WEEK 17 Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis New England -14.5 At NY Giants
Updated with Glen and Fuzzy's picks which were skipped over.
1) Tom C - 15 Tenn/NE 2) Gloop - 15 Colts/NE I'm picking for Gloop - he can change if he wants before the beginning of tonight's game 3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats 4) Rudi - 20 Indy / Giants 5) Glenn - 14 Tennessee/New England 6) Richardred 23 Titans/Giants made in a PM dated 12/28 12:04 AM EST 7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants 8) Fuzzy - 19 INDY/NY 9) JakeStraw - 24 Tennessee/New York (richard made his pick before you posted yours) 10) longnshort - 20 ...indy, NE 11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE 12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats 13) SE – 15 Titans/Giants 14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys 15) Bill – 18 Indy/NE 16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England 17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats 18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York 19) Tim - 16 Titans/Giants |