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   Gold/Mining/EnergyMinera IRL

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To: Karl_M who wrote (1029)12/1/2021 9:27:26 AM
From: Breft
2 Recommendations   of 1341
There is a simple answer for Mr Mount. Pick the phone up, and answer the questions coming from the other end like a professional.

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To: jiggaAu who wrote (1044)12/1/2021 9:40:08 AM
From: Breft
3 Recommendations   of 1341
I'm sorry, I'm not convinced. Some time ago I emailed Benevides to ask him if he had a programme detailing the financing and development of the Ollachea project, and also when I might expect MIRL to refloat on the UK AIM market. I got no reply, but after sending a reminder email, I got a reply from Pedro Valdez, which provided no answers but asked for patience. Clearly not good enough by far.
If MIRL do not have a basic document like a programme by which progress can be measured, it tells me there is something seriously wrong, and that the management is grossly incompetent.
It is time the swamp here was drained, and the CS group must see it through if we are to have any chance of seeing a return on our investment.

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To: Breft who wrote (1061)12/1/2021 11:32:58 AM
From: wrkoutmn50
1 Recommendation   of 1341
Breft!Yes, Drain the Swamp.Thanks John

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To: wrkoutmn50 who wrote (1062)12/1/2021 11:42:51 AM
From: wrkoutmn50
1 Recommendation   of 1341
Concerned Shareholder


John Mc Dermott <>
To:Pedro Valdez

Wed, Dec 1 at 8:37 AM

We will drain the SWAMP!
John Paul Mc Dermott

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From: mark_ikn12/1/2021 8:21:18 PM
3 Recommendations   of 1341
As MIRL deliberately limits any third party investigation to the specific complaints made to its Ethics Hotline (aka whistleblower hotline) we strongly urge CS members and shareholders to submit complaints under the follow subjects. They are obliged to act and it won't be so easy to wriggle out of real answers this time. Please consider making denouncement of corporate wrongdoings regarding any or all of the following to the Minera IRL Ethics hotline:

1) The company's dereliction of accounting duty under IAS24 (i.e. not disclosing Related Party Transactions) in its quarterly and annual financials since 2016, the point from which Diego Benavides became CEO of Minera IRL Ltd.

2) The repeated choice of Baker Tilly (Peru) as "independent" auditor, the same entity that cleared Diego Benavides from wrongdoings in 2016. Specifically ask whether Diego Benavides has personal friends at Baker Tilly (Peru)

3) The number of separate payment made to Patricia Kent, Felipe Benavides and Marco Arevalo since 2016 4) The total amount of payments made to Patricia Kent, Felipe Benavides, Marco Arevalo since 2016

5) The total amount of money paid per quarter in Related Party Transactions since 2016.

6) The refusal to disclose material conclusions from the auditor report citing claims of confidentiality
7) The refusal of the Corporate Communications Manager and Investor Relations Manager to engage with shareholders and provide meaningful answers, often to the most basic of questions.
8) The company should provide more details of the hiring process that saw close personal friends arrive at the company and given executive-level jobs, despite being unqualified for the posts

Feel free to add your own complaint(s). They have closed their Special Committee on the serious allegations, all while avoiding the real answers? Fine, we submit our new complaints and they will be forced to open another under their own bylaws. Governability means something and they must be required to answer to the owners of the company, no matter whether before or after the AGM.

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To: mark_ikn who wrote (1064)12/1/2021 11:08:14 PM
From: Kiwi Pom
3 Recommendations   of 1341
2 a) What were the terms of reference set for the work by Baker Tilly (Peru)?

Who set these terms of reference?

Where these agreed by the whole of the board ?

Why have these terms of reference not been disclosed to the shareholders?

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From: Breft12/2/2021 6:16:47 AM
1 Recommendation   of 1341
I will be making reports to the various whistleblowers and bodies as suggested by the sages on this board (thanks for all your input gents) this weekend. At the same time I will be submitting my proxy votes. I will be voting down resolutions 1-3 and 5. As regards resolution 4 to elect Martin Mount, I am of the mind that as Mr Mount is part of the management plan, we must, by definition, act in opposition to it. Does anyone else agree with this?
All advice gratefully appreciated (unless from German Boy!)

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To: Breft who wrote (1066)12/2/2021 11:06:57 AM
From: mark_ikn
2 Recommendations   of 1341
As far as I'm concerned and after the backsliding and disrespectful manner in which Martin Mount has decided to comport himself, he gets two professional futures: He either has an unpleasant December 2021 or a really unpleasant 2022. Certainly no gentleman, despite the airs and graces he'd like to pretend. From our neck of the woods, such people receive their just desserts.

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From: DaveAu12/2/2021 5:40:47 PM
   of 1341
Minera IRL Provides Corporate Update:

My comment: Pretty well written NR. Gives a nice carrot that of course is to occur after the AGM:

The PEA reduced the capital requirements for Ollachea by nearly $100 million to a final start-up cost of $89 million (including a 25% contingency). This has unlocked financing opportunities that were out of reach under the previous scenario, which required an investment of approximately $250 million. Since the beginning of September, we have expanded our effort to finance Ollachea to include alternatives to straight debt or equity and we are currently engaged in active discussions with two operators that have expressed preliminary interest in a strategic alliance to develop Ollachea. These parties have already begun a due diligence review, including through the technical visits to our projects.

We anticipate that these due diligence reviews will continue through the end of the year and into 2022. Although there can be no assurance that these parties will continue to be interested once they complete their due diligence reviews, we hope to receive initial non-binding indicative proposals during the first quarter of 2022.

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From: Jabberwocky9812/2/2021 7:22:03 PM
   of 1341
More insider buys

Pedro Valdez picked up another 116,065 shares to bring him up to 366,065 shares.

Mr Lema Hanke picked up 100,000 shares in mid October.

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