To: peter michaelson who wrote (559) | 10/12/2009 2:13:14 PM | From: anniebonny | | | Here's another - NXTH - with a sample of SUSTA
Just received NXTH mailing from Charles Payne (FOX TV) 12-Oct-09 12:42 pm I occasionally receive mailings touting penny stocks (mostly gold or silver explor.) Well 3 days ago I received a 9 page slick tout from Charles Payne's "Insights and Trends" (Payne is one of the hosts on Fox business channel) 80% of the info. he mailed was regarding what a good investment NXTH is. (At the time of his writing the stock was selling for $1). He says one scenario he sees, is the stock making 5 times your money in 18-24 months... $5 bucks a share... his low valuation is $2 bucks... Note, along with his mailing was a sample packed of SUSTA. Also small print at bottom of mailing said Red Rock Marketing Media Inc paid $506,253 for cost of creating the report and postage to build investor awareness. Rating : (No ratings) Rate it:
65/Male Woodland Hi... |
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To: anniebonny who wrote (564) | 10/12/2009 5:55:55 PM | From: Q. | | | <<Red Rock Marketing Media Inc paid $506,253 for cost of creating the report and postage to build investor awareness.>>
It seems that promoters are crawling out of their bunkers and getting back in business. |
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To: peter michaelson who wrote (567) | 10/13/2009 4:15:09 PM | From: dealmakr | | | More spam in the box today;
#1 rated investment analyst Courtney Smith, who was named a top market timer by Timer Digest, tells you how to earn potential profits of 500% or more now that...
“The standard light bulb is dead!” And the cutting-edge lighting technology that replaces it could turn every $10,000 you invest into $60,000 in just 18–24 months by offering the energy-saving advantages of fluorescent lighting and the ultimate protection from mercury poisoning
Read on for the 5 wealth-building factors that could cause this stock to soar 500% or more—even in the worst case, you could still double your money
Dear Fellow Investor,
It’s official. The United States and a number of other countries have banned the incandescent light bulb.
But fluorescent bulbs contain toxic liquid mercury. So if you break one, your health—and the health of your loved ones—could be at risk.
In this Special Investor Alert, I’ll tell you about Clear-Lite Holdings, Inc. (CLRH.OB)—a company that’s developed an innovative fluorescent bulb that virtually eliminates the threat of mercury poisoning.
Because it’s the only safe fluorescent lighting alternative on the market, it could help you turn $10,000 into $60,000 over the next 18 to 24 months.
It’s time to get back in the market—but you must choose your investments wisely
My name is Courtney Smith. And I’ve spent more than 30 years perfecting my investment techniques as a geopolitical analyst, newsletter writer and stock picking specialist.
Courtney Smith has more top-performance rankings in more categories than any other investment advisor in history. As a result, his investment service—named #1 by The Hulbert Financial Digest—has helped members consistently earn profits of 100%, 250% or 500% and more, even after the 2008 market crash.
Don’t miss your FREE Special Report on ClearLite
Not only did I foresee the financial meltdown of 2008, I told members of my investment service to get into a select few stocks and ETFs that have paid off in a big way:
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX) skyrocketed over 100% in less than 6 months VistaPrint Ltd. (VPRT) shot up over 80% in less than 6 months iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (FXI) soared over 62% in 4 months As you can see, members have continued to rake in big profits—even during the worst market since the Great Depression.
And their profits could climb even higher with ClearLite.
In doing my due diligence, I uncovered 5 wealth-building factors that could send this little-known stock through the roof—probably higher than 500%.
Wealth-building Factor #1: ClearLite’s revolutionary technology outperforms every other light bulb on the market
Most fluorescent lights are—quite honestly—horrible.
But ClearLite’s advanced compact fluorescent light (CFL) technology is NOTHING like the generic fluorescent lights you find at the local grocery store.
This is a breakthrough that could send the sales of their specialty fluorescent bulbs to record levels. In fact, I’ve tested these bulbs myself and I really liked what I saw.
The one advantage that really stood out was they don’t have the harsh light you typically get with fluorescents.
ClearLite’s technology produces a light that’s much closer to natural light. So it’s easier on your eyes and there’s a lot less glare.
However, there is one shocking disadvantage.
