From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 1:10:33 AM | | | | We need to get Martin Mount on record.
If he takes a position of responsibility at MIRL, be it director or public company CEO, he must remove both Diego Benavides and his son Felipe (holder of the "magic share" that stops people from examining the subsidiaries) from the wholly-owned subsidiaries and pledge an independent audit of all company books, not just the ones that suit Benavides. If Martin Mount allows the Benavides clan to stay at MIRL his intentions will be obvious...all in my opinion of course.
RTZ can ask those questions of Mr. Mount. We can too. Also, these people should be made aware:
Accountable Mining
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From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 1:26:47 AM | | | | Marcos and his "Quien calla otorga" comment a few posts ago is another way forward. Let's imagine that we set out the scenario for RTZ, via public messaging and multiple submissions to its whistleblower and ESG hotlines. They will then have clear knowledge of future plans to bury corrupt activity at a company in which they hold a significant percentage of shares.
If RTZ decides not to act and the scenario comes to pass, they are no longer passive onlookers and it's not just a case of whether heads will roll, but which heads. The person in the RTZ hierarchy who receives the reports and decides not to do anything is fired with cause under the company's ESG rules and if not, their superior is fired. Or their superior. It's how the CEO's head rolled for that sacred site incident, after all.
It's never the deed that gets the big fish, it's always the cover-up. |
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From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 5:34:22 AM | | | | I believed we have arrived at Diego Benavides' grand plan. He has convinced the board of directors to cover for him by telling them all they need to do is get to the AGM without saying anything. The reason for the directors' silence is now clear, the moment they speak and report back on the findings of their investigation, they are on-record and that is something they must avoid at all cost.
They say they've found something, they must act.
Thery say they've found nothing, they are lying (and SAP knows it)
So they're trying to limp to the AGM by maintaining absolute silence because the central point of the AGM is, ironically, they don't care really care what happens! If we throw out Diego Benavides, we shareholders get to celebrate for a day or so but then chair Gerardo Perez (who stays as chair whatever happens) gets to choose a new CEO. This is why Martin Mount has been nominated. He is either ignorant (unlikely) or part of the plan, but he'll be offered the CEO's job!, He gets things mining people like, such as a large salary, active mines, project to develop etc). He's more than qualifiedt too, and will bring in the "new broom", that fits with the shareholder desire "get the company moving again". He'll be allowed to pick his team and will surely fire the useless trio as well, which will make him more popular with shareholders.
But he will decide not to do anything about the wholly-owned subsidiaries and leave them be. Therefore while the public company sees a new broom, new team etc, Diego Benavides stays in charge of at least the Minera IRL SA (Corihuarmi), or at worst Felipe and his "golden share" continues to block any further investigation. Before we know it, the whole corrupt show has stayed under wraps and goes away. Benavides keeps the lid on the subsidiaries and is not too concerned about losing his CEO's job, his multimillion dollar corruptioon and fraud have been kept under wraps.
The MIRL board's problem is their fiduciary duty, which they want to ignore until December 10th and the vote cut-off. So what we do is explain to Rio Tinto that their silence makes them complicit in this ongoing. Once they are aware, they cannot refuse to act because once the scenario rolls out as forecast, they won't be able to claim innocence any longer.
All the questions: The hiring of Gabbie/Valdez/Ngatai, the internal audit, their job demotions, the long-term payments to Diego Benavides' friends and family. The reason they say nothing is to make them all go away after the AGM. The whole board is complicit in this deception, but now if we blow the whistle on them with RTZ, the big company must act because once RTZ knows MIRL's plan, they are no longer ignorant. So, tell RTZ about the lapses in fiduciary duty as soon as possible, in the whistleblower report form seen in the post below. We should also contact Canadian authorities, same reasons.
Make Martin Mount aware that it's not too late to save himsdelf from this Make RTZ aware of the ongoing fraud, silence and dirty tactics Contact market authorities and, when they see the reality match our forecast, they will have to act as well
All those and a dozen other channels. |
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From: HBrooke | 11/24/2021 9:44:47 AM | | | | The Minera leadership never really had a choice but to hold the course they had been on - if the claims of corruption were not true, they would feel deserving of retaining their positions (notwithstanding their lack of performance) and, if the claims were true, they would need to maintain full control of the company to prevent full disclosure and associated liability that would befall them.
