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To: street cynic who wrote (1126)3/25/2021 9:28:35 AM
From: Bob
   of 1332
I can answer 2 of those

Can you tell me what the hexagonal icon means at the end of some message (post) headers in the message lists?
STOP sign - end of message - so you don't need to click on that actual message you are reading the entire message

Is there some way to find all replies made to me in one place, irregardless of the thread or forum?
That would be your Mail box - up top - it shows the number of replies to your messages.

You may have Public replies and you may have private messages, only to you, that no one else sees

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To: street cynic who wrote (1126)3/25/2021 11:42:15 AM
From: Honey_Bee
   of 1332
Hi Street Cynic....

The blue and pink colors are the messages that you see when you look at the whole page of messages - that differentiates between read and unread messages.

About the hexagon icon, I see that Pine Valley answered that one.

Last question about all replies in one place: To my knowledge, there is not a simple list of them, but if you look under the "MAIL" icon at the top of the page (next to the SI icon), you will see all of your replies listed there individually - in the drop-down menu. You can then click on the link for each reply and it will take you to it - wherever it is.

I hope I have been able to help. IMO, SI is the most convenient and user-friendly site there is on the internet.

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To: street cynic who wrote (1126)3/26/2021 9:18:23 AM
From: Graystone
   of 1332
Look in Mail > Inbox then Deleted/Sent
Going gone gone

As soon as you read any message it is gone from your Inbox.
When you Reply to a Private Message your Reply is moved into the Sent folder.
This only happens to Private messages though.

Public messages are right where they were posted.
To review messages to you that are Public, look at your own Profile.
Look at your own posts and review the Replies hyperlink.
You can reread the last 50 or so messages you have posted right there. (I think it is 50 and I refuse to count)
A greater number than 50 are also linked and can also be accessed.
There is a hyperlinked number beside the Subjects where you have last posted.
Those hyperlinks are to your posts on that subject listed chronologically. A Next button is included.
Older content you have posted is not always on the list of Subjects.
That list of Subjects is chronological so older material falls off and there is no easy way to find it.
The posts are still there mind you, and the material can be found, it is never gone.
I am not sure if anyone has discovered their own old posts by running for public office but I wouldn't rule it out.
I used to be able to read every post I had written on SI by just using AltaVista.

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From: Meggie153/29/2021 10:38:13 PM
   of 1332
Hi Ron! Thanks for doing this. I came from SA and would like to be upgraded!

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From: anttheman4/2/2021 6:29:41 PM
   of 1332
Hi Ron! Thanks for doing this. I came from SA and would like to be upgraded!

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From: Towi4/2/2021 7:25:10 PM
   of 1332
Hi Ron! Thanks for doing this. I came from SA and would like to be upgraded!

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From: Zain Saleh4/3/2021 8:44:53 AM
   of 1332
Hey folks, I'm new here.

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To: Zain Saleh who wrote (1133)4/3/2021 9:06:25 AM
From: Frank Sully
   of 1332
Welcome aboard Zain, FWIW, for the benefit of new members I posted the following on the New Members board.

FWIW, there have been dozens and dozens of new members flocking here from Seeking Alpha to follow Chowder. Chowder has started a board called Disruptive Innovation linked here: Subject 60218

For the benefit of these new members I posted the following on Chowder's board:


Thanks for the explanation. As I noted in a previous post I don't usually post so much and was sort of laying out a historical foundation for the discussion here, unaware that these topics had been discussed in depth on your Seeking Alpha blog.

FWIW, here are my investments in disruptive technologies in no particular order:
  • AI & Robotics - IRBO - IShares Robotics and AI ETF;
  • Biotechnology - ARKG - ARK Genomics Revolution ETF;
  • AI Chips, Autonomous Vehicles, Supercomputers - NVDA - NVIDIA;
  • AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Search - GOOGL - Alphabet;
  • Enterprise AI - AI -
Disruptive technologies make up about 25% of my overall portfolio.

FWIW, for your information and that of the dozens of those who followed you from Seeking Alpha, here is a list of Silicon Investor boards which discuss these disruptive technologies which may be of interest for historical context, current news and discussion:
Frank Sully

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From: Jjcc4/3/2021 1:17:58 PM
   of 1332
Hi! I am new here and came from SA. Hello everyone.

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To: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man) who wrote (904)4/8/2021 9:02:16 AM
From: TooManyNames
   of 1332
I moved here from SA. Please upgrade to full member.
Thanks much.

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