Every fluorescent light bulb carries a hidden health danger. That is, every one except ClearLite’s.
That brings us to …
Wealth-building Factor #2: Only ClearLite offers a fluorescent bulb that protects you from mercury poisoning
The biggest downside of using fluorescents is that each bulb contains toxic liquid mercury.
If you accidentally break an incandescent bulb, you can just sweep it up and throw it away. But break a fluorescent bulb and you could be exposed to harmful levels of mercury that could be dangerous to your health and the health of your family!
Mercury is especially hazardous to young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. High levels of methylmercury in the bloodstream of unborn babies and young children can harm the developing nervous system, resulting in serious learning disabilities.
In a study issued by the state of Maine, researchers shattered 65 compact fluorescents to test air quality and cleanup methods. In many cases, they found that right after the bulb was broken—and sometimes even after a cleanup was attempted—the levels of mercury vapor exceeded federal guidelines for chronic exposure by as much as 100 times.
But here’s the good news…
ClearLite’s shatterproof design virtually eliminates the risk of accidental mercury poisoning
The company developed the ArmorLite™ bulb, the first in the next generation of safer fluorescents. This bulb uses an amalgam—an alloy of mercury combined with other metals in a solid form that doesn’t release any vapor.
In fact, it’s just like the fillings in your mouth!
Plus, the company’s latest patent-pending, fail-safe design makes it nearly impossible for any mercury poisoning to occur. That’s why…
I believe the ArmorLite bulb is poised to become the iPod of the lighting industry
What makes ArmorLite so different from anything else on the market is that it’s a compact fluorescent light bulb hidden inside an incandescent bulb with a silicon-based, balloon-like skin wrapped around the outside.
So even if someone did find a way to break this bulb, the mercury would still be safely contained inside.
Now that ArmorLite is in production, it could very well be the greenest and safest fluorescent bulb on the planet.
It’s also the biggest reason major retailers and distributors are lining up to talk with ClearLite about stocking their products. Visit to learn more.
Wealth-building Factor #3: Green technology is an investment megatrend that you can ride to riches
Now that you know more about ClearLite and its compact fluorescent lighting technology, let’s look at some key facts about the green sector:
According to a study commissioned by the German government, the global green-tech market will be worth $3 trillion by 2020. The green sector is expected to grow 267% between 2009 and 2015. Morgan Stanley sees a $1 trillion market in clean energy sources by 2030. That’s why my focus is on finding exceptional green stocks like ClearLite (CLRH.OB) that can deliver extraordinary profits of up to 500% or more for investors.
Then I honed in on the lighting industry, primarily because of the recent government ban on the old incandescent light bulbs…
American demand for advanced lighting products is expected to result in sales of more than $4 billion by 2011. A study by The Freedonia Group found that sales of specialty fluorescents is expected to grow to $1.78 billion by 2011, a growth rate of 23.4% a year since 2006. The same study by The Freedonia Group also suggested that by 2011, green fluorescents will be the likeliest replacement for inefficient incandescent bulbs. As a result, the green lighting industry will be one of the few economic bright spots as the market recovers.
In the course of my research, I also found out about ClearLite’s target audience…
Wealth-building Factor #4: ClearLite’s target audience is made up of highly educated and extremely loyal consumers who become repeat customers
These are people who are heavily influenced by green and sustainability claims, and they have been found to be extremely loyal customers.
Typically, they have higher-than-average incomes and are willing to pay up to 20% more for superior green products and services.
In short, this group is a marketer’s dream!
I believe that as this audience expands and these consumers demand even greater levels of accountability to their communities and the environment, going completely green will no longer be optional for companies—it will be required just to stay competitive.
Fortunately, just about everything related to ClearLite’s products is sustainable, right down to its recyclable packaging.
The company uses lead-free glass, lead-free PC board and a lead-free patented ECO base. Plus, everything is made to RoHS (Reduction of Hazardous Substances) standards.
It’s no wonder then that ClearLite products have a well-earned reputation for reducing energy costs while saving the environment.
Still, it’s important to remember that the quality of a company’s leaders is just as important as the quality of its products. In that regard, I believe ClearLite’s team has what it takes to deliver potential profits of up to 500% to investors. Visit to learn more.
