From: locogringo | 10/17/2021 12:47:50 PM | | | | The Department of Two-Tiered Justice
In November 2018, an investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee showed that all of the allegations made against Brett Kavanaugh, including those by star witness Christine Blasey Ford lacked credibility and, in most cases, were demonstrably false. The Judiciary Committee offered the evidence in a highly detailed 414-page report to Congress.
Now 35 months later, nothing has happened to those who perjured themselves to Congress, on live television. In March 2021, Senator Chuck Grassley, the former Senate Judiciary Committee chairperson who presided over the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, sought to know why those individuals who had perjured themselves still have not been prosecuted.
Justice Requires the Truth
In a tweet Grassley wrote (paraphrased), “More than two years ago we had some bogus allegations against now Justice Kavanaugh. We know that people lied to Congress and that’s against the law, so I sent a criminal referral to DOJ for prosecution. I sent a letter to DOJ this week wanting to know why these people haven’t been prosecuted two years later.”
Many people would like to know, Senator Grassley! And we have other compelling concerns. The Russiagate criminals who won’t serve time in prison is disheartening. James Comey, who lied to Congress, likely will never see a day in jail. Nor will Andrew McCabe, who was dismissed for lack of candor and a bevy of other infractions. James Clapper will likely never spend a day in jail, although he lied to Congress, and then lied about his lie claiming that he was confused.
Perhaps the greatest criminal director that CIA has ever endured, William Brennan, might never spend any time in prison. He knowingly conspired with Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House, and actually presented information clearly showing that Hillary Clinton had purchased a phony dossier in the effort to damage Donald Trump.
None of these people are likely to be indicted, yet some belong in prison for life, for high treason.
Criminals at the Top
The granddaddy of American political criminals, Barack Obama, will likely never spend a day in prison, and is now enjoying his third term as president via his ability to whip around the pathetic Joe Biden. Obama’s weaponization of federal agencies, his undermining of Trump before, during and after Trumps time in office amounts to serious treason which will go on punished. No president before Obama has ever acted in such a despicable manner.
The people in the Obama Administration, including the Eric Holder. Holder was the first attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress. His whose criminality in terms of allowing Black Panther intimidation in Philadelphia and a variety of other egregious acts is well-documented. Yet, he will never spend one minute behind bars.
Lois Lerner, who graduated a year ahead of me at Bloomfield High School in Connecticut, quashed the Tea Party movement. She unlawfully used the power of her office to harass, intimidate, and thwart Tea Party members, but she’ll never see a day in prison. Indeed, for eight years, she’s been on the public dole, receiving a healthy pension and enjoying her retirement from ‘public service.’
Hillary Clinton will never spend a day in prison for the 33,000 subpoenaed emails that she deleted. Contrast this with rank and file service men and women who will spend 6 to 12 months in a federal penitentiary for deleting even one email.
All of Hillary Clinton’s corrupt staff will never see a day in jail. John Podesta, whose crimes are well-documented, belongs in a federal penitentiary. Huma Abedin, whose obfuscation and manipulations for Hillary Clinton deserve scrutiny, won’t spend a day behind bars.
And More…
All of the nefarious activities that went on to get Joe Biden ‘elected’ and nearly all of the criminals and treasonous individuals who participated in the fraud remain free and uncharged. Don’t even get me started on Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family. Hopefully, as the 2020 election-related crimes are more fully exposed, the clamor from the Right will be loud and long. However, nearly a year has passed with no results.
Will the puppet masters wait for Biden to die, use the 25th Amendment against him, or keep him on the string for as long as possible? It’s anyone’s guess. Meanwhile, they will do everything in their power to indict those on the Right for the slightest of offenses, including process crimes, while wholesale ignoring the treasonous activities of those on the Left.
We have a two-tiered justice system in this society, to our utter shame as a representative republic. Until justice is dispensed equally, regardless of party, the struggle before us remains abundantly clear. |
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To: frankw1900 who wrote (751883) | 10/17/2021 2:38:41 PM | From: skinowski | | | The Amish…. Sounds like nobody knows their real CoViD numbers - because they refuse to get tested, or to go to the hospital. Doesn’t seem like they had any inordinate numbers of deaths. In the meantime, they refused to stop going to church, to stop working - in short, to go crazy, to give in to mass panic and manipulation. Apparently, government officials decided to leave them alone - going to war against peaceful and generally sympathetic people would have horrendous optics. Our formerly free press decided to treat them as if they do not exist. Probably, worried that they may serve as a bad example for others. |
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To: Joachim K who wrote (751891) | 10/17/2021 6:35:52 PM | From: fred woodall | | | 12,000 Afghans + 16k Migrants "Build Back Better" guy fucks up everything he gets his hands on.
6K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower
EXCLUSIVE: 16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower (
More than 16,000 migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody were released into the United States, according to an agency law enforcement source. The Biden administration did not mandate any of the migrants to be vaccinated before their release. The source informs Breitbart Texas that the figures only include those migrants who were tested by ICE.
