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   PoliticsThe 2004 Bigmouth Election Challenge

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To: MulhollandDrive who wrote (567)11/10/2005 7:39:58 PM
From: Quahog
of 588
That's the problem with being the guy who makes up the bet, you kind of have to stick to it even if nobody else does.

And, as for the "What Number" game, there is still no winner. Only 788 numbers left!!!

I really have to figure out a way to look through my old PM's. When I first started the game I PM'd the number to myself in case I forgot it. I think I still remember it, but.....better safe than sorry.

So, what's new? Has the real estate bubble burst yet? Around here it seems to be standing still, or maybe slowly deflating a little. Hard to tell, because although the for sale signs are staying up a lot longer, I think a lot of that has to do with "irrational exuberance" on the sellers' part rather than any big changes in the market.

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To: Quahog who wrote (582)11/14/2005 1:08:49 PM
From: Rainy_Day_Woman
of 588
that is sweetness

[no wonder why we missed him]

all you want to do is smoooootch smoooootch smoooootch!

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From: Quahog2/15/2008 10:35:12 PM
of 588
I heart Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

I used to heart Dennis Kucinich, but now I want to punch him him in the head.

I never hearted George W. Bush, and I still think he is simple-minded and narcissistic (not a good combination), but I don't want to punch him in the head.
He is the President after all.

But, if I had access to a time machine, I would go back to 1963 and, after watching him practice one of his high school cheerleader routines, I'd have to give some serious thought to bopping him one in the nose.

Then, years later as I watched him on TV sending three thousand American kids to their bloody deaths, I would at least have the satisfaction of knowing that I once punched him in the nose.

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From: Quahog9/3/2008 3:04:05 PM
of 588
Losing this bet was one of the best things that ever happened to me, insofar as it made me understand that approximately half of the voting population of the United States perceived the world differently than I, and disagreed with truths I had thought to have been self evident.

How humbling.

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To: Quahog who wrote (586)9/6/2008 6:55:24 PM
From: Jorj X Mckie
of 588
I'm not a big fan of either the Republican or Democrat candidate. What I do like is that we will either have a black president or a female veep. I think that we might see things stirred up a bit going forward.

My prediction is that Obama will win.

I also predict that he will not pull troops out of Iraq in any meaningful way (they may be repurposed, but they'll still be there).

I also predict that he will come up with a bunch of hairbrained national health care programs.

and I'm going to ditch the libertarian party this election and write in stephen colbert....or BenWobbles

Jesse Ventura should have run this year. I think he would have had a shot.

This is my one and only post on politics until 2009. And not part of a committment to leave the site.

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To: Jorj X Mckie who wrote (587)9/8/2008 1:06:32 PM
From: Quahog
of 588
Hey there Mr. McKie,

Yeah, well, I too have decided to just stop posting about politics. Talk about banging one's head against the wall, especially here on an investment site. For that matter, I have been shrinking away from political talk out here in the wet world too. I have either gotten smarter over these last seven years, or am suffering from a bad case of learned helplessness.

The truth is, honestly, that I have more important things to do than fuss about who will be the leader of The Universe for the next four years.

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