Wealth-building Factor #5: An experienced management team of industry veterans
If you have the best product in the world, but if your management team is weak, inexperienced or both, your profits will go nowhere…fast.
ClearLite CEO Tom Irvine has exceptional credibility both within the industry and among his peers. Before establishing ClearLite, Tom helped license and create the original packaging designs and marketing strategies for the Honeywell brand of Energy Saver fluorescents.
Plus, he has over 35 years of experience running retail and commercial sales and marketing organizations. This includes helping SHARP Electronics build their business to over $220 million in sales.
Based on everything I’ve uncovered, I’d say this is definitely a man who knows the ins and outs of light bulbs.
And more importantly, he knows how to market and sell them throughout the world.
Thanks to this experienced management team, ClearLite’s products are already in stock with several of the world’s largest online retailers such as and Office Depot.
With its proprietary technology, ClearLite is stealing market share from industry giants
The company’s development of a safer fluorescent bulb—that helps prevent broken glass and mercury leaks—is why a long list of mega-retailers could soon be stocking ClearLite’s products in their stores.
It’s why Walgreen’s wanted to meet ClearLite’s CEO. And it’s why Lowe’s is in talks with ClearLite to conduct a 400-store test.
As more and more people seek out its safe and energy-efficient products, ClearLite (CLRH.OB) is winning more new business every day. But the company doesn’t have to capture the lion’s share of the market to make money—or more importantly—to make you money.
In fact, capturing just 5% of the market share could produce mind-boggling profits!
Online giants like and Office Depot are already offering ClearLite products—and more deals are in the works. That’s why I believe that even…
One big order could ignite this stock, turning a $10,000 investment into $60,000 in 18 to 24 months!
I’m recommending Clear-Lite Holdings, Inc. (CLRH.OB) to all of my clients now—before the stock skyrockets.
As you can see, ClearLite is well-positioned to profit in this growing market, particularly because of its one-of-a-kind technologies and superior-performance products.
But that’s not all.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a company like GE or Philips gobbles up ClearLite at some point—an event that could trigger massive profits for those who invest now.
Of course, any time there’s the possibility of such rich rewards, there is some risk involved. We all know investing is never a sure thing. Right now, I’m recommending that you initially invest no more than 1% of your speculative portfolio.
In my mind, the potential payoff on this stock is so huge, it’s well worth the risk.
However, there is one additional detail: I’d like to see even more sales to fully justify this company’s high profit potential.
After going through the numbers with ClearLite’s CEO, I believe it needs to do about $8 million in business to earn 5 cents a share in profit.
So do I believe they can pull it off by the end of next year? In my opinion, their chances are excellent.
Keep in mind that a 20 P/E for a company that goes from $600,000 to $8 million in sales is on the low side. On one hand, growing sales by this amount is an aggressive target. But on the other hand, the P/E ratio is on the ultra-conservative side.
I don’t really expect any of this to slow down ClearLite’s growth to any significant degree. But I wanted you to know about these important details before you invest a dime.
Of course, I’ll alert members of my Wall Street WealthBuilders immediately if either of these situations changes unexpectedly. However…
Even in the worst case, you could still double your money
My ultraconservative estimate is that the stock will go from $1.00 to $2.00 a share in the next 18 to 24 months.
All the company needs to do that is get one big order from a retailer like—which already stocks some of ClearLite’s products. So that’s a bet I’d be more than willing to take.
But I believe this stock will soar even higher
Now let’s say ClearLite ends up closing two big orders at the same time. This could cause the stock to skyrocket from $1.00 a share to $3.00 or higher!
And if the company closes every deal it’s currently working on, I’d expect to see profits of 500% or more pouring down like manna from the heavens.
Based on my knowledge and expertise as a proven investment analyst, many of my previous recommendations have routinely produced profits of 100% to 250%.
And from what I have discovered about this company, I believe ClearLite has what it takes to do even better in the next 18 to 24 months.
Now’s the time to invest for maximum potential profits up to 500% or more—before ClearLite get’s Wall Street’s attention and other investors catch on. Go online or call your discount broker to invest in ClearLite (CLRH.OB) today.
Then keep up with my buy, sell and hold recommendations on ClearLite and other stocks with high profit potential by activating your membership to my exclusive investment service, Wall Street WealthBuilders. Visit to join.
