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   Gold/Mining/EnergyCopper Fox

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To: explorationguy who wrote (10608)12/17/2019 3:38:05 PM
From: louel
   of 10654
Yes the last post results were on GGX partnered with Ximen mining. The area was a former gold rush region in Southern BC along the US border. 90% of the claims in the area are controlled by either Kinross Gold and Ximen or those affiliated with Ximen. Chris Anderson CEO of both Ximen and Golden Dawn has his fingers touching much of the surrounding properties which has historical production. Plus the Kenville, Bret and Treasure Mountain claims. All within easy haul distance. Two were former mines and Tr. Mtn. recently reported drill hits.
As you know Golden Dawn already has a nearly new. 200 tpd mill up-gradable to 400, ready to roll with a bit of servicing. After being built by Merritt mining. It operated for a few months just prior to the crash of 08. GOM bought financially distressed Merritt and has had the mill on Care & Maintenance ever since. It was never left to deteriorate. I've been there and seen it. The mill is just a couple of hours from home

I understand CEO Chris Anderson is working on a deal with RIVI Capital (Lien Holder) to satisfy their concerns and allow the mill to go back into production. As their Chattel was or is in default.

On Secova minerals ;
" Brad Kitchen, President & CEO of Secova commented, “Due to the hard work and significant capital that DNA has put into the project over the last seven years, Montauban will be ready to be in production before the end of 2020.

The Company’s main focus is its 100% ownership of the Eagle River project which is adjacent to and on-trend to several gold projects in the Windfall Lake district of Urban Barry in Quebec. Secova will use its expertise in early stage exploration to create shareholder value by attempting to prove out the potential resource in these assets. "

Took a look at VR . Looks pretty good so far. Ben around for a while. Formerly Roll-up Capital. Walker trend has supported mining for centuries and still making new discoveries there. Round mountain basically next door proved the location is positive. Looking at the chart price action, Volume falling off a bit. Last rally price failed to reach the previous high Could be a pull back till some verification.
But longer term, A P Placement at 22 cents with Warrants at 40 is quite a spread. Says the buyer sees it has potential. Selling the PP shares when they are in the money and hold the no risk Warrants is a money maker if it proves up.

Look at a chart of ERD (Erdene development ) A stock you mentioned before. It its typical of buy and sell stages. Some with long others shorter intervals depending on management promotion approach. But the overall picture seems to repeat in most explorers as they develop.
You can draw a descending line touching the peaks. and a horizontal one between 10 and 14 cents. Should have a upswing again in spring to summer time frame.
I''ve placed VRB in my "Stocks to Watch" list.and look for an trade point as I did with ERD. Thanks.

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To: louel who wrote (10609)12/17/2019 4:56:37 PM
From: explorationguy
   of 10654
A post on Stockhouse indicates VRR went up in July after a write-up in the Casey Energy Speculator, which is the explanation for the price bump. I think the current price is too high as a result so I'll wait for a pull back. ERD posted good numbers post tax in their tech reports and it looks like they will have access to funding. Hopefully Mongolia has stopped playing so many games with explorers and miners like they did before. The share price looks like it's bottoming out so it's another opportunity. If Copper Fox doesn't release news this week on the 2019 program then we won't hear anything until next year as both offices will close for the winter holiday break. There's a lot riding on this as Elmer will have the economics for the best case that Teck can up with. Any further stalling will be interpreted as really bad news, as in the numbers still aren't good enough for Teck to proceed with any concrete development plans.

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From: Theotokos1/16/2020 11:28:32 AM
   of 10654
Any information of the Cease Trade Order for Secova Metals? It has been 2 weeks or more, and I can't find any reasons for it. I'm still waiting to hear back from the company.

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To: Theotokos who wrote (10611)1/16/2020 2:05:19 PM
From: Theotokos
   of 10654
I guess I won't hear back; their posted e-mail address has been terminated.

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To: Theotokos who wrote (10612)2/4/2020 5:56:48 PM
From: louel
   of 10654
Don't really understand what is happening. They bought the other property produced verification. Raised $1.6 M back around September. were notified to bring their filings up to date back in October. Then received a CTO at years end for failing to do so. Silence since. . Both properties they have are in very high profile regions. No real reason not to advance them.
Perhaps being Winter they can't do much so it is less immediate cost to leave the filings till ready to proceed. I would think the $1.6 M lender would also be concerned. As the CTO was prior to the 4 month hold period they were bound by.

I have just filed at the below link for quarterly / semi annual reports to be forwarded to my address.
Just open the link - search for Secova and fill it out. I have a number corporate of filing reports automatically delivered to my trading acct. address rather than scouring thru SEDAR for the securities I hold. When the company files on sedar you get a copy in the same timeframe.

I can't see them not making a run with that Windfall Lake property. it is in one of the best gold districts in Canada. Some other great companies right next to them. Investing news caught my eye to look at them

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To: louel who wrote (10613)2/5/2020 11:54:05 AM
From: Theotokos
   of 10654
Thanks for the link. That's quite useful. I'm curious to see how this plays out. Delaying the filings, I suppose, can be explained away, but it's really odd how everything related to them has been shut down. Totally. I mean, it costs nothing to maintain an e-mail address.

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From: louel2/21/2020 11:35:25 AM
   of 10654
Western Forest Products Inc. (WEF) has settled the 7 month old strike by the steelworkers union. price dropped from $3 to $1.05. BV is $1.58 Normal operating condition trading price for Canadian lumber companies has historically averaged around 1.8 X book Fair value during the long strike had dropped to $1.40ish +-. depend on which analysts report you read.

