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   Strategies & Market TrendsZman Market Timing

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To: humble1 who wrote (14758)9/2/2017 9:10:24 AM
23 Recommendations   of 15886
I find your plea hollow and insincere... so stop pretending to be humble, clearly you're anything but...

Here's why you banned me:

You posted numerous photos on your thread, I thought they were nicely taken pics and I once color enhanced one of your pics... you then scolded me that I shouldn't "touch" your photos, that you took them and thought they were perfect as posted and I should "never touch them again"...

Then, I found a resort brochure elsewhere with the exact same picture which you claimed you took yourself... I asked you how can both pictures be identical?? Are you a professional photographer???

Clearly, you're just a plagiarist claiming other people's photos as your own personal property because upon that question you immediately banned me to "kill the messenger" and escape further embarrassment of being caught in a lie, so please don't pretend to be righteous...

Yes, you took those pictures, you took them from someone else and claiming them as your own personal property without their permission and/or referencing their credits... not only is that theft, it's also a Violation of the SI Terms of Use...

If you copied a photo from another source, you should have provided the link, this is required to indicate the photo is not your personal property... in fact, you have violated the SI Terms of Use Code numerous times!!!

Under the SI Terms of Use Member Conduct, section 2c, it says:

Posting or transmitting third party copyrighted information or in any way infringing on the intellectual property rights, contractual or fiduciary rights of others.

Oh, danny, boy... tsk, tsk...


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To: humble1 who wrote (14758)9/2/2017 10:10:51 AM
From: zman69
   of 15886
Thank you H1! As usual you have nailed it. You are truly a class act. It's too bad the admin has been bamboozled by trolls.

I refuse to put any further effort into this thread or share my work at a place where those who run the site don't appreciate it and don't show any respect for my right to control the content of my board. Already what was a valuable board has devolved into a food fight due to the undesirables being allowed to post here.

Good going Soup Nazi. Way to destroy what was one of the best board here.

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To: GROUND ZERO™ who wrote (14763)9/2/2017 10:18:23 AM
From: zman69
1 Recommendation   of 15886
I have banned GZ again for his food fights and personal attacks like this that are destroying this board. If admin Soup Nazi doesn't meddle improperly again and prevent me from maintaining the quality of this board (which before GZ got involved was 100% focused on market timing) then we can resume the normal programming and Zman's market timing will be back. OTOH if Admin reinstates GZ then I'm not even coming back to check on this site ever again. Just let this thread fall apart into pernsoal attack food fight thread. Ball is in admins court. I would advise all who value Zman's TA to make their desire known.

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To: zman69 who wrote (14765)9/2/2017 10:24:26 AM
From: rdkflorida2
3 Recommendations   of 15886
I remember when you banned me for stepping over the line. Later you removed the ban. Unlike others I did not go whining to Admin. I changed and did my best to stick to the rules. GZ is a two faced hypocrite, IMO. At his boards he bans good people and praises people that, IMO, are boarder line racists and Neo-Nazis. I do not always agree with your calls, but at least you put them out there in a clear and open manner. Keep it going. RDK.

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To: rdkflorida2 who wrote (14766)9/2/2017 10:29:18 AM
From: zman69
1 Recommendation   of 15886
Thanks rkd you are a class act as well!

The reason Zman is quick to ban troublemakers is because he want to maintain the quality and integrity of this board with a 100% focus on quality TA free from food fights, personal attacks, and noise.

Ask yourself why would a poster ask admin to override my ban when said poster NEVER posts anything of substance here. No TA, no market timing analysis, just personal attacks, and snark/taunting. And yet admin plays along with this???

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To: zman69 who wrote (14767)9/2/2017 10:37:07 AM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
3 Recommendations   of 15886
If the people I released act up you can always ban them again and I won't step in next time. I felt the bans were not just. This was a one time release for them.

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To: zman69 who wrote (14767)9/2/2017 10:40:58 AM
From: rdkflorida2
   of 15886
I agree. He should just post his work and give his reasons. What I have found is that everyone has opinions, but most are willing to post their facts without making "snarky" remarks. I try to read and digest everyones' posts. IMHO, there is no need for the "snarky" commentary. Stick around and keep posting your timing info. I made some nice money playing with SPXU on the down side during August. (I had August called for a weak correction). Now I see an UP move to over 2500 on the SPX (and maybe to 2700). IMHO, there is just too much money going into the indexes to see your "crash" scenario take place. I think October might have more down, but no "crash" just yet. At least not without a Black Swan event. The middle of 2018 is where I see something happening. Sorry to be so long winded. GLTU going forward. RDK

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From: zman699/2/2017 10:41:09 AM
2 Recommendations   of 15886
Just to show good faith Zman has reviewed his total ban list and has removed those who he feels deserve another chance to stick to the rules of adding value with 100% TA and market timing focused posts. Zman is NOT unfair or frivolous in who he bans. He applies the rules equally to all... stay away from politics and personal attacks and snark/taunting and there is no problem posting here. If you think there has been a misunderstanding then PM me and we can work it out. But repeat offenders and those with a long history as troublemakers will not be reinstated by me.

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To: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man) who wrote (14768)9/2/2017 10:42:40 AM
From: zman69
4 Recommendations   of 15886
Thank you! I appreciate your understanding...

Zman's Market Timing can now resume!

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From: zman699/2/2017 11:00:43 AM
2 Recommendations   of 15886
As mentioned previosly Zman has a cycle high due 9/4 +/- 1 TD. Since 9/4 is a market holiday that means Friday could have been it or we get a gap and crap Turnaround Tuesday...

From the perspective of Zman's cycle work next week is truly Make or Break week for the Bearz. We must see hard down week for for the bear scenario and to reinforce the importance of the 8/9 +/- Zman Top Date high.

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