By joining my exclusive investment group, Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders, and using my PowerProfits System—a system that has consistently outperformed the competition—you’ll discover the secrets to protecting your wealth while reaping profits of 100%, 250% and even 500% in any market.
Join now and save up to $80—PLUS get up to 4 FREE Special Reports valued at $116!
Become a member of Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders, and you’ll also receive:
My monthly newsletter that gives you the complete global and financial picture—available online or in hard copy Weekly audio or web Hotline Updates for all of my stock picks that tell you when to buy, sell or hold Unlimited access to my password-protected website for all the information you need to reap huge profits Special Investor Alerts on my latest moneymaking recommendations No matter which membership term you choose, I think you’ll be more than pleased with the potential profits you could add to your portfolio with Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders.
And because I offer a risk-free, 100% money-back double guarantee, you can cancel at any time, no questions asked.
So if you want to rebuild your wealth or protect your gains in today’s market, I urge you to join Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders today.
Just go to And find out how you can reap profits of up to 500% or more with ClearLite.
Good trading,
Courtney Smith Editor, Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders
P.S. The reason Timer Digest named me as one of the top market timers is because of my uncanny ability to pick the right stocks at the right price at the right time. And I can show you how to do the same—no matter how volatile the market becomes—starting with ClearLite. Invest now and you could soon reap profits of up to 500% and more.
P.P.S. Click here and find out how you can get my complete stock report on ClearLite—FREE!
Courtney Smith’s Wall Street WealthBuilders Call Toll Free 1-888-464-8666, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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To: dealmakr who wrote (568) | 10/13/2009 4:18:50 PM | From: dealmakr | | | spam;
Forget Splenda®! Forget Equal®! Forget Sugar! Nothing comes close to the profit potential of this breakthrough natural sweetener…
If you bought this stock in June 2009 at $0.72, you would have more than DOUBLED your money…but you could still see 400% gains in the next 18-24 months!
Dear Cautious Investor,
When I didn’t hear back from you after my last email, I thought it was because it ended up in your spam folder.
So I’m resending this Special Situation Email Alert so that you don’t miss out on potential profits of 400% or more from my latest recommendation.
It’s a company with a revolutionary, all-natural sweetener that could soon capture a huge share of the $2.2 billion artificial sweetener industry.
You see, when I’m on TV with the FOX Business Network or hosting my radio show, I get a lot of callers who want to know about stocks that could help them double, triple or even quadruple their investment.
Problem is, I never have enough air time to give them the details they need.
I’m talking about stocks that are usually overlooked by Wall Street…the kinds of stocks you’ll find in my newsletter, Common Sense.
My name is Charles Payne. In addition to sharing my economic commentary and investment advice on FOX and in my newsletter, I’m also the CEO of Wall Street Strategies, Inc., an independent stock research company.
As I began to explain above, this company produces a tasty alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners that’s actually good for you. It’s already selling in products in more than 3,000 supermarkets across the country—and I wouldn’t be surprised if it soon overtakes Splenda® and Equal® in popularity. In fact… Charles Payne Radio host, TV personality and editor and publisher of Charles Payne's Common Sense Newsletter
Charles Payne is founder and CEO of Wall Street Strategies, Inc. and the editor and publisher of Common Sense Newsletter. When he's not sharing his market insight on the FOX Business Network, Charles also hosts his own radio talk show.
His amazingly accurate market forecasts and stock picks have helped subscribers see gains of 400% and more. No wonder so many investors across America rely on Charles for investment advice they can't get elsewhere.
To find out more about my latest stock pick, go to
It could potentially turn a $10,000 investment into $50,000.
Why am I so confident about this stock?
Because over the past 18 years, I’ve used my proprietary 7-PLUS stock selection system to help my clients make a killing in both up and down markets with little-known stocks like this. Here are just a few examples…
TCK exploded from $3.91 to $28.30 for a 623.7% profit VIP climbed from $7.19 to $14.60 for a 103.1% profit HGSI soared from $3.15 to $16.87 for a 435.6% gain I’ll tell you a little more about my system in just a moment, but first let me tell you about the unique company that got me excited enough to send out this Special Situation Email Alert, and introduce you to my newsletter, Common Sense.