It's doubtful that any serious internal review ever took place - leadership would have known the truth of the corruption claims as soon as they were made many months ago. The fact that the company has not issued a denial or engaged an independent forensic audit makes it clear that the Board is working together to keep things from being fully exposed. They may at a future point issue some sort of denial, but I expect it would be vague and unsatisfactory to shareholders.
Interesting to note that the 'new' corporate presentation is devoid of any meaningful plan to get Ollachea into production or any deliverables on which management could be measured.
As for the election of Mr. Mount to the Board, while his mining experience is certainly a benefit (especially to a board with so little), I saw nothing in terms of mine development, leadership or Board experience that would make him the kind of person the company needs right now, and, there is too much risk that he will just become a confederate of existing leadership. I would also be skeptical of any promises he may make prior to being elected - he can say anything at that stage but be under no obligation to deliver since he would be only one vote on the Board.
Obviously, the problem with voting down the three directors on the slate is that it still leaves three existing. If Rio cannot be persuaded to step-up-to-the-plate (as in forcing management to perform an independent forensic audit and the changes needed to get Ollachea into production), then I think the best option for CS voting is to vote against all 5 resolutions - this is a risky proposition but would force real action. |
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From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 11:00:57 AM | | | | THE CONCERNED SHAREHOLDER GAMEPLAN
We now have the issue down to its essence. We can now win this if we act together. Please consider:
1) MIRL directors speak and tell us "no problems found" they are screwed 2) MIRL directors speak and tell us "yes problems found" they are screwed 3) Our task, from now until December 10th and the cut-off date, is to make their silence impossible to maintain
We report them to RTZ. Whistleblower depositions via their own hotline. We denounce them to the OSC, the BCSC, the CSE, even the RCMP fraud squad if you want. Benavides, Perez, Iannacone and all other board members, contact them and tell them what happens if they do not report on their internal inquiry. Michael Iannacone's mail address is
Ethan Minsky is the MIRL Canadian legal counsel. This is his mail address (ironically supplied to me in the mail Diego Benavides sent to me). Contact him, make sure he understands the trouble he is in. Once we pre-empt their move to authorities (RTZ in particular, they will not dare cover up internally any longer), the MIRL board won't be able to move forward with their plans.
And we must make Martin Mount understand the problems he will invite into his life if he decides to continue with his nomination.
The more of us act, the better. |
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From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 4:23:54 PM | | | | REGARDING MR MARTIN MOUNT:
This morning, I again attempted to contact Martin Mount via his business landline phone: No reply and i left voicemail for him to return my call.
I also phoned him this morning on his cellphone, around 11:15am local time. He picked up. I asked for Martin Mount, i heard a sigh on the other end. I asked again to speak to Martin Mount, he hung up.
I have since phoned the number 15 times between then and now (3:40pm local time), he has not answered and he has disabled voicemail. I since have sent him a WhatsApp message, which so far he hasn't picked up. According to WhatsApp, the last time he used the WhatsApp channel was November 17th.
I have sent two text messages to his cellphone. No reply as yet.
In both text and whatsapp messages, I emphasized to Mr. Mount that we presume innocence at this stage, but he needs to speak with us the CS urgently. In my opinion, it's imperative that Mr. Mount understands the risks and exposure to legal jeopardy he is exposing himself to if he continues with his nomination for director. He is also a British citizen living in Peru. Therefore, I have made initial inquiries with the UK Embassy here in Peru and without mentioning his name, have learned the embassy has a desk and a mechanism to investigate financial wrongdoings of exactly this type by UK citizens who live in Peru. I have made it clear to Mr. Mount that I do not want to start formal proceedings with the UK Embassy regarding him and his involvement in the alleged fraud at Minera IRL, but if he continues to ignore our attempts to reach him and refuses to withdraw his nomination, I will be left with no choice but to begin proceedings against him.
