LFWK has filed for a name and CUSIP change (..verified..), and the results should appear in a matter of bizdays. I'd suggest reading the LFWK Board soon, and consider doing some fortuitous last-minute collecting. Subject 56054
This one could be the 2006 Chevy Chase and Luckup Corporation 'Squeeze of the Century'..!!! Management owns 90%+ of the real shares and known/friendly insiders own a major chunk of the balance. What the MFMMMs have been slinging around to the public for a long time are DTCC 'See-thru Skivvies' Vapor Shares and the most righteous accounting for their NSS BS is going to be "..vel-l-l-l-l-l-l-y intellesting.." - IMHO..!!!
John :-)
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