“Give me back my smoothie!”
You see, it all started several months ago, when I tried a new type of blueberry yogurt smoothie. I sipped it, and was surprised at how tasty it was, seeing as it was sugar free.
Then I made the mistake of putting the smoothie down for a moment. Within moments my 12-year-old son grabbed it, drank some…and wouldn’t give it back!
Almost instantly, it occurred to me that there might just be an investment opportunity lurking behind this smoothie. Sounds a little strange, I know. But whenever people start raving about something new—a new brand, a new food, a new retail store, a new anything—I always take a closer look.
After all, if the people I know like it, maybe a lot of other people like it, too. And maybe—just maybe—it could turn into something big.
Usually, of course, it turns out to be a short-lived fad or a dead-end. But occasionally, I find that diamond in the rough—a big opportunity that everybody else is overlooking.
And now, after a lot of digging and analysis, I believe the company behind that delicious Healthy Dairy® Yogurt Smoothies—NXT Nutritionals (NXTH.OB)—could be my next big undiscovered winner. Go to to find out more or call Toll-Free 1-866-267-5075, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
7 irresistible forces that could turn this health builder into a wealth builder
You see, I evaluated NXT using my proprietary 7-PLUS stock selection system—which relies on 7 crucial criteria—or forces—to decide whether or not a stock is worth buying. If a stock fails to pass even one of my criterion, out it goes and I move on to something else.
NXT Nutritionals passed with flying colors on all 7. Take a look…
Force #1: Industry growth potential NXT’s patent-pending natural sweetener could become more popular than Splenda® and Equal® combined.
The secret to that great-tasting smoothie was a sugar substitute called SUSTA™ Natural Sweetener. It’s the ideal sugar substitute for people looking to lose weight, control their blood sugar or improve their overall health. How early investors could see 400% profits from NXT Nutritionals
Name of Stock: NXT Nutritionals Holdings, Inc. Symbol: NXTH.OB Current stock price: $1.00 (as of 07/16/09) Low projection: $2.00 High projection: $5.00 Recommendation: Strong Buy Note: This is an aggressive recommendation with strong potential for rich returns. To minimize your risk, I recommend limiting your investment to no more than 5% of your portfolio.
And your sweet tooth will love it because it’s twice as sweet as sugar but with only a fraction of the calories!
However, SUSTA is more than just sweet. It’s actually good for you! You see, SUSTA is the only natural sweetener on the market that combines prebiotics (soluble fiber) and probiotics (beneficial bacteria that’s released in your digestive tract) to help improve your body’s intestinal microbial balance, thus inhibiting pathogens and toxin-producing bacteria.
And that’s not all…SUSTA also helps maintain blood sugar levels, making it the perfect natural sweetener for diabetics.
With the soaring interest in both sugar alternatives and probiotics…and a growing focus on health nationwide, SUSTA could soon experience rapid growth, catapulting its share of this $2.2 billion market past popular artificial sugar alternatives like Splenda and Equal.
Furthermore, in addition to marketing SUSTA as a sugar alternative, NXT is creating its own branded products featuring SUSTA, including yogurt, beverages, water, nutritional bars and supplements. They’ve even developed a healthy cola formulation—which beat both Coca-Cola® and Pepsi-Cola® in preliminary taste tests!
You can learn more about how SUSTA’s many powerful health benefits could send NXT’s stock price soaring in my Special Report, How NXT Nutritionals Is Poised to Take Over the Multibillion-Dollar Sweetener Industry (a $39 value). It’s yours FREE when you sign up for my newsletter Common Sense within the next 10 days. Just go to to subscribe now or call Toll-Free 1-866-267-5075, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Force #2: Experienced management This company has the brainpower and marketing savvy to reach its goals.
NXT is led by president and CEO Michael McCarthy, an entrepreneur and executive with more than 25 years of experience in the industry. McCarthy is the guy who took Pepsi-Cola’s Juice Creations product line from $6 million to $63 million in sales in just 12 months—a 950% increase.
In other words, he’s got the chops to do the same for NXT’s SUSTA products.
Better yet, McCarthy has surrounded himself with a top-notch management and marketing team with the experience to lead the company to steady growth and profitability.
