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To: D. Long who wrote (219915)9/16/2007 1:18:48 PM
From: JDN
   of 789928
Just what we need, another attorney in this country. Congrats to you anyhow. jdn

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To: D. Long who wrote (219915)9/16/2007 1:35:31 PM
From: carranza2
   of 789928
Congratulations, I still remember the joy of finding out I had passed though it happened a long time ago.

What is in your future for now?

Any kind of judicial clerkship would be the best thing, IMO.

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To: Bearcatbob who wrote (219908)9/16/2007 1:41:55 PM
From: skinowski
   of 789928
Kerry is a complete idiot - it is a shame his dumb joke took him out of the campaign.

Tend to agree. Kerry has the mannerisms of a thoughtful, intelligent person. In his case, it takes a looong time to figure out that he is neither. But by then it is too late.

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To: Big Black Swan who wrote (219909)9/16/2007 2:22:02 PM
From: skinowski
   of 789928
This is probably related:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is keeping close watch on Syria and North Korea, the Pentagon chief said Sunday, amid suspicions the Koreans are possibly cooperating with Syria on a nuclear facility.

"I think it would be a real problem," Defense Secretary Robert Gates said when asked how the Bush administration would view such an effort.

A senior U.S. nuclear official said Friday that North Koreans were in Syria and that Syria may have had contacts with "secret suppliers" to obtain nuclear equipment.

Andrew Semmel, acting deputy assistant secretary of state for nuclear nonproliferation policy, did not identify the suppliers, but said North Koreans were in Syria and that he could not exclude that the network run by the disgraced Pakistan nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan may have been involved.

Gates was asked in a broadcast interview whether Syria was involved in a covert nuclear program with North Korea's assistance.

"I'm not going to get into things that may involve intelligence matters, but all I will say is we are watching the North Koreans very carefully. We watch the Syrians very carefully," Gates said.

He added, "If such an activity were taking place, it would be a matter of great concern because the president has put down a very strong marker with the North Koreans about further proliferation efforts. And obviously, any effort by the Syrians to pursue weapons of mass destruction would be a concern for us."

A state-run newspaper in Syria said in an editorial Sunday that "the magnitude of these false accusations might be a prelude to a new aggression against Syria." Al-Thawra said suggestion of such nuclear cooperation was "a flagrant lie."

North Korea's minister to the country's U.N. mission in New York, Kim Myong Gil, has dismissed the Syria allegation as "groundless," South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted Kim as saying.

This week, negotiators from six nations plan to meet in Beijing to discuss ways to disable North Korea's nuclear reactor.

North Korea agreed in a February accord to scrap its nuclear programs in return for political concessions and aid. The North has shut down its Yongbyon nuclear facility and negotiators are now discussing the next phase of the agreement: disclosing and disabling all nuclear facilities, which the North recently agreed to do by the end of the year.

Gates spoke on "Fox News Sunday."

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To: D. Long who wrote (219915)9/16/2007 2:29:54 PM
From: Glenn Petersen
   of 789928
Congratulations on passing the bar exam. I learned a long time ago that there is nothing as valuable as an intelligent, competent, detail oriented, ethical attorney. I trust that you will meet those criteria. Good luck.

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To: ManyMoose who wrote (219910)9/16/2007 2:48:58 PM
From: KLP
   of 789928
Oh what sad news~~ NOT! OJ has just been arrested for Armed Robbery....

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy!

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To: John Carragher who wrote (219869)9/16/2007 2:53:26 PM
From: KLP
   of 789928
Just shows all of us how little the Dems stand for....Most of them have Hated GWB since before the 2000 election....and they just continue to ramp it up.

No reason.

Nothing concrete.

Just HATE.

It would be much more constructive if these same idiot groups would go over and rid the world of the murdering barbarian terrorist organizations.


Many of them ARE the murdering barbarian terrorists.

And the Dems support them.

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To: Snowshoe who wrote (219873)9/16/2007 2:54:50 PM
From: KLP
   of 789928
Perhaps Snowshoe....BUT do you (or any of them) think for one second the Dems will be more fiscally conservative.


Where's that Bridge when we need it?

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To: skinowski who wrote (219885)9/16/2007 3:00:12 PM
From: KLP
   of 789928
I don't think McCain thinks its possible either, but rather the only way the LeftWing MSM would even give him a second of sound bite.

Of course the Democrats aren't going to repudiate MoveOn....they are by now too much in bed with them. All Americans, of whatever stripe, had better open their eyes soon, unless of course, they want Soros and the One World Society to run (and ruin) America.

I truly hope I'm not around to see that.

It's disgraceful, it's got to be retracted and condemned by the Democrats, and ought to be thrown out of this country."

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To: Bearcatbob who wrote (219896)9/16/2007 3:05:25 PM
From: KLP
   of 789928
Funny thing....When I saw that, I thought the same thing about McCain.

IMO, the two major issues of the day are stopping terrorism from coming to our shores, or the shores of our allies, with major WMD, and the second is regulating who is coming in through our borders.

So far the Dems have proven they are soft on terrorism....all lip and no stick...

and most of the Dems have always been for open borders -(aka Soros)

The article I posted about Eisenhower and the Operation Wetback of the 50's certainly shows that party to be the cause of some of our troubles today.

Message 23870430

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