How ever WEF by utilizing it's private timber holdings , non unionized partnerships and agreements held with other ventures weathered the strike much better than expected or forecast. During the 7 month idle period Liquidity was reduced by a mere $5 million . Annual revenue was over $1.9B

Western settled with no concessions from the Union and is slated to start production in March and full swing again by April.
The BC government made changes to the forest act baring the export of the two highest value species WRC and Cypress unless it is in already processed form. It cannot be exported for re-manufacture or kiln dry outside of the Province. This gives WEF a basic monopoly on the two coastal species. As they have the only sawmills on the coast. Western is now working with other timber license holders concerning these changes.

There is no change in exporting other species in cant or raw log form which carries no duties if purchased for processing before market in a US facility. The two US facilities in Arlington and Vancouver Wa. can still import raw logs and re-saw fiber in Fir , Spruce Hemlock or Pine bypassing US tariff fees. In august US tariffs on Canadian lumber, are slated for review. The US commerce dept suggests they will be reduced from 20% to around the 4 to 7 % range. Another boon for WEF on their sales to the US.

WEF has had a share buy back for cancellation program in place reducing the outstanding float from 496M to presently in the neighborhood of 470m and it is ongoing as well as a .0225 cent dividend. Presently approx. 6.5%

I have held shares in WEF since 2010 which I picked up at 22 cents and have held in a DRIP since. I added shares at $1.07 Presently am watching for another entry point and will add further.

As in my opinion considering basically very little debt. The quality of management who was selected and ut in place by Brookfield Asset Management , The monopoly on the high value fiber, Being undervalued , financially secure, and their stated intention to responsibly expand into jurisdictions with a business friendly environment. I believe WEF will surpass it's previous $3 high. The reduction in share count provides indication for $3.25 and with all else considered. Including the reduction of AACs as a result of over cutting during the pine beetle epidemic. it could go much higher.

A triple on a financially secure, low cost entry share doesn't come by every day. Volume & sudden Price rise appears to weakening on the chart. A pull back into the $1.25 to 30 would be healthy I think. It may come after cutoff date for the dividend in a few days.

It appears Shaft Creek could be on low heat for another year. To bad some have waited a long time. If things don't change soon some of the older investors may never see it being taken out ,Like Dell who used to run this site.

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To: louel who wrote (10615)2/22/2020 9:55:46 PM
From: explorationguy
   of 10654
I've added WEF to my watch list. Looks overbought and needs a pull back for an entry point. I think it's this year or never for Copper Fox. It looks like Teck let the cat out of the bag by publicly describing the Schaft Creek 2019 program a Scoping Study. If true then Elmer spent $88 million to get to the FS in 2012, didn't execute the Salazar agreement as all retail investors, like Metacomet (Del), were expecting and then had to wait 7 years for Teck to finish a first stage technical report( a PEA aka scoping study). In my opinion CUU has to sell SC this year or they are done. They have the revised economics from the 2019 program and won't have any further work on the property by Teck for at least another year. We'll know if they are going to act in about a month once the 2020 program is announced. If they don't announce anything significant by then the market will finish off pricing in the worst case scenario for CUU shares. That would the case where Elmer can't even find a buyer for his best asset.

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To: explorationguy who wrote (10616)2/23/2020 1:14:28 PM
From: louel
   of 10654
Pull back , yes I agree. I believe that the 10k of WEF I bought $1.07 I dropped again at $1.36 when it appeared to be stalling out. Volume was dropping off and RSI 14 was over bought. The initial euphoria was petering out. I suggested perhaps $1.25 but it depends on when the reversal signal shows up on the chart.

There is still six months till a full Q operating report. and 9 months till the report after the tariffs are cut if they are. I believe they will be as being an Election year in the US the admin will want the economy as boyant as they can make it. Lower tariffs will aid housing.

Considering the time frame WEF price could well make a double bottom.

As far as CUU I firmly believe it will be taken out. The resource is just to large to be dropped totally by Teck. It is to close to the new facility to be built for Galore Creek. Actually may be even closer than the farther points of Galore. Teck owns nearly all claims claims between the two. And they have not yet been explored. Eventually Schaft creek could easily be folded in.

The concentrate from Galore is to be pumped in a slurry. to Bob Quin for transport load out to Stewart . By combining the two projects using the same already built delivery system vastly enhances Shaft creeks IRR.

They did mention a different location for milling to cut costs, than in CUU's 2012 Feasibility '

I have 25 to 50 K of CUU each year for the last three years prior to the coming year program. When they announce nothing significant I list them again a couple of cents or more higher till next season.

It may take some time yet but It will be taken out. Just to much there , To close to all the infrastructure that has to be built for Galore to be dropped.

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To: louel who wrote (10617)2/23/2020 2:30:24 PM
From: explorationguy
   of 10654
I'm certainly hoping for Schaft Creek to be bought but can't get a read on Elmer or Ernesto's expectations. If they are unrealistic people then it could take years. I have much lower price expectations than some who post on Agoracom but that's irrelevant if they don't sell. I'm still following TUD and AMK for the 2020 drill campaign at Treaty Creek. I've bought and sold some TUD and have been waiting for a price drop. It's holding to a low 60 cent range so far. I have a large number of 3 cent AMK shares I'll hold on to until the next drill results. If they extend the strike length and depth again it will be a winner. They're on the right side of the mountain range compared to the KSM Seabridge deposits.

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