The source, not authorized to speak to the media, says the migrants ranged from infants to the elderly. A Department of Homeland Security document reviewed by Breitbart Texas reports the oldest released migrants were over 85 years old. Nearly 1,300 were under the age of ten.
Nearly 12,000 of the migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 and were released into the U.S. were between 18 and 40 years of age, more than 11,800 were male, nearly 1,300 were under the age of ten, and more than 6,000 were between 20 and 29 years old.
According to the source, the releases occurred in multiple cities across the United States between January 2021 and early October.
The totals do not include the thousands of untested migrants released directly by the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol testing of migrants has been limited to unaccompanied migrant children later turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
As reported by Breitbart Texas, the Border Patrol relied on non-government organizations to test migrants after their release from detention. Many of those migrants were later released to self-quarantine at hotels within border cities.
The source says the positive tests did not factor in the decision to release. “With the pace of referrals from the Border Patrol, we tested, made the migrants aware, and released them to avoid increasing the detained population,” the source revealed. “None of the migrants received the COVID-19 vaccine, either voluntary or forced.”
The releases occurred during a record-breaking year for migrant illegal entries along the southwest border. The number of apprehensions made within the Border Patrol’s nine southwest border sectors this fiscal year was unmatched by any previous single-year total dating back to the inception of the Border Patrol in 1924.
As reported by Breitbart Texas, nearly 2 million apprehensions were made by Customs and Border Protection nationwide in FY 2021.
Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him |
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To: samwarner who wrote (751900) | 10/17/2021 9:27:22 PM | From: Joachim K | | | Napoleon was based on Joseph Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953. He is presumed to be named after the French emperor Napoleon. Napoleon and Snowball mirror the relationship between Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Trotsky supported Permanent Revolution (just as Snowball advocated overthrowing other farm owners), while Stalin supported socialism in one country (similar to Napoleon's idea of teaching the animals to use firearms, instead). When it seems Snowball will win the election for his plans, Napoleon calls in the dogs he has raised to chase Snowball from the farm. This is the first time the dogs have been seen since Napoleon took them in and raised them to act as his secret police.
Later on, after ostracising Snowball, Napoleon orders the construction of the windmill, which had been designed by Snowball and which Napoleon had opposed vigorously (just as Stalin opposed Trotsky's push for large scale industrialisation, then adopted it as a policy when Trotsky was in exile), so as to show the animals that he could be just as inventive as Snowball. The other animals are told it was Napoleon's ideas and that Snowball had stolen it. When the primitive windmill collapses after a storm, due to Napoleon's poor planning (a reference to Stalin's backward approach to the Five-Year Plans), Napoleon blames Snowball and starts a wave of terror (a reference to the Great Purge). During this period, he orders the execution of several of the animals after coercing their "confessions" of wrongdoing. He then commands the building of a second, stronger windmill, while severely cutting rations of the animals, except those of the pigs and dogs.
Napoleon later makes a deal with Frederick (similar to the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact shortly before World War II). Frederick tricks Napoleon by paying him for a load of timber with counterfeit money and then invading the farm (much as Germany broke its pact and invaded the Soviet Union). During the Battle of the Windmill, the windmill is destroyed; although the animals win, they pay a high price. Napoleon attempts to cover the losses by stating it was a grand victory for the animals.
Although Napoleon exhorts the other animals to fight and die for the good of the farm, he himself is a coward and a lazy one at that, in contrast to Snowball, who was more concerned with the welfare of his animal friends than his power. Napoleon uses corrupt historical revisionism to portray himself as a hero, claiming responsibility for the animals' victory in the Battle of the Cowshed, when in reality it was Snowball who had performed heroic acts in this battle. Snowball's acts are denigrated through baldfaced lies about him collaborating with Jones all along and openly supporting Jones during the battle. Snowball was wounded in the back by buckshot, but it is claimed Napoleon inflicted the wounds with his teeth. Napoleon spends most of his time inside, giving his orders through other pigs, like the cunning orator Squealer, who helps spread support for him and changes the commandments. Napoleon declares the farm a republic, and a president is elected; as the only candidate, Napoleon is elected unanimously.
During his time in power he also, through Squealer, secretly changes the Seven Commandments' prohibition against killing, drinking, and sleeping in beds, allowing his followers and him to break the original commandments, because the other animals (except for Benjamin, the cynical donkey) are not clever enough to notice, or they blame their own memories if they think they have noticed.
Ultimately, Napoleon becomes an oppressive dictator and begins to adopt many aspects of human behaviour. The pigs start walking on their hind legs, drinking alcohol, wearing clothes, and carrying whips near the end of the book. The commandments are changed to say, famously, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." The maxim, "Four legs good, two legs bad." is changed to "Four legs good, two legs better."
The novel ends with Napoleon meeting with Pilkington of Foxwood Farm and other farmers, who claim the animals here work longer for less food than on other farms they have seen. Napoleon tells the other farmers that he has decided to abolish the use of "comrade" and declares that the farm shall revert to its original name of Manor Farm. Pilkington and he, just after declaring their similarities, fight after they both draw an ace of spades at a card game. The pigs have become so much like humans, both in behaviour and appearance, that the animals watching through a window from the outside cannot tell man and pig apart.
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