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   Gold/Mining/EnergyZentek Ltd - ZEN

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To: emperor who wrote (14603)8/22/2022 10:32:07 AM
From: Inca2
1 Recommendation   of 21044
To: Inca2 (who wrote)8/6/2022 12:14:37 PM
From: Yippee
Dear Sir,
I am Scott Grady of Vital Health Supplies. I'd be happy to help with your order.
Please contact me at:

By the way...

Vele jaren geleden, speelde ik professioneel hockey in Den Haag. In 1977 verhuisde ik na de universiteit naar Nederland en beleefde een van de beste tijden van mijn leven! De Nederlanders houden van Canadezen...Dag, Tot siens!
This the reply i got.

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To: emperor who wrote (14603)8/22/2022 10:35:10 AM
From: Rebert Rodford
1 Recommendation   of 21044
Elite still advertises Zenguard mask. Must have plenty supply to meet orders.

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To: emperor who wrote (14603)8/22/2022 10:40:36 AM
From: emperor
10 Recommendations   of 21044
Response from Scott Grady at Vital Health

"I have approximately 400,000 pieces in my warehouse and I know Zentek has somewhere in the region of 2,500,000 in their warehouse with much more on the way."

Excellent customer service.!

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To: emperor who wrote (14606)8/22/2022 10:47:32 AM
From: Rebert Rodford
   of 21044
quod erat demonstrandum. Ha .speaks Latin in Russia

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To: Rebert Rodford who wrote (14607)8/22/2022 11:14:38 AM
From: Inca2
   of 21044
Luctor et emergo.

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To: Inca2 who wrote (14608)8/22/2022 11:21:46 AM
From: Rebert Rodford
   of 21044
Good advises

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To: Bentonstocks who wrote (14602)8/22/2022 3:40:23 PM
From: Packfan1941
   of 21044
I believe you can order directly off the Zentek website.

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From: Bentonstocks8/22/2022 3:48:06 PM
6 Recommendations   of 21044
It appears I have reconnected too early... Maybe I should have waited another month... I tell ya what though, I totally disconnected from the nation and international news back in mid-June and man do I feel better... Talk about the weight of the world being lifted... I was in a peaceful, ignorant bliss all summer.

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To: Packfan1941 who wrote (14610)8/22/2022 3:56:49 PM
From: Bentonstocks
   of 21044
Great... I see they are still being sold on Mark's website too, so I presume supply is assured.

On another note, so far, for the most part, I have Canadian medical professionals that I have been in contact with to be stubbornly attached to what they already know and use, and sometimes even skeptical despite all of ZenGuard data and credentials... I hope others have fared better.

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To: Bentonstocks who wrote (14612)8/22/2022 6:54:32 PM
From: Steakhouse
1 Recommendation   of 21044
B - Almost a full year since HC approval of our masks. "The Gold Standard". Taking us to the mountain top etc etc etc. Where is the Canadian Government mandating this mask be used in ALL Health Care Facilities?
If it was Big Pharma or 3M with this mask the mandate would have happened quickly even with contracts in place for I don't care how many years. Who ever has that contract should be forced to purchase ZEN HC approved masks for all Canadian Health Care Facilities. When a much much better widget comes along you use it and not stay with the old buggy whip.

That being said I purchased another 2k shares today between 1.94 and 2.04. I guess I like my Balls being squeezed. :)


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