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   Gold/Mining/EnergyWolverine Exploration

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To: doubloon who wrote (137)7/14/2012 7:43:38 PM
From: jrlsss7
   of 173
Let'sw hope it rekindles some fires out there. Nothing like a drill bit full of copper that will turn the tide. It might spark some new interest. Thanks for the update.

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To: doubloon who wrote (135)7/16/2012 11:25:26 AM
From: oldcranky
   of 173
At least the quiet times here don't include all the puerile ranting of the "investing community" elsewhere.

I'll take quiet when infrequent posts mean something.

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To: oldcranky who wrote (139)7/16/2012 1:57:56 PM
From: doubloon
   of 173
I think you might find the more compelling conversations and more up to date topics on this message board other than that other one. No one wants to see their investment targeted by a has been penny stock promoter that cannot take responsibility for his own actions.
When investors realize they can average down they seem to be open to the placement at this level. Personally I have grabbed about 1.5 mil at this level, my theory is that no one has stolen that 24 city blocks of surface showings and last I heard the subsurface target of 43 city block area is still there, it's just that the timeline was not what we expected.

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To: doubloon who wrote (140)7/16/2012 5:32:03 PM
From: oldcranky
   of 173
I agree wholeheartedly. Nobody picked the copper up and walked away with it. In fact, if you know how to do that, let's patent the trick and sell it to miners.

I'd love to hear news they hit pay dirt, but one thing I know about these people is they don't communicate till they have something to say. Until they do, the buying time is right.

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From: doubloon7/16/2012 7:32:09 PM
   of 173

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From: doubloon7/16/2012 7:39:50 PM
   of 173

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To: doubloon who wrote (140)7/20/2012 9:15:55 AM
From: jrlsss7
   of 173
I don't even participate on that other board any longer. I can't tolerate unprofessional behavior and neanderthal mentality. I'm still looking forward to the drilling program that should get underway any day now and give us what we've been waiting for, copper. Lot's of it!

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To: jrlsss7 who wrote (144)7/20/2012 9:32:53 AM
From: 4222
   of 173
I hear you and am doing the same almost (I still write just a few comments now on some other stocks, but find a lot of it isn't worth it). I hub is good though for graphs a level 2 that isn't always so accurate, and other info.

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To: jrlsss7 who wrote (144)7/20/2012 2:59:04 PM
From: oldcranky
   of 173
I think you and I left on the same day. If this venue can pay more attention to moderating it's content that filling the pop up advertising space, I think there will be much more utility for speculative investors such as ourselves.

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To: oldcranky who wrote (146)7/22/2012 7:46:30 PM
From: jrlsss7
   of 173
This board is a lot more quiet but no nonsense like the other one. I think this one will get bust as soon as the drilling program begins. Good luck to everyone.

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