Watching people trying to use a viral epidemic as a revolutionary weapon - and all the lying - it's all terribly frustrating. But - screw them. Their game is almost up. A couple of weeks ago I came back from a trip to Portugal. They had all kinds of rules, masks in various public places… all the usual nonsense. But, their fatality rate was about 5 people a day - out of a population of about 10.3 million. Right now, I’m visiting in Nassau county NY. Population is about 1.2 million. Their recent average death rate from CoViD was just about 1 person daily.
As far as CoViD is concerned, it is no longer a huge, scary public health concern - that is over. It’s in the rear view mirror.
I have a pretty good understanding about what’s going on with the vaccines (outside of the vicious - and likely, illegal - pressure from our authoritarian rulers). Half a year or so out, the vaccine still offers some protection against getting the disease - and fairly significant protection against getting the disease in a severe form. The claim that 100% of the public have to be vaccinated in order to control the epidemic - is a dumb lie. So is the claim that the vaccines are better than natural immunity. People should not be forced to be vaccinated - that’s probably illegal. As it is unnecessary from a public health POV. Parents who want their kids vaccinated should be advised about potentially serious side effects - as well as about the rather questionable risk / benefit outcomes.
All those mask and vaccine wars served as a distraction from the border issues, Afghanistan… and other worrisome news. |