To: rimshot who wrote (1026) | 9/30/2022 6:26:16 PM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Friday September 30, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,360 | 3,396 | 3,400 | Advances | 1,380 | 558 | 410 | Declines | 1,817 | 2,702 | 2,877 | Unchanged | 163 | 136 | 113 | New highs | 4 | 8 | 8 | New lows | 485 | 820 | 1106 | Adv. volume* | 652,333,738 | 127,360,076 | 93,141,016 | Decl. volume* | 888,449,556 | 875,141,167 | 999,472,478 | Total volume* | 1,564,736,701 | 1,006,016,681 | 1,095,998,104 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 1.11 | 1.10 | 1.40 | Block trades* | 5,671 | 4,950 | 5,790 | Adv. volume | 2,256,281,423 | 738,566,795 | 471,235,082 | Decl. volume | 3,304,771,097 | 3,919,789,936 | 4,644,639,254 | Total volume | 5,645,364,730 | 4,681,818,495 | 5,144,272,985 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1027) | 10/2/2022 12:31:04 PM | From: rimshot | | | $NYSI now at negative 942.64 = a new multi-year low by a sizable margin printed on Friday September 30, 2022
* next possible down target is negative 1250 region for $NYSI
$NYA weekly log chart since 2013 showing the $NYSI weekly value ranges as the bottom element on this chart - |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: rimshot who wrote (1028) | 10/3/2022 6:44:52 PM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Monday October 3, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,468 | 3,360 | 3,437 | Advances | 2,760 | 1,380 | 572 | Declines | 571 | 1,817 | 2,715 | Unchanged | 137 | 163 | 150 | New highs | 17 | 4 | 11 | New lows | 237 | 485 | 1083 | Adv. volume* | 977,984,112 | 652,333,738 | 125,387,680 | Decl. volume* | 90,849,135 | 888,449,556 | 916,846,943 | Total volume* | 1,074,901,682 | 1,564,736,701 | 1,056,661,213 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 0.59 | 1.11 | 1.35 | Block trades* | 5,608 | 5,671 | 4,964 | Adv. volume | 4,255,160,698 | 2,256,281,423 | 647,320,597 | Decl. volume | 522,955,376 | 3,304,771,097 | 4,159,648,234 | Total volume | 4,806,681,467 | 5,645,364,730 | 4,886,140,997 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1030) | 10/4/2022 5:44:14 PM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Tuesday October 4, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,410 | 3,468 | 3,431 | Advances | 2,838 | 2,760 | 1,579 | Declines | 452 | 571 | 1,687 | Unchanged | 120 | 137 | 165 | New highs | 30 | 17 | 15 | New lows | 78 | 237 | 893 | Adv. volume* | 1,029,954,176 | 977,984,112 | 485,245,957 | Decl. volume* | 40,288,645 | 90,849,135 | 493,051,220 | Total volume* | 1,078,364,003 | 1,074,901,682 | 995,582,852 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 0.30 | 0.59 | 0.85 | Block trades* | 6,021 | 5,608 | 4,750 | Adv. volume | 4,844,072,885 | 4,255,160,698 | 2,337,814,111 | Decl. volume | 234,975,362 | 522,955,376 | 2,134,342,368 | Total volume | 5,146,587,881 | 4,806,681,467 | 4,577,745,022 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1031) | 10/6/2022 10:15:31 AM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Wednesday October 5, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,346 | 3,410 | 3,425 | Advances | 974 | 2,838 | 2,854 | Declines | 2,242 | 452 | 438 | Unchanged | 130 | 120 | 133 | New highs | 32 | 30 | 12 | New lows | 122 | 78 | 294 | Adv. volume* | 336,249,580 | 1,029,954,176 | 941,773,788 | Decl. volume* | 576,118,947 | 40,288,645 | 80,499,025 | Total volume* | 919,538,564 | 1,078,364,003 | 1,030,534,275 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 0.70 | 0.30 | 0.74 | Block trades* | 