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   PastimesTelevision and Movies

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To: Tom Clarke who wrote (17917)5/12/2024 12:52:57 AM
From: Neeka
   of 17935
Somewhere I had seen a documentary about Hoffa and in that doc they played the part from the movie where he's kidnapped from the diner, so I did see how it played least in the eyes of the author. Just sorry the constant musical score was so distracting we couldn't finish the movie.

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To: J.B.C. who wrote (17916)5/12/2024 12:54:20 AM
From: Neeka
   of 17935
I knew what kind of cad he was even then. Besides, he was born the same year as my Mother.

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To: Neeka who wrote (17915)5/19/2024 5:53:46 PM
From: Tom Clarke
   of 17935
Don't know why I rushed this post to you, I didn't tell the whole story! I get out of work at 3:30, for some reason I felt like I had to post before I signed out. What's the rush? Could have waited until I got home...that's what I get for goofing off at work.

My parents were on an ocean liner and Edgar Bergen was the entertainment. He had his daughter in tow, Candice was fourteen. So I guess I never had a brush with Hollywood, this would have been her pre-Hollywood period.

Aren't you glad I cleared that up?

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To: Tom Clarke who wrote (17922)5/23/2024 1:14:36 PM
From: Neeka
   of 17935
I was almost run over by Jill St. John in Aspen. My grandmother sat with Alfred Hitchcock at dinner on a Queen Mary crossing once.


So glad! ;)

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To: Neeka who wrote (17923)5/24/2024 8:41:58 AM
From: Tom Clarke
   of 17935
Did your grandmother tell the family what she and Hitch talked about? I imagine the conversation could be very droll....

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To: Tom Clarke who wrote (17924)5/24/2024 2:09:07 PM
From: Neeka
   of 17935
No, she didn't go into any detail other than to say he was very nice.

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From: dylan murphy6/14/2024 1:19:37 PM
   of 17935
An inspirational and true story.

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To: Neeka who wrote (17923)7/2/2024 8:52:26 PM
From: Sr K
   of 17935
I forgot how good "Bananas" was, saw it again.

With Howard Cosell and Sylvester Stallone, way before Rocky.

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To: Sr K who wrote (17927)7/3/2024 5:32:10 PM
From: Neeka
   of 17935
I just don't get Woody Allen.

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From: Old_Sparky7/21/2024 12:52:36 PM
   of 17935
Watched a 60's movie the other night. Day of the Jackal. About an assassination plot against Charles de Gaulle.

In the final scene the assassin takes aim at de Gaulles head from a third story window. He pulls the trigger on his custom made single shot rifle and de Gaulle moves his head. The bullet impacts the cobblestone behind de Gaulle. Theres a nice puff of dust to show he missed.

While struggling to load another cartridge into the rifle the cops burst in and he uses that shot to kill a cop. But theres more than one cop.

Good 60's movie. Cops learn about the assassination plot and try to find the killer. Track him all over Europe without knowing who he really is.

A bit too much killing of folks by the assassin for my taste, but hey they wanted to show he was a badass.

The missed head shot is what makes it relevant to today.

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