Force #3: Explosive product The health, diet and natural foods markets are exploding.
NXT Nutritionals is poised to cash in on a rapidly growing market segment. Get this:
Every year, 50 million Americans go on diets. Consumers spend more than $30 billion a year on diet foods, sodas, books and videos, fitness clubs and related services. Sales of natural and specialty foods rose to $48 billion in 2008, an 8.4% increase over 2007, despite the economic downturn! And NXT has the healthy products this market wants. And they’re already selling in more than 3,000 supermarkets across the country—including leading chains like A&P, Associated Food Stores, King’s, Pathmark®, ShopRite, Key Food, Superfresh and 15 other large supermarket chains.
And plans are in the works to add 2,000 more stores! As a result, sales of NXT’s Healthy Dairy Yogurt Smoothies alone are expected to quadruple.
Furthermore, the Obama administration’s push to tax sugar- and high-fructose corn syrup-based sodas and snacks to help pay for the president’s healthcare plan will create huge domestic financial opportunities for sugar and artificial sweetner substitutes like SUSTA.
On top of that, today’s concerned moms are always on the lookout for healthier alternatives to sugary sodas and super-sweet juices that’ll keep their kids from bouncing off the walls.
These gatekeeper moms are sure to storm the shelves for products like SUSTA™ Natural Sweetener, Healthy Dairy® Yogurt Smoothies and a SUSTA™-sweetened cola formulation.
When this growing demand starts coming together, NXT’s sales could soar into the stratosphere…potentially turning your $10,000 investment into $50,000 within the next 18 to 24 months. Go to to learn more or call Toll-Free 1-866-267-5075, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Force #4: Established or fast-growing sales NXT is already an established company with steadily rising sales.
Despite limited distribution, NXT’s Healthy Dairy Yogurt Smoothies have already begun to penetrate the $3.5 billion yogurt market, piling up an impressive $2 million in sales last year.
Force #5: Undiscovered by the masses Most investors have never heard of this stock, so they haven’t had a chance to pile in and drive up the price.
However, once news of NXT’s incredible profit potential hits the Street, I fully expect the stock to skyrocket.
The good news is that you still have time to get in now—before Wall Street catches on and starts recommending this stock to everybody and their brother, or the mainstream media features NXT on their programs, magazine covers and websites.
And that means if you invest early enough, you could realize spectacular profits of 100% to 400% as NXT expands.
Force #6: Takeover potential— NXT looks to be a perfect target.
As sales of natural products hit record levels, companies like NXT are becoming takeover targets for food conglomerates and other large multinationals that are trying to enhance their eco-friendly credentials.
In recent years, Kellogg Co. paid $122 million to buy Wholesome & Hearty Foods Co., the parent company of Gardenburger® and Bear Naked®, the maker of the top-selling granola.
The Clorox Company paid $925 million for Burt’s Bees®, the natural personal care manufacturer.
I find it likely that as NXT grows, it too could become a takeover target that could send the stock price soaring and bring you the profits you seek much, much sooner.
But now for the last force in my 7-PLUS stock selection system. Drumroll please…
Force #7: Low-priced stock Not one of these factors is reflected in the stock’s current price.
Wall Street still hasn’t discovered NXT Nutritionals. But when they do, investors could come piling in, driving the stock into the stratosphere practically overnight.
That’s why it’s crucial for you to get in now, while the stock is at its still-low price—little more than $1. That way you could go along for the ride as the price potentially doubles, redoubles and perhaps even doubles again in the months ahead.
Get onboard with NXT Nutritionals today for maximum potential profits
There you have it: 7 irresistible forces that could drive NXT Nutritionals’ stock up by 100%…250%…or even 400% over the next 18 to 24 months. And if you go along for the ride, you could potentially turn $10,000 into $50,000.
I’ll give you all the details in a new Special Report I’ve just completed. It’s called How NXT Nutritionals Is Poised to Take Over the Multibillion-Dollar Sweetener Industry (a $39 value), and it’s yours FREE when you subscribe to my Common Sense newsletter within the next 10 days.
Every month, Common Sense brings you advance notice on aggressive undiscovered bargains like NXT Nutritionals—stocks I believe can bring you profits of 400% or more before Wall Street “discovers” them—as well as more conservative stocks that have the potential for nice profits while minimizing risk.
