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   PastimesGuns - America's Greatest Legacy

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From: Black Blade1/9/2024 12:57:21 PM
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Did Loosening Gun Control Cause A Nationwide Drop In Homicides?

According to a recent study, the homicide rate in the United States plummeted in 2023. The drop was so drastic in fact, the study's author was quoted saying that this is likely one of the fastest declines in homicides ever recorded.

But is there a reason for the decline? We think so. It's possible that the removal of gun control may have played a critical role in this decline.

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From: garrettjax1/31/2024 4:29:51 PM
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1/30/24 - Federal Judge Benitez declares CA ammo law unconstitutional for about the 12th time...

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From: Thomas M.3/4/2024 12:48:11 PM
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The “experts” at ATF can’t disassemble firearms nor can they assemble the firearm they’re arguing is so easy to make.


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From: Black Blade4/23/2024 11:05:37 PM
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CDC suppresses data on self-defense gun use after private meeting with GUN CONTROL advocates

04/23/2024 // Ava Grace // 760 Views

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reportedly removed figures for self-defense gun use following a private meeting with gun control advocates.

According to Law Enforcement Today (LET), the public health agency's purview "encompasses the study of factors contributing to injury and mortality, including incidents involving firearms." It added: "Over the years, the agency has commissioned research aimed at shedding light on various aspects of gun violence, seeking to inform prevention strategies and public health interventions."

But recent revelations have disclosed the CDC's deliberate deliberate suppression of data concerning defensive gun use (DGU), in turn raising concerns about transparency and the potential politicization of research. This suppression was brought to light through correspondence obtained by means of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which uncovered a lobbying effort aimed at influencing the public health agency's messaging on DGU.

According to the correspondences, the CDC commissioned the National Academy of Medicine and the National Research Council for several studies on the matter. While the resulting papers acknowledged DGUs as a "common occurrence," the CDC notably opted to omit references to DGU statistics from its public materials. This move drew scrutiny after evidence of pressure from gun-control advocates to diminish or remove mentions of DGUs emerged.

Notable gun control advocates were involved in this effort to suppress the CDC. They were supported by introductions from the White House and from the office of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). Some of the advocates were as follows:

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  • Mark Bryant, co-founder of the Gun Violence Archive (GVA)
  • Devin Hughes, founder and president of GVPedia
  • Po Murray, founder and chairwoman of the Newtown Action Alliance
With Murray facilitating discussions, the gun control advocates engaged with top CDC officials to challenge the depiction of studies estimating DGUs, ranging from 60,000 to 2.5 million occurrences annually in the United States. (Related: State of Washington Democrats propose “overreaching” bill prohibiting self-defense weapons in public areas such as bus stops.)

CDC yields to censorship demands despite second thoughts on GDU numbers
Bryant, among the vocal attendees firmly criticized the 2.5 million figure. The GVA co-founder staunchly advocated for its removal.

"That statistic needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again," Bryant bluntly stated in an email to CDC officials following their meeting. "It is highly misleading, used out of context and holds zero value even as an outlier in honest discussions surrounding DGUs."

Despite its initial hesitation and an acknowledgement of varied estimates regarding DGUs, CDC officials ultimately agreed to remove references to DGUs from its publications. According to LET, the CDC's compliance with external pressure underscores the delicate balance between scientific inquiry and ideological influence. "By prioritizing political ideals over academic rigor, the agency risks compromising its reputation as an evidence-based research institution and eroding public trust in its findings," the police-owned media outlet reported.

Gary Kleck, a professor emeritus of criminology at Florida State University, denounced the CDC's decision to remove DGU figures from its publications. His research on DGU that spans decades has consistently demonstrated a minimum of 760,000 annual incidents.

"CDC is just aligning itself with the gun control advocacy groups," Kleck emphasized. "It's just saying, 'We are their tool, and we will do their bidding.' And that's not what a government agency should do."

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From: Black Blade6/1/2024 2:38:51 AM
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NRA Members Stockpile Ammo in Fear of 2024 Election Unrest, Survey Reveals

by Jim H?ft May. 30, 2024 2:40 pm264 Comments conducted face-to-face surveys of NRA Annual Meeting attendees using survey software and iPads from May 17 to May 19, 2024

A recent survey conducted by at the 2024 National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meetings in Dallas, Texas, reveals a striking trend: a majority of NRA members are gearing up for potential civil unrest surrounding the upcoming presidential election.

The survey, which included nearly 1,000 respondents, revealed growing concerns among NRA members about the legitimacy of the 2020 election and the nation’s future stability. More than half of those polled were 50 years old or older.

Survey Highlights:
  • Election Legitimacy Doubts: A vast majority, around 84%, do not recognize Joe Biden as the legitimate president from the 2020 elections. This sentiment is consistent across all age groups surveyed.
  • Anticipation of Unrest: Approximately 75% foresee potential civil unrest related to the 2024 election outcomes, with about one-third fearing an imminent civil war in the next decade.
  • Ammunition Stockpiling: 70% of surveyed members indicate they will be stocking up on ammunition ahead of the 2024 elections.
  • Voting Intentions: 78% of NRA members plan to vote a straight Republican ticket in the upcoming election, with gun rights being a significant, though not the primary, concern.

