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   Gold/Mining/EnergyGold and Silver Juniors, Mid-tiers and Producers

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From: LoneClone1/7/2022 2:19:36 PM
   of 78281
FWIW, I came across several new analyst reports on Calibre Mining aka CXB, released in the wake of their quarterlies and the positive shareholder votes on the buyout of Fiore. BMO saw these PRs as positive but already baked in, so kept their rating at Outperform with a target of $2.30. Similarly, Scotia saw the Q4 results and 2022 guidance as positive, but kept them at Sector Outperform with a target of $2.75.

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From: LoneClone1/10/2022 4:11:21 PM
2 Recommendations   of 78281
I-80 Gold aka IAU put out a PR just to announce that CEO Evan Downie has bought over 14M shares on the open market since the company's shares started trading in April. Mind you, that is a pretty impressive insider buying.

There is strange trading in Goldquest Mining aka GQC today, up more than 50% on significant volume. One of our regulars here has repeatedly brought us false rumours that they were about to get the permits they need to develop the Romero mine in the Dominican Republic. Perhaps his absence together with this volume is an indication it is really happening this time. I am surprised trading hasn't halted due to the abnormal action.

Wallbridge Mining aka WM announced their 2022 plans in a PR. After a big year last year, declaring the first resource at their Fenelon gold property, this will be a year of preparation. They plan tospend $70M, of which $50M is already in hand, two thirds on further expanding Fenelon's resources, a quarter, on expanding the nearby Martiniere resource, and the remainder on exploration, all in preparation for economic reports to come. They clearly see their entire set of properties as a package on the underexplored Detour-Fenelon trend, and I expect one of the larger companies mining nearby to buy them out at some point in the next few years.

Message 33654658

Sanstorm Gold Royalties aka SSL released their year and and Q4 results, as usual with them a brief report filled with preliminary figures. In general, the numbers look good, with sales in Q4 sales of ~16600 AuEq oz, with an operating margin of about $1570/oz.

Message 33654692

Golden Goliath aka GNG brought us an update on their second gold property in Ontario, called Wish Ore. In 2021 they ran a geophysics programme to follow up earlier mapping and sampling, and have identified a number of prospects for followup. Apparently we get details of future exploration in due course.

Message 33654711

Canada Silver Cobalt aka CCW released some more drill results from their Castle East property in Ontario, where they are outlining an area of high grade but narrow veins contining Ag and Co. We also get news of an upcoming updated Resource Estimate, their first in almost two years.

Message 33654729

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From: LoneClone1/11/2022 12:47:29 PM
1 Recommendation   of 78281
FWIW, BMO, always the most negative on the prospects for Sandstorm Gold Royalties aka SSL, kept them at Market Perform with a target of $9 in the wake of yesterday's quarterly reports.

Goliath Resources aka GOT released a summary report on the 24 holes drilled in 2021 in the Surebet deposit on the Golddigger property in BC's Golden Triangle. They clearly have a good handle on the mineralization, given that all the holes intersected significant Au/Ag values, defining a deposit that is over 1lm in strike length that extends more than 1 km down dip. Surebet remains open in multiple directions, and mapping and sampling in 2021 also defined another deposit called the Extension Zone 500m away, as well as several other promising showings.

All these targets will be followed up during the planned 18km drilling programme during 2022. I am still not convinced GOT has the making of a mine, considering the difficult relief in the area, but good results from drilling this year would go a long way to dispelling those doubts.

Message 33655744

One of the main reasons I trading in my B2Gold aka BTO shares for shares in EDV a few years ago was what I perceived as increasing country risk for BTO. This continues to increase, in spite of BTO releasing a PR saying that they will still be able to run their Fekola mine in Mali in spite of sanctions imposed by the Economic Community of West African States in the wake of political unrest. We shall see.

Message 33655785

Rio2 Mining aka RIO today announced that, following successful lab testing of an innovative polymer-based extraction process for ore from their Fenix gold mine under development in northern Chile, that they will be proceeding with further testing, this time on site at Fenix. If the testing is successful and the innovation is adopted, it will be cheaper, use less energy, produced fewer GHGs than the conventional activated carbon process.

Message 33655825

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To: LoneClone who wrote (77750)1/11/2022 3:07:48 PM
From: Pianoman1997
   of 78281

TUO also has more holes published today.


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To: Pianoman1997 who wrote (77751)1/11/2022 4:16:16 PM
From: LoneClone
   of 78281
I'm waiting for TUO to post their own version of the PR on their website. AMK's and TUD's are already out.


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From: LoneClone1/13/2022 2:19:19 PM
3 Recommendations   of 78281
The latest PR from Tudor Resources aka TUO was a bit of a grab bag, wrapping up the final results from 2021 exploration at their Treaty Creek JV in BC's Golden Triangle. Three holes drilled to extend the Goldstorm deposit all ended in mineralization before had to be abandoned due to encroaching winter conditions and will be re-drilled next year. A hole at the recently discovered Calm Before the Storm deposit extended the mineralization a significant distance, and a trench at the Eureka target reveled significant mineralization that will be followed up by drilling.

