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   PastimesThe new NFL

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To: SE who wrote (20573)12/28/2007 12:33:18 PM
From: Nemer
   of 84214
Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

1) Tom C - 15
2) Gloop - 15
3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats
4) Rudi - 20
5) Glenn - 14
6) Richardred 23 PM to Carolyn with named teams
7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants
8) Fuzzy - 19
9) JakeStraw - 24
10) longnshort - 20 PM to my Lawyer for the up coming class action suit
11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE
12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats
13) SE – 15
14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys
15) Bill – 18
16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England
17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats
18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York
19) Tim - 16

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To: SE who wrote (20573)12/28/2007 12:44:32 PM
From: Nemer
   of 84214
Scoot ..

as I've had a bad cold since Christmas Eve and really didn't get to enjoy all the family visitors I still had a great holiday....
I didn't even think of the contest until this morning.

so, here is what I'm setting as the line with NO thought process involved *( of course that'll still be enough to prevail over YOU most likely .. hehehehehehe)
I'll just go with the line that has been posted as this is definitely akin to a preseason game .....

difference in scores are totally in the hands of Dungy and Belechick

Fisher will really try to win and that spook for the Midgets will not even know if the ball is stuffed up or blowed up

Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

I can't believe all the pettyassedpissing coming from Jake ...

not hard to see why he is on ignore by a BIG bunch of folks

... damn .. this is a fun thing, not a dickmeasure ...

makes me wonder if I'll even enter next year

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To: Nemer who wrote (20574)12/28/2007 12:48:29 PM
From: SE
   of 84214
Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

1) Tom C - 15
2) Gloop - 15
3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats
4) Rudi - 20
5) Glenn - 14
6) Richardred 23 PM to Carolyn with named teams
7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants
8) Fuzzy - 19
9) JakeStraw - 24
10) longnshort - 20 PM to my Lawyer for the up coming class action suit
11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE
12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats
13) SE – 15 Titans/Giants
14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys
15) Bill – 18
16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England
17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats
18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York
19) Tim - 16

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To: Nemer who wrote (20575)12/28/2007 12:52:18 PM
From: SE
   of 84214
He he....since I picked opposite you in the normal thread contest, I will do the same for our contest since you did not change the spreads any.

About Jake...I am not really engaged in that discussion at all, nor can I find it anywhere in me to take it all too seriously. I know I won't win any biggest dick contests, whether it is this football thingy, or actual measurements! :) I may be short, but at least I'm thin.

Hope your New Year is better than your Christmas! Have a good one.


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To: SE who wrote (20577)12/28/2007 1:30:11 PM
From: Nemer
   of 84214
Christmas was still verrrrrrry enjoyable, albeit I sneezed and blew my nose a bunch .... stayed away from the group but really had a great time just listening (something I don't do a lot... gggg)

I wasn't alone with the cold ... Tavi, S-I-L and daughter along with me ....

with everyone gone home except for Tavi the house really seems quiet with lots of food left over... I'll spend part of today bagging and freezing ....

weather has been pretty good the past few afternoons ... chilly (40s) in the morning but afternoons have warmed up to 60s .. suppose that is about what it is in the land of the frozen tundra MINUS twenty or thirty degrees ... LOL

you're thin and short

hell ... I'm fat, short, bald, ugly, old, blind, deaf, stupid, and posess a few other non appealing attributes .... ROFLMAO

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To: Nemer who wrote (20575)12/28/2007 1:33:55 PM
From: JakeStraw
   of 84214
>>I can't believe all the pettyassedpissing coming from Jake ...

Gee sorry to waste your ever so valuable time... I for one thought I had a legitimate gripe and voiced it. Excuse me!
The real baby was the ever so 'clever' richardred who realized he slit his own throat with his original pick and then backed down like a spineless weenie with the blessing of Carolyn .

>>not hard to see why he is on ignore by a BIG bunch of folks

Hard to see why you're NOT...

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From: Carolyn12/28/2007 1:52:55 PM
   of 84214
To All:

Please note item #5 in the header

5. Rudi and I make the rules. No arguments.

I am going to add a rule: Be nice to each other.

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To: SE who wrote (20576)12/28/2007 1:55:10 PM
From: Bill
   of 84214
Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

1) Tom C - 15
2) Gloop - 15
3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats
4) Rudi - 20
5) Glenn - 14
6) Richardred 23 PM to Carolyn with named teams
7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants
8) Fuzzy - 19
9) JakeStraw - 24
10) longnshort - 20 PM to my Lawyer for the up coming class action suit
11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE
12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats
13) SE – 15 Titans/Giants
14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys
15) Bill – 18 Indy/NE
16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England
17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats
18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York
19) Tim - 16

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To: Bill who wrote (20581)12/28/2007 3:17:04 PM
From: JakeStraw
   of 84214
Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

1) Tom C - 15
2) Gloop - 15
3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats
4) Rudi - 20
5) Glenn - 14
6) Richardred 23 PM to Carolyn with named teams
7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants
8) Fuzzy - 19
9) JakeStraw - 24 Tennessee/New York (No PM necessary - May be be subject to change if richardred changes his picks for the 3rd time and gets away with it)
10) longnshort - 20 PM to my Lawyer for the up coming class action suit
11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE
12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats
13) SE – 15 Titans/Giants
14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys
15) Bill – 18 Indy/NE
16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England
17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats
18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York
19) Tim - 16

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To: SE who wrote (20573)12/28/2007 7:07:09 PM
From: sandintoes
   of 84214
It's not really changing the rules as the play offs have always been played differently from the regular season, and have also been played both ways, so it is a matter of which way most want to set it up. Personally, I think it is more fun and more of a challenge to pick all the games.

It doesn't matter to me, as I can't win a cap it is up to the board.

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