Image courtesy of

An overwhelming 97% of survey respondents believe the Second Amendment was, in part, enshrined in the United States Constitution as a defensive mechanism against a tyrannical government. This belief underscores the deep-rooted conviction among NRA members about the fundamental purpose of their gun rights.

When it comes to what threatens the Second Amendment, NRA membership is split. That said, the concept of a gun owner database appears the most concerning to members among the more commonly discussed threats. Red flag laws and a renewed assault weapons ban follow. Currently, federal law prohibits a universal, national gun registry or database through the Brady Act.

Image courtesy of

The survey also suggests NRA members are more politically active than the average American, with 6 out of 10 surveyed members having contacted lawmakers about gun rights issues. This proactive approach to advocacy demonstrates the commitment of NRA members to protecting their Second Amendment rights.

Additional Insights on Gun Ownership and Rights:
  • Gun Safety Measures: The survey revealed that a majority (55%) support mandatory safety courses for gun owners, and nearly half (45%) favor mental health screenings prior to firearm purchases.
  • Minority Rights: Less than a quarter (22%) believe that transgender individuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery should be stripped of their firearm rights. 29% of respondents aged 18-30 believe that individuals who have undergone gender-reassignment surgery should have their firearms confiscated.

Image courtesy of

Despite media reports of internal challenges within the NRA, 75% of respondents trust the organization to advocate for Second Amendment rights. However, 87% feel the NRA could do more, pointing to the high-profile case of Kyle Rittenhouse as an example of where they believe stronger advocacy was needed.

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From: Black Blade6/14/2024 12:53:00 AM
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Today, Firearms Policy Coalition announced a major legal victory in its Mock v. Garland lawsuit challenging the Biden Administration’s “pistol brace” ban rule issued by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

In the decision, United States District Court Judge Reed O’Connor granted summary judgment in favor of FPC and its co-plaintiffs and issued a final judgment and order vacating the ATF’s rule.

The case and opinion can be found here.

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To: Black Blade who wrote (5307)6/26/2024 7:37:26 AM
From: Selectric II
1 Recommendation   of 5319
The Left never relents.

What's he doing about the fentanyl public health crisis?

Surgeon general declares firearm violence in America a public health crisis
Murthy's public health advisory is the first document of its kind produced by the Surgeon General's Office
By Timothy H.J. Nerozzi Fox News
Published June 25, 2024 8:25am EDT

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From: Selectric II7/16/2024 8:14:22 PM
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Google de-platforms Hickok45?

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From: Selectric II7/26/2024 9:26:59 PM
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From: Selectric II9/29/2024 9:59:15 AM
   of 5319
If guns are America's Greatest Legacy, as this thread title states, why are so many gun owners not even registered to vote, let alone those who are registered but don't actually vote -- especially in swing states (see below) where their vote matters most?

If you aren't already, please get registered, and vote.

And importantly, make sure your family and friends get themselves registered and vote, too. Offer them a shared ride to the polls, and make an event of it.

As if America's legacy depends on it, because it does!

It's not hard or time consuming!!

You don't even have to vote every office or question on the ballot if you don't want to -- but vote for candidates in the offices and ballot questions that are important to you. Please.


10 Million Hunters and Gun Owners Not Registered to Vote
by Guy Sagi
posted on August 21, 2024

Recently released data from Vote4America indicates 10 million hunters and gun owners in the United States are not registered to vote. The figures, according to a New York Post article, “…show that if Republicans don’t address political apathy among their gun-owning base in key swing states, they’ll have far fewer voters in their arsenal to score victories this November.”

States with the most sportsmen not yet registered to vote in the upcoming Presidential election include Pennsylvania, with 515,277 and roughly a half million each in Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin. The states with the fewest number of unregistered sportsmen and women are Arizona at 133,000, Nevada with 59,173 and Montana, 52,233.

Election Day falls during the height of hunting seasons in many states, but sportsmen who act fast can qualify to cast their ballots absentee when they can’t make it to the polls. The Vote4America website offers a number of convenient links to register, check registration and more. It’s free and using its resources doesn’t require enrolling in another mailing list. Agreeing to its “terms of service,” however, is.

Simply visit the Vote4America home page and enter your name and address. Date of birth, e-mail address and phone number are optional, a nice touch for those of us worried about privacy. When that information is submitted, users are automatically directed to their respective state’s voting services and links.

Vote4America doesn’t bill itself as having any party affiliation. The organization explains on its website that, “We are the many, who want to make America feel like home again. We are hunters, veterans, cops, moms, dads, friends and neighbors, who believe America would be better if the silent majority stood up against the insanity; and know that the most important thing we can do together is to participate in this election.”

For more information, visit

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