I also visited his place of business, but was not allowed inside and there was no reply. The guard/housekeeper/gardender first told me that Mr Mount didn't live there, then when refuted facts admitted he lived there, The factotum then became aggressive, told me to leave the private property or he would call the police (i stayed on the road, which was behind an iron gate that leads into the small cul-de-sac and by Peru law, the road is not private property). I answered that I would be very happy for him to call the police and waited. He became evermore aggressive in his words toward me, I eventually left after around 10 minutes. That happened around one hour ago. I told him I would return tomorrow (which I will do)
I believe it important at this point to presume innocence of Mr. Mount, despite his behaviour toward me today. Once again, this is not about being vindictive, it is all about removing Diego Benavides from Minera IRL completely, including from the subsidiary companies, and allowing a full independent audit of all its books. If Mr. Mount steps aside and decides not to impede such an investigation, that will be the end of his involvement. However, if he chooses to put himself between the Concerned Shareholder group and the truth of what's been going on inside MIRL all these years, he will suffer the consequences of his own acts. All the above in my opinion, of course.
Mark |
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From: GermanyBoy | 11/24/2021 10:13:14 PM | | | | Dear Concerned Shareholders, our valid claims are being turned into a puppet show. I was refraining from making any comments while waiting for any type of communication from the company on this whole issue; I have to admit I am a bit disappointed but I still don’t want to fall prey to someone’s ego and obsessions. I want to believe that there is still people here who don’t take Mark Turner seriously.
He just provided a detailed description of the harassment he’s inflicting on the candidate for a director’s seat by constantly calling him on the phone, sending text and whatsapp messages, going to his place and basically threatening him with prosecution. Bloody hell! This is not only insane but also a felony!
Mark had already admitted sending death threats to the Minera team in August and even though he apologized we can clearly see that he’s continuing with some disturbing practices.
Once again, I am asking everyone here to come to their senses. We can not continue like this. Anyone who has a different view or opinion ends up falling prey to his obsession. He’s not leading us to the light at the end of the tunnel but actually deeper into it. |
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To: GermanyBoy who wrote (1021) | 11/24/2021 10:40:32 PM | From: mark_ikn | | | Absolutely false! Complete rot, poppycock and piffle from the increasingly desperate Game Boy. Oyez muchacho! Me no send no "death threats" to anyone and challenge you to prove otherwise. In fact, on reflection your statement is actionable. Thank you for providing more evidence of your criminal mind at work. It's just another in the long line of lies and falsehoods from Game Boy (Benavides and his pinche Valdez).
As for Martin Mount and the messages sent to him today, it was made 100% clear to him in both WhatsApp and texts that the purpose was not to threaten but to save him from jeopardizing himself, with a clear emphasis on assumed innocence. My repeated attempts to contact Martin Mount are for his benefit, to get him to understand what he would be letting himself in for if he became a member of the board of directors.
You're sounding particularly desperate this evening Game Boy, quedando en el ridiculo, de hecho.
If the company wants to be taken seriously, it should answer the litany of simple questions that multiple shareholders have posed to it. Instead, we are all met with a wall of silence regarding:
- The appointments of Gabbie/Ngatai/Valdez
- The internal inquiry
- The misuse of funds out of the wholly owned subsidiaries,
- Payment made to family members of Diego Benavides, all done behind "consultancy fees" to anonymous 3rd party accounts that add up to millions of dollars in secretly diverted funds
etc etc, to a near ad infinitum level. But whenever we ask simple questions of the company..
- We have an Investor Relations manager who refuses to relate to investors
- We have a Communications Manager who doesn't know how to communicate or even pick up the phone
- We have a CEO whose only way of communication is to make baseless accusations about people trying to uncover the truth, all behind a Bulletin Board handle
- Again, this is another list that can get longer very quickly and unfortunately, it's not just me who gets the silent treatment; this company refuses to talk with any of its shareholders and answer the most straightforward of questions.
We would like to know the results of the internal inquiry. Did the board find something against Diego Benavides, or did they not? A simple question that deserves an answer. Shareholders are unable to make an informed decision regarding his re-appointment otherwise.
As for the word "felony", I'm of the opinion it will be used against people connected with this sorry story soon. Not against my person, however. |
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From: mark_ikn | 11/24/2021 11:43:31 PM | | | | Here is the WhatsApp message I sent to Martin Mount this morning. The only change I have made is to scrub out his photo (at this stage, unfair to him I believe). I added the letter "P" next to his name for "phone". The text messages sent to him were of a similar ilk and I can show them, if required. I'm not the one with things to hide, Game Boy.
Please explain how this is a "felony", Game Boy:
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