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   Technology StocksAircraft leasing companies. FLY, AER, WLFC

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From: OldAIMGuy3/17/2021 10:56:35 AM
   of 51
Hi Paul, Re: WLFC..................

A 20+% gain this AM triggered yet another minor sale of shares for my holding.
I gave up 15% of remaining shares at $42.80 to some hungry buyers.

This was originally purchased as a Covid-19 turn-around play when the
price/share was around $19. It took some buying and selling around that
core position to get here but now the holding is showing a profit of over
120% since last year's start. I originally found Willis as a "Shadow Stock"
listing on American Assn of Individual Investors member web site.

Best wishes,

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From: Paul Senior3/29/2021 9:52:49 AM
   of 51
Fly does get it's rumored buyout offer. And nice pop in the shares.

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From: Paul Senior10/25/2023 5:09:13 PM
   of 51
Upping my shares of Air Lease (AL) as stock continues to drop -- now down to near 12-mo low.

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From: Paul Senior3/14/2024 12:56:43 AM
   of 51
A lot of sectors are at 12-month highs. The aircraft leasing companies might be such a sector too.

I'll go for a few more shares of AER, now at a 12-mo high.

We see that airline travel is still strong. Boeing can't make delivery of all the planes contracted for.

From Barron's 3/12/24: "Airlines are also facing an uptick in maintenance costs as higher flight volumes and longer hours in the air require more engine overhauls and extensive checks of the aircrafts, the companies have said."

All this should - imo - increase the demand for planes and maybe increase the value of planes the leasing companies own. And increase demand for servicing the planes.

Today, AER trades at a p/e of 7 and slightly over book value. In earlier, maybe more normal times, AER would sell under bv. P/e is about 6 and 15 year median p/e is slightly under 8. Company has been profitable in each of the past 15 years.

Maybe the stock won't continue its run. It might fall a bit, but I don't see anything that would cause much of decline, given the outlook I see for airline travel and demand for planes. Maybe there won't be a lot of new planes to be built and leased. That would be a negative. If so, then otoh, the planes already leased will be more valuable.

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To: Paul Senior who wrote (50)10/10/2024 8:08:42 PM
From: Paul Senior
   of 51
Small add to AL today @$42.86.

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