRIN)†0.740.852.45
Block trades*5,0074,7504,483
Adv. volume4,179,014,1372,337,814,111564,143,113
Decl. volume474,459,9162,134,342,3683,469,805,368
Total volume4,684,850,0664,577,745,0224,078,337,130

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To: rimshot who wrote (1023)9/29/2022 3:26:04 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
the entire history is not visible on this chart ... the fact is that since late 2008 & early 2009,
the S&P 500 daily cumulative net A-D line has spent more than a marginal distance below
the negative 100 level for the 1,200,1 MACD only one time other than in late September
2022 ...this basic chart observation as it develops ( worsens OR improves )
will be relevant to both short-term bears & short-term bulls & could be the actual root cause
of potential dramatic directional price & breadth movements

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To: rimshot who wrote (1024)9/29/2022 6:25:14 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Thursday September 29, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,3963,4253,401
New highs81210
New lows820294726
Adv. volume*127,360,076941,773,788195,542,981
Decl. volume*875,141,16780,499,025707,914,660
Total volume*1,006,016,6811,030,534,275909,852,179
Closing Arms (TRIN)†1.100.740.70
Block trades*4,9505,0074,957
Adv. volume738,566,7954,179,014,1371,003,594,889
Decl. volume3,919,789,936474,459,9163,237,206,720
Total volume4,681,818,4954,684,850,0664,284,601,625

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To: rimshot who wrote (1017)9/29/2022 9:02:43 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
$NYSI now at negative 877.30 = a new multi-year low by a very small margin printed today,
Thursday September 29, 2022

Message #1017 from rimshot at 6/13/2022 1:46:29 PM

McSum's for these four indices are worth vigilance in coming days, since
zero line violation is either going to be a brief event OR a lasting event -

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To: rimshot who wrote (1026)9/30/2022 6:26:16 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Friday September 30, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,3603,3963,400
New highs488
New lows4858201106
Adv. volume*652,333,738127,360,07693,141,016
Decl. volume*888,449,556875,141,167999,472,478
Total volume*1,564,736,7011,006,016,6811,095,998,104
Closing Arms (TRIN)†
Block trades*5,6714,9505,790
Adv. volume2,256,281,423738,566,795471,235,082
Decl. volume3,304,771,0973,919,789,9364,644,639,254
Total volume5,645,364,7304,681,818,4955,144,272,985

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To: rimshot who wrote (1027)10/2/2022 12:31:04 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
$NYSI now at negative 942.64 = a new multi-year low by a sizable margin printed on
Friday September 30, 2022

* next possible down target is negative 1250 region for $NYSI

$NYA weekly log chart since 2013 showing the $NYSI weekly value ranges
as the bottom element on this chart -

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To: rimshot who wrote (1028)10/3/2022 6:44:52 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Monday October 3, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,4683,3603,437
New highs17411
New lows2374851083
Adv. volume*977,984,112652,333,738125,387,680
Decl. volume*90,849,135888,449,556916,846,943
Total volume*1,074,901,6821,564,736,7011,056,661,213
Closing Arms (TRIN)†0.591.111.35
Block trades*5,6085,6714,964
Adv. volume4,255,160,6982,256,281,423647,320,597
Decl. volume522,955,3763,304,771,0974,159,648,234
Total volume4,806,681,4675,645,364,7304,886,140,997

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To: rimshot who wrote (1030)10/4/2022 5:44:14 PM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Tuesday October 4, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,4103,4683,431
New highs301715
New lows78237893
Adv. volume*1,029,954,176977,984,112485,245,957
Decl. volume*40,288,64590,849,135493,051,220
Total volume*1,078,364,0031,074,901,682995,582,852
Closing Arms (TRIN)†0.300.590.85
Block trades*6,0215,6084,750
Adv. volume4,844,072,8854,255,160,6982,337,814,111
Decl. volume234,975,362522,955,3762,134,342,368
Total volume5,146,587,8814,806,681,4674,577,745,022

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To: rimshot who wrote (1031)10/6/2022 10:15:31 AM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Wednesday October 5, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,3463,4103,425
New highs323012
New lows12278294
Adv. volume*336,249,5801,029,954,176941,773,788
Decl. volume*576,118,94740,288,64580,499,025
Total volume*919,538,5641,078,364,0031,030,534,275
Closing Arms (TRIN)†0.700.300.74
Block trades*5,3966,0215,007
Adv. volume1,635,873,7064,844,072,8854,179,014,137
Decl. volume2,625,683,225234,975,362474,459,916
Total volume4,293,189,8925,146,587,8814,684,850,066

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To: rimshot who wrote (1032)10/7/2022 11:11:41 AM
From: rimshot
   of 1118
NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Thursday October 6, 2022:

NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago

Issues traded3,3563,3463,396
New highs28328
New lows163122820
Adv. volume*228,771,344336,249,580127,360,076
Decl. volume*697,859,545576,118,947875,141,167
Total volume*938,847,615919,538,5641,006,016,681
Closing Arms (TRIN)†1.200.701.10
Block trades*5,0605,3964,950
Adv. volume1,147,158,0971,635,873,706738,566,795
Decl. volume3,041,690,8222,625,683,2253,919,789,936
Total volume4,252,101,8304,293,189,8924,681,818,495

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