5,396 | 6,021 | 5,007 | Adv. volume | 1,635,873,706 | 4,844,072,885 | 4,179,014,137 | Decl. volume | 2,625,683,225 | 234,975,362 | 474,459,916 | Total volume | 4,293,189,892 | 5,146,587,881 | 4,684,850,066 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1032) | 10/7/2022 11:11:41 AM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Thursday October 6, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,356 | 3,346 | 3,396 | Advances | 1,000 | 974 | 558 | Declines | 2,204 | 2,242 | 2,702 | Unchanged | 152 | 130 | 136 | New highs | 28 | 32 | 8 | New lows | 163 | 122 | 820 | Adv. volume* | 228,771,344 | 336,249,580 | 127,360,076 | Decl. volume* | 697,859,545 | 576,118,947 | 875,141,167 | Total volume* | 938,847,615 | 919,538,564 | 1,006,016,681 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 1.20 | 0.70 | 1.10 | Block trades* | 5,060 | 5,396 | 4,950 | Adv. volume | 1,147,158,097 | 1,635,873,706 | 738,566,795 | Decl. volume | 3,041,690,822 | 2,625,683,225 | 3,919,789,936 | Total volume | 4,252,101,830 | 4,293,189,892 | 4,681,818,495 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1033) | 10/8/2022 12:55:57 PM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Friday October 7, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,315 | 3,356 | 3,360 | Advances | 496 | 1,000 | 1,380 | Declines | 2,704 | 2,204 | 1,817 | Unchanged | 115 | 152 | 163 | New highs | 19 | 28 | 4 | New lows | 397 | 163 | 485 | Adv. volume* | 85,451,391 | 228,771,344 | 652,333,738 | Decl. volume* | 907,944,832 | 697,859,545 | 888,449,556 | Total volume* | 997,330,614 | 938,847,615 | 1,564,736,701 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 1.71 | 1.20 | 1.11 | Block trades* | 5,494 | 5,060 | 5,671 | Adv. volume | 428,561,775 | 1,147,158,097 | 2,256,281,423 | Decl. volume | 4,004,759,064 | 3,041,690,822 | 3,304,771,097 | Total volume | 4,449,665,485 | 4,252,101,830 | 5,645,364,730 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1027) | 10/9/2022 4:45:29 PM | From: rimshot | | | 3 of 4 McSum's achieved new lows on Friday October 7, 2022 ... including the S&P 500 McClellan Summation index
McSum's for these four indices are worth vigilance in coming days -
daily chart #2 for a broad technical context -
six daily cumulative net A-D lines -
* new A-D line lows are absent so far in October 2022
NYSE McSum and $NYMO since 2017 -
* for a future $NYA price advance to have legs, bulls want to see the McSum hold back above the negative 750 level as a minimum start for confirmation of the rally leg |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: rimshot who wrote (1034) | 10/10/2022 5:52:38 PM | From: rimshot | | | NYSE end of day WSJ Market Diary stats - Monday October 10, 2022:
NYSE -----------Latest Close ---Previous Close -----Week Ago
Issues traded | 3,330 | 3,315 | 3,468 | Advances | 1,034 | 496 | 2,760 | Declines | 2,142 | 2,704 | 571 | Unchanged | 154 | 115 | 137 | New highs | 25 | 19 | 17 | New lows | 426 | 397 | 237 | Adv. volume* | 209,536,640 | 85,451,391 | 977,984,112 | Decl. volume* | 610,932,946 | 907,944,832 | 90,849,135 | Total volume* | 833,306,757 | 997,330,614 | 1,074,901,682 | Closing Arms (TRIN)† | 1.69 | 1.71 | 0.59 | Block trades* | 5,110 | 5,494 | 5,608 | Adv. volume | 835,318,042 | 428,561,775 | 4,255,160,698 | Decl. volume | 2,925,620,188 | 4,004,759,064 | 522,955,376 | Total volume | 3,834,321,383 | 4,449,665,485 | 4,806,681,467 |
| SPY Advance - Decline data for 2014 through 2016 | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
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