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   Strategies & Market TrendsRide the Tiger with CD

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From: ralfph11/12/2021 4:10:28 PM
   of 307792
CDC - remember all those mixed messages from the CDC? A small bit of that was because of science that was in flux and a larger issue was government interference.
Skip the link if you do not wish to fall down a rabbit hole OT subject.

of interest is who bought and sold what stocks while they were manipulating the news and squashing the voices from science. I doubt we will pick up more than a tenth of that.

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From: ralfph11/12/2021 4:18:11 PM
1 Recommendation   of 307792
If you are wealthy enough to fly into space you are wealthy enough to own a plane with a parachute and choose not to fly in one not equipped with a parachute. This is not to make light of this crash but the tech exists and no light aircraft made any where in the world should be allowed to be built without the safety feature.

Just saying if you are tired of riding on the bus and want your own aircraft - get one that floats to the ground, even when the wings fall off, the motor dies or the pilot has a jammer.

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To: cessnastreet who wrote (291843)11/12/2021 5:58:06 PM
From: Postman
   of 307792
Yes I have been watching- I think this was originally a Palisades deal that is the only thing that I would be watching out for personally- Do they actually have a resource or is it basically greenfields exploration?

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From: ralfph11/12/2021 9:57:42 PM
2 Recommendations   of 307792
Moody Blues drummer shuffles off to the great beyond. must be an appropriate bit of music worth listening to from one of their albums.

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To: ralfph who wrote (291850)11/13/2021 9:06:02 AM
From: WalterWhite
3 Recommendations   of 307792

BCM Resources – Comments from Dr. Quinton Hennigh

November 12, 2021

Written for paid subscribers of Michael's Natural Resource Stock Investing

On November 12, 2021, Dr. Quinton Hennigh made a series of comments regarding the latest new release from BCM Resources (dated November 8, 2021). These comments were made on the weekly Crescat YouTube video recorded on Friday, November 12th. Below are the main points from the comments made by Quinton Hennigh. Direct quotes (transcribed by me). When transcribing, it is always possible one could mishear a word.

As the company drilled hole TK-3, it intersected skarn at first. Skarn is the area around the porphyry that has been heated up. Quinton Hennigh referred to it as the “heat shell” that had been “cooked up.” He made mention of the skarn having “a lot of sulfide in places as well as recrystallized dolomite with lots of sulfide and chalcopyrite and pyrite.” He said it “shows a fair bit of metal in the system.” He mentioned that he would be “keen to see what the grades tell us.” The company, according to Quinton Hennigh, had demonstrated “there is a big system down there.”

However, he mentioned “what is more interesting to me is this porphyry.”

The porphyry was “highly altered (quartz) monzonite.” He mentioned he thought by the pictures it had sericite alteration. He could not tell if it displayed potassic alteration. He mentioned you could “see stockwork quartz veining and sulfide associated with the quartz veining.” Speaking of the company news release, he said “they report chalcopyrite as well as molybdenite in those stockwork veins.” He emphasized “that is classic porphyry mineralization.” Even more so he added “that is the type of thing you would want to see in and around a significant porphyry deposit.”

He also mentioned the company was not happy with the last drill hole not reaching target depth and they are “moving toward a different drill approach.” He thinks the company should have some information out on that soon.

If that was not enough, Quinton Hennigh ended on a rather positive note. He said “they are hitting the right stuff and I truly hope these guys make a discovery of a lifetime.”

Disclosure: I hold positions (am a shareholder) in BCM Resources. I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for writing it from any company written about in this article. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


I am not a certified financial advisor or planner. I am not a certified financial analyst. In addition, I am not an economist or an accountant or a lawyer. I am not a finance professional through formal education. I do have my undergraduate degree and my master’s degree in Geoscience. With that being said, I have never worked a single day in my professional life as a Geologist. I am not a Professional Geologist (PG) in terms of credentials. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investing, accounting, or legal advice. I cannot promise that the information provided on my posts are appropriate for you or anyone else. By using this site, you agree to hold me harmless from any ramifications, financial or otherwise, that occur to you as a result of acting on information found on this site. The risk of loss in trading or in investing in stocks in general or in natural resource exploration companies can be substantial. You could loss one hundred percent of the amo

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From: ralfph11/13/2021 8:16:52 PM
   of 307792
War? There is a big build up of military vehicles going on the Russian boarder - there may be another incursion into Ukraine. Putin (the poisoner) has said that "you stick in the bayonet and keep pushing until you hit steel" At this point it looks like he is gearing up for the next push, perhaps it is all smoke an mirrors but the number of armoured vehicles, that have been moved to the boarder, is staggering when you see the satellite photos.

Just another thing to muck up a market.

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From: koan11/14/2021 12:41:12 PM
   of 307792
I just read each solar panel uses 2/3 oz of silver.

Because it has the greatest refraction on earth and very good electrical conductivity, it is irreplaceable in solar panels.

Building of solar panels is surging.

As you may know, most of the easy silver has been found and mined. Most silver is near the surface and mined as a by product of zinc, lead and gold, so a price increase cannot cause a big rush in new mines.

Silver looks like a great play going forward.

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To: koan who wrote (291857)11/14/2021 7:53:30 PM
From: ralfph
   of 307792
Silver - you could be correct Kone but silver is very price manipulated. One example is the mammoth short position that was held by one fund in the US. 2008-2009 crash -The fund got taken over by another company as part of that package deal. There was a lot of talk about how the price of silver would rocket because that short position had to be covered and under law the position could not be transferred. Not only that, the short position exceeded the amount of silver that was stockpiled in the US.
Nothing came of this - because paper shorting is easy to cover with more paper - or simply have the position disappear with a few key stokes. I forget which parties where involved but it may have been Sterns Knight and GS.
It is good to know that silver is being used in more things than film, but the Hunt brothers are a great example of the steps that government will take to protect the chosen few. The Hunts got screwed, worth a read to see what went on by which firms and the politicians that received benefits by changing the regulations to protect the folks on the short side.

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To: koan who wrote (291857)11/14/2021 7:56:12 PM
From: ralfph
   of 307792
Silver - on another note - if oil can go up, perhaps silver can go for a run too:)

$6.51 for a gallon of diesel? That frigging sux.

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From: Valuepro11/15/2021 9:21:47 AM
2 Recommendations   of 307792
New Found announces the purchase of royalties underlying many of their claims. ...speaks to a lack of concern regarding recent discrepancies in lab reports.

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