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To: Lane3 who wrote (66707)9/22/2004 5:12:14 PM
From: TimF
   of 789799
Because there is a consensus that axe murderers are absolutely barbaric while there isn't a consensus that suicide bombings of busses and restaurants is absolutely barbaric. I understand that you are asserting the latter but I doubt that even you really believe that. If it were absolutely barbaric, then there would be no circumstance, no scenario, in which you could tolerate the practice.

If there is any situation that justifies suicide bombings, that same situation would justify ax murder. The method used doesn't change the moral implications of the act. Either its ok to be biased against suicide bombers, or its not ok to be biased against ax murderers.


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To: Lane3 who wrote (66707)9/22/2004 5:12:55 PM
From: TimF
   of 789799
Del duplicate

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To: Ish who wrote (72426)9/22/2004 5:13:27 PM
From: haqihana
   of 789799
Why fix it if it ain't broke? What's wrong with the current site?

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To: Captain Jack who wrote (72585)9/22/2004 5:17:21 PM
From: Sig
   of 789799
Good one, Jack, LOL

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To: Lane3 who wrote (66707)9/22/2004 5:23:22 PM
From: TimF
   of 789799

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To: haqihana who wrote (72646)9/22/2004 5:41:18 PM
From: Ish
   of 789799
My take is they're running out of storage plus want some return on investment. I can't blame them, I've been free since '95. I'll pay to get the search feature.

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To: Lane3 who wrote (66919)9/22/2004 5:46:36 PM
From: TimF
   of 789799
...using every bit of breath you had and every tactic available to fight off the commies or the Martians or Islamicists or whatever aliens were the enemy du jour. Personally, I'm sure I could never go so far as to specifically target little kids, but I think that I could target marketplaces if I truly believed my cause was just and existential, if I thought the tactic could be effective, and if there was no conventional alternative.

If your targeting enemy military or leadership at the marketplace you could reasonably argue you where engaged in guerilla war and not terrorism. Where it gets a little fuzzy is how big of legitimate target has to be there to be aimed at versus how much "collateral damage". If your just trying to kill people affiliated with the enemy, whether or not they are military or operate in support of, or in command of the military (which in this context would include militias, terrorist groups, para-military units, maybe police, not just soldiers in an organized national army) than you clearly are committing terrorism, but what about when you blow up a marketplace with 100 innocent people to kill one enemy private?

We could examine the exact boundary but that isn't my main point in this post. Which is that suicide bombing that isn't terrorism is possible, and indeed has happened (for example Kamikaze attacks were a form of suicide bombing). It is easier (although not easy) to imagine myself in a situation where I would attack "the commies, or the Martians or Islamiscists" using suicide bombing tactics, than it is to imagine a situation where I would become a terrorist suicide bomber against them.


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To: Brian Sullivan who wrote (72608)9/22/2004 5:59:44 PM
From: Captain Jack
   of 789799
<<""When internationally respected Islamic personalities like Yusuf Islam and Professor Tariq Ramadan are denied entry to the United States, it sends the disturbing message that even moderate and mainstream Muslims will now be treated like terrorists," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR.">> Gee-- maybe this guy is correct. Maybe we should just cut their head-off..Oh-- hope they put this clowns name on a 'watch list'.. No one whines like the guilty.

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To: LindyBill who started this subject9/22/2004 6:05:40 PM
From: SiouxPal
   of 789799
Bumper sticker of the day: If Republicans don't send your jobs overseas, they'll send your kids.
The good news about Bush is... well....he has absolutely quit cocaine, and will never do it again, plus he only eats soft pretzels now.
That's two good things about George.


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To: LindyBill who started this subject9/22/2004 6:08:57 PM
From: SiouxPal
   of 789799
Bush is strong about having 3 debates!

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