2022 will be a busy one for the Treaty Creek JV partners. Goldstorm remains open in every direction and at depth, and the various exploration targets will also be followed up. We can expect constant newsflow once spring arrives and they can get back at it.

Message 33658798

I-80 Gold aka IAU released what they call a comprehensive plan to create a Nevada-focused gold mining company. I think we have seen all of the contents in bits, but to see it all pulled together into one document is to be impressed. They plan to use a 'Hub and Spoke' development plan to activate four separate mines over the next three years, all based around the Lone Tree complex which can process both oxide and refractory ore. Sulphide mineralization from the Granite Creek, Ruby Hill, and McCoy-Cove mines will be processed at the Lone Tree autoclave, while oxide mineralization from Buffalo Hills and associated deposits will be extracted through a heap leach at Lone Tree, which is expected to produce its first gold before the end of the year, followed over the next few years by the initiation of production from the autoclave.

IAU has plenty of money and now a detailed plan, so from here on we will will be able to keep track of how they are doing with the many project milestones they have set. Given this management's track record, I expect them to pull everything off.

And BTW, as far as I know CEO Evan Downie is no relation to the Downie brothers from the Tragically Hip.

Message 33658956

Wallbridge Mining aka WM released the first set of results from the 2022 drilling campaign at their Fenelon gold project in Quebec. In the wake of their recently released initial Resource Estimate, they have found, within the resource envelope, more high grade near surface minerlaiztion at Area 51 which will likely be suitable for open pit extraction. As well, they further extended a high grade shoot below the resource envolope at Tabasco. Expect a constant flow of results like these as they prepare to begin economic studies on Fenelon later this year.

Message 33658994

Prospect developer Riverside Resources aka RRI released a review of 2021 accomplishments and laid out its plans for 2022. They are well-funded with over $5M in cash on hand, plus many of their programmes are at least partially funded by JV partners. As usual, most of their effort will be expended in Mexico, along with some work on the their remaining Ontario gold prospects. Personally, I am most excited about their copper exploration JV in Mexico in conjunction with major BHP. This has already generated 5 JVed properties, and they hint that there will be more. I am also looking forward to more exploration results from the Oakes gold property in Ontario and the La Union Au/Ag prospect in Sonora, and we will also get results from partner-funded programmes on several other Mexican JVs.

Message 33659060

Perhaps RRI's most important achievement last year was to spin out Capitan Mining aka CAPT, which is exploring its 100%-owned Capitan Hill Au/Ag deposit in Durango Mexico. CAPT brought us an update which includes some decent drill results, but more importantly, also tells us they have bought out some onerous royalties on the most important parts of the property. As the example of KRR's rise tell us, getting rid of such royalties can be a vital step into bringing a deposit into production. The results included in this PR extended the deposit a further 170M down dip, which helps, and there are still 11 holes pending. The next round of drilling begins later this month.

Message 33659091

Calibre Mining aka CXB announced that they have completed the takeover of Fiore Gold aka F. We shall see whether the combination of a company operating profitable gold mines in a problematic country with a company operating a difficult gold mine in Nevada, as well as several nearby development projects, will be a success.

Message 33659126

FWIW, in the wake of that announcement and the recent quarterlies, TD released a new analyst report which see the impact as mixed. They have recalculated the combined CXB's NAV as substantially lower, primarily due to cost increases in Nicaragia, and as result maintained CXB at Buy but lowered their target from $2.75 to $2.25.

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From: onepath1/13/2022 2:27:26 PM
   of 78281

Well worth the time..history of how the Grasberg mine came to be

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To: LoneClone who wrote (77753)1/13/2022 2:43:11 PM
From: Pianoman1997
   of 78281

There is clearly a lot of GOLD there and the future is a high tonnage low grade operation. Do you see any movement in 2022 with the 1:1:3 ownership by TUO, AMK and TUD? Will TUD move on the other 2 or could TUO merge with AMK or else.

There is also SEA that may have an interest in gaining land access and/or consolidate the whole area.

Food for thoughts.

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To: Pianoman1997 who wrote (77755)1/13/2022 3:58:13 PM
From: LoneClone
   of 78281
Reading those particular tea leaves is pretty tough. We also need to remember that TUD and AMK have a history of litigation. AMK is clearly the least important of the three, and from my impression of both TUD and TUO is that neither are interested in being bought out in toto. As both managements like to explore so I expect them, along with AMK, to sell their interests in Treaty Creek in due course. As to whether SEA as a whole or in past, is included in any deal is beyond my pay grade.

As a holder of only TUO, I have to try to figure out if they are again going to ascend into the $4 range. Hmmmm...


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To: LoneClone who wrote (77756)1/13/2022 4:04:10 PM
From: Pianoman1997
   of 78281
I hold some AMK. I wanted to be exposed to it and had to pick one. My rationale was that TUD will need to carry on on most of the cost for a while so dilute themselves and TUO was also busy on other properties. My take was that AMK was the quietest of the 3 and may carry on without much dilution until they need to pay their share.

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