Every one of these stocks has been put through my 7-PLUS stock selection system to ensure maximum profit potential and unmatched safety. If a company doesn’t meet my criteria, I don’t recommend it, no matter how much I may like it or its products.
You’ll also discover what’s ahead for the economy and the markets so you can take steps now to protect and grow your wealth in the years ahead.
And you’ll receive email alerts with timely buy, sell and hold recommendations, along with unlimited access to the password-protected Common Sense website.
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When you subscribe to Common Sense, you’ll receive up to 5 Special Reports—worth $135—absolutely FREE!
FREE Special Report #1: Don’t Get Mad…Get Rich! A Common Sense Approach to Today’s Volatile Market—a $39 value, FREE FREE Special Report #2: 4 Unstoppable Fortune-Making Trends for 2009–2010—a $19 value, FREE FREE Special Report #3: 7 Sectors, 7 Stocks—a $19 value, FREE FREE Special Report #4: 5 Bargain Stocks for 100%-Plus Gains in 2009–2010—a $19 value, FREE And, if you act within the next 10 days, I’ll also send you:
FREE Special Report #5: How NXT Nutritionals Is Poised to Take Over the Multibillion-Dollar Sweetener Industry—a $39 value, FREE Naturally, you’re protected by…
My 100% Money-Back, No-Nonsense Guarantee
You must be completely satisfied with the information, analysis and recommendations in Common Sense…and its ability to help you protect your wealth as the current economic crisis continues to unfold—while highlighting the well-hidden investment opportunities that have high profit potential.
That’s why your subscription is completely protected:
If you’re not fully satisfied for any reason, you can cancel at anytime within the first 30 days and receive a full refund—no questions, no hassles. Plus, you can keep all of the FREE reports you’ve received with my compliments and thanks. It’s time to get back in the market—and I’ll show you how
To take advantage of this special offer—or to learn more—please go to
Don’t miss the opportunity to reap potential profits of 100%...250%...or even 400% or more with companies like NXT.
Subscribe to Common Sense today and start using my winning strategies to protect your assets during the current economic turmoil—and start learning how to profit from little-known breakout stocks that Wall Street and other investors don’t have a clue about.
Charles Payne Editor and Publisher Charles Payne's Common Sense Newsletter
P.S. I believe NXT Nutritionals (NXTH.OB) could be one of the fastest-rising stocks in 2009 and 2010. This is the kind of stock that, once it gets moving, could rally fast, so there is a sense of urgency to beat the crowds. I think this stock could skyrocket in the coming months…so I urge you to get in now.
P.P.S. Remember, when you subscribe to Common Sense within the next 10 days, you’ll receive a FREE copy of my latest Special Report, How NXT Nutritionals is Poised to Take Over the Multibillion-Dollar Sweetener Industry—a $39 value. But don’t delay…this FREE Report is available ONLY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. So call Toll-Free 1-866-267-5075, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or go to to subscribe or to learn more.
Disclaimer: Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter is an independent paid circulation newsletter. This online report is a solicitation for subscriptions. Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter did not receive any direct compensation with respect to the writing of this online report. This stock was chosen to be profiled after Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter completed due diligence on the stock. Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter expects to generate new subscriber revenue, the amount of which is unknown at this time, to its newsletter through the distribution of this online report. Dynamic Global Media LLC paid fifty-three thousand, nine-hundred ninety-three dollars to marketing vendors, to pay for all the costs of creating and distributing this report online in an effort to build investor awareness. This publication does not provide an analysis of a company’s financial position. NXT Nutritionals Holdings, Inc.’s financial position and all other information regarding NXT Nutritionals should be verified with the company. Information about many publicly traded companies and other investor resources can be found at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at Investing in securities is speculative and carries risk. It is recommended that any investment in any security should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing all publicly available information, including the financial statements of the company. This online report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter presents information in this report believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot |
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To: Q. who wrote (570) | 10/13/2009 4:57:23 PM | From: Q. | | | An older (July 2009) promotion from a similar domain:
Looking at the chart for that stock gives you some idea of what happens for those promotions.
Not sure if it was a paid mailer -- disclosure of $300k payment might be big enough for a mailer